Chapter 23: The Dreaded Truth

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Annette didn't know what to say. She was just completely speechless. Noir noticed her expression. He bowed his head sadly. She just witnessed what had happened to him, so he had to tell her everything.

"I've never wanted to tell you any of this, because I dreaded for your safety." he said forlornly. "I feared that Mother Goose would harm you." Annette narrowed her eyes. She felt anger replacing her sadness. "Then why didn't you before?" she said in an angry snarl. Noir opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped.

"What's the matter? You mute or something?" said Annette, raising her voice. "'s because...I....uh" Noir struggled to say something. "I'm waiting, Noir." said Annette crossly. She was getting impatient. "Please don't try to rush me. This is..." Noir sighed. "This is something I desperately wanted to avoid talking about."

Annette's glare disappeared. Her anger subsided. "Something you wanted to avoid talking about? Is it like a family matter or something?" she asked curiously. Noir shook his head. "No, it's a bit complicated to explain..."

He sighed. "Very well. I shall tell you everything." He faced Annette with a sad expression on his face. "It started a millennium ago." he said, starting his story. "When I was just a little kitten, a young woman found me. She was young and beautiful, just like you. Her name was Amelia. She took me to her fiancee, a young handsome man. He was Count Edmond Harrington. He was a nobleman who met Amelia and he fell hopelessly in love with her.

The young couple loved and spoiled me. They gave me a sweet basket with a soft feather pillow and cat toys. We were very happy together, until one dark tragic day before their marriage, Amelia was killed in an accident.

After her death, my master, Edmond was so overwhelmed with immense grief that he locked himself away in his chateau. But I remained close to my master's side, giving him as much comfort through his grief as a little kitten could. I was never far from his side and he became accustomed to my presence. When I was older, an old woman mysteriously came to our house.

She claimed that she can help Edmond rid of his misery. So she gave him three objects. A wooden cane, a silver ring and a golden cat bell."

"So that old lady was Mother Goose?" asked Annette. "Precisely." said Noir. "And that cat bell around your neck, along with the cane and ring was a Cursery object?" Noir nodded. "Exactly." Then he continued: "She told my master that his love can be resurrected with the silver ring in his hand.

After Mother Goose gave Edmond the three Cursery objects, I was able to transform into a human and be able to speak with my master and to keep him company. In addition, I was offered immortality, so long as I kept the bell on my collar and stayed out of direct moonlight.

However, the Cursery Objects have a negative effect on those who make use of them. From that time on, at his request, I would hunt down every young maiden that bore a similarity to Amelia and bring them to him."

Annette couldn't believe what she just heard. "What?!" she asked disbelievingly. Noir lowered his head in utter shame.

"It is the truth. My master was absolutely convinced that Amelia could be resurrected through another woman's body that he started abducting young girls around her age." "What?" asked Annette in disbelief. After a few moments of silence, Annette decided to break the silence. She was willing to take the risk of knowing the dreadful, dark truth.

"What happened to those girls that the Crooked Man kidnapped?" she asked in a soft whisper.

Noir took a deep breath. "They were transformed into lifeless puppets. Once the Crooked Man placed the wedding ring on her finger, her flesh will become carved wood and she will be silent forever." Annette's eyes widened. What he said made her heart stop.

Noir noticed her shocked expression. "It's the truth." he said. A grave silence hung in the air. Annette just stared at Noir on disbelief, her mouth agape, thoughts running through her mind. "I don't believe it! Noir has been helping the Crooked Man kidnap young girls and turning them into puppets?" she thought in alarm. Then Noir glanced at Annette with a strange look in his eyes. He approached her. Slowly, she stood up and backed away, scared. Then, she started to run off.

"Annette, wait!" yelled Noir. He ran after her, reached out and grabbed her wrist. Annette struggled to break free. "Let me go!" she cried. "Annette, calm down. Listen to me." said Noir. "No, I won't! Just leave me alone! Let go!" cried Annette. She wanted to get out. She wanted to escape from his crazy cat's grasp. But she couldn't. His grip was like iron. She can't break free. Suddenly, Noir pulled Annette close to him. He wrapped her in an embrace and hugged her. "Noir...!" Annette gasped. "Please, don't!" She tried to squirm out of Noir's embrace, but Noir held her tight.

Annette began to sob. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Please, Noir!" she begged as she wept. "Don't kill me! I don't want to die! Don't take me to the Crooked Man!" "Shh." Noir softly shushed her. Then Annette heard a strange soft rumble coming from his throat. She didn't want to believe it at first, but the sound he made was unmistakable. He was purring. Annette was amazed. Even though he was in human form, he can still purr like a cat.

Annette wanted to get out of Noir's embrace and leave. But she suddenly felt calm. The fear and anxiety started to disappear and calmness settled over her. Noir hugged Annette tightly as she snuggled against his chest. Annette smiled and sighed contentedly. Unfortunately, the calm moment didn't last long. Annette got her bearings and pushed Noir away from her. She backed away and quickly unsheathed the Rose Sword.

She pointed the sword at Noir, her eyes focused on him. They stared at each other. There was an intense moment between them. Then Annette broke the silence. "How were you able to do that?" she asked incredulously. "Do what?" asked Noir. "You were able to calm me. When I heard your purr, I suddenly felt calm."

"I purred to appease your anger and fear. But there's something you should know." said Noir. Annette raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and what might that be?" she asked.

"I know the deed that I did was unforgivable. Completely reprehensible that one could never designate. I highly apologize for the horror I revealed to you. After my master passed away, I was lost and alone. I have no friends. Everywhere I went, I am despised, feared and unloved."

Annette never expected this, but it was clear that Noir was utterly ashamed of his deeds. "Now that you have learned of the horrors of my past, if you wish to end my life, you have the right to do so." said Noir, tears streaming down his face.

"Noir..." said Annette. "I...I really don't know what to say. But one thing's for sure. I don't hate you at all." Noir looked up at her in surprise. "I forgive you for what you did. Even though it was unimaginably awful, it's in the past. What's past is past. You claimed me as your lady and mistress, and I will do anything to help you and this world. So how can we beat Mother Goose?" Noir wiped away his tears and smiled at her.

"First of all, I'd like you to seal a pact with me." he said. Annette raised an eyebrow. "What? But I thought we did that already." "The pact we made earlier was merely a mock. However, there is a true pact in which you can make me your loyal servant." said Noir. "Oh, yeah? What's that?"

"Try to steal my cat bell." said Noir as he took of his collar and held out his enchanted cat bell. "If you succeed in stealing my cat bell from me, I shall humbly be your loyal servant." But before they could even begin, a shadow loomed over them. They turned and saw...The Crooked Man!

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