Chapter 20: Into Mother Goose's Lair

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Annette practiced in the garden while Hoots and Hickory watched her while drinking tea. "Wow! She's learning fast! I'm impressed!" said Hickory.

"Indeed. She's becoming a skilled swordswoman. I'm also impressed by how dedicated she is towards the responsibility of being a Rose Guardian." said Hoot, sipping his tea.

"Can you pass me the cookies, please? I'm starving." asked Hickory, reaching out for a sugar cookie on the plate. But Hoots lifted the cookie plate away from his reach. "Absolutely not! You'll get a stomachache if you eat too many sweets." said Hoots. "Oh, come on! Just one, please!" said Hickory, reaching for the plate of cookies.

But Hoots kept pulling the plate away from Hickory's grasp. "I said, no!" he said in utter annoyance. "I said, gimme!" said Hickory, greedily licking his lips.

"Oh, confound it!"

They started to squabble noisily. "Hey! Could you guys be quiet, please? I'm trying to concentrate!" said Annette. "Oh, sorry!" said Hickory and Hoots in unison. They headed into the chateau.

Annette thought of nothing except Noir. All of her nerves are on edge. She wanted to practice hard enough to be able to save him. "I can't give up on him! I only have 6 hours till nightfall. I can't waste any time! I have to be prepared!" she said to herself.

Little did she know that a large raven, perched on a tree branch was watching her practice. The raven flew down and dropped something on the lawn.

Annette heard something drop to the ground. She turned and saw a rolled-up piece of paper on the grass. "Where did this come from?" she wondered. She unfurled the parchment. It was a message...from Mother Goose! "Come over to the Chateau de Harrington by moonrise. If you value the cat's life, come alone. You know exactly what I want."

Annette's eyes narrowed. "Oh, I'll be there, all right." she grumbled. She ran towards the chateau. "Hoots, Hickory! Come quick!" she yelled.

Hoots and Hickory ran downstairs. "What is it?" Hoots asked. Annette showed them the parchment. "I've received a letter from Mother Goose." Hoots and Hickory looked at the message. "To come alone?" Hoots said worriedly. "It's too dangerous to go alone! You need to be accompanied by someone!" "I volunteer! I'll go with you, sweetie! I'll protect you!" Hickory said bravely.

"No. The message clearly said 'Come alone'. I'm going alone. I can face her myself." Annette said. "But, Annette," Hickory said. "You could get hurt!" "Hickory's right. It's far too perilous to go off alone. Please, take Hickory with you." Hoots added. Annette paused.

"They're worried for my safety? Wow. I've never thought they'd be so caring." she thought, smiling softly. Then, she turned to them. "I'm not afraid of her. I've learned everything I need to wield the Rose Sword properly. I'm not gonna let Noir suffer in her grasp. Also, I won't let the sword fall into her hands!" she said confidently.

Then, she flashed them a confident grin. Hoots and Hickory were surprised by Annette's burst of confidence. "Wow! I didn't know you're so brave! Man, I'm totally over her!" gushed Hickory. Hoots knew she was right. Noir needed her. After all, she is his mistress. But she saw Noir more than just a servant. She saw him as a faithful friend and loyal companion.

"I understand completely. You are Noir's mistress and you are willing to help him as he would you." he said, nodding.

"So where is this Chateau de Harrington?" Annette asked. "It's in your enchanted map." Hoots said. After he said those words, the map scroll magically appeared in her hand. Annette unfurled the scroll and looked at the map.

"There!" she said, pointing to a picture of a chateau close to the ocean. "Chateau de Harrington. It's close to the Moonstone Cliffs by the Vastica Sea." said Hoots. "Take that road. It's the quickest way to Moonstone Cliffs. You will reach the Chateau de Harrington by nightfall. But beware: The forest surrounding it is a maze. Good luck, my dear. And be careful."

Annette hugged him. "I will. Thanks." she said, smiling. "Yeah, good luck, kiddo!" said Hickory, hugging Annette. "Thanks, you guys. Well, I'd better get going. Bye."

She started to walk down the road that would take her to the chateau. "Goodbye! And good luck!" said Hoots and Hickory.

Annette walked down the road on her way to the Chateau de Harrington, where dangers lie ahead of her. As the sun began to set behind the hills, Annette walked through the dark Crooked Woods, reading the map to guide her through the woods.

After a few twists and turns, she finally reached the gates of the Chateau de Harrington. She looked around, then she pushed open the gates.

Inside the chateau grounds, she saw that the garden was beautiful just like Hoots Manor's, even though weeds overran it. The once-beautiful chateau was now a spooky, old, crumbling ruin.

"I bet it was beautiful back in its heyday." Annette thought. She cautiously stepped forward towards the chateau. She looked around cautiously, preparing herself for whatever nasty surprises are in store for her.

Inside the chateau, looking from the window, a silhouette was watching her. "It seems our little guest has arrived." she said with an evil grin. She turned to Jacques. "Jacques, go greet our guest properly."

"With pleasure, Mistress." the Crooked Mouse said, baring his crooked teeth wickedly. Annette looked around. The garden was unnaturally still and quiet. No crickets chirped, no frog croaked. When the silence became unbearable, Annette unsheathed her sword.

"Mother Goose, I'm here!" she yelled fiercely. "Show yourself! Come out, wherever you are!" There wasn't any response. Annette was getting nervous. She gripped the sword so tightly, her knuckles turned white. Suddenly, from behind her, the chateau's doors suddenly opened.

"Come in." said a raspy voice. The hairs on Annette's neck stood on end.

Cautiously, she walked up the flight of stairs towards the chateau doors. When she entered the chateau, she entered into a large dark, dusty ballroom, shrouded in cobwebs. She looked around. The shaggy wallpaper was starting to peel away and the double spiral staircases were also shrouded in cobwebs. "This place looks beautiful, even though it looks like a dump." thought Annette.

Suddenly, the chateau doors suddenly closed behind her. The sound was so loud, Annette nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned and saw the closed chateau doors. "Wow, that was loud!" she thought.

"Welcome to my mistress's humble abode, my dear. She's expecting you." a raspy voice said. Annette saw a shadow move in the darkness. Startled, she backed away and pointed her sword at the darkness.

Suddenly, the chandelier above started to shine, flooding the room with light. Annette looked around. The room, despite the cobwebs and decay, was incredibly elegant and beautiful.

But Annette stood on her guard and looked around. She knew that Mother Goose could have set a trap for her. She wasn't taking any chances.

She prepared herself for whatever surprises lay in store for her. "Hello, dear girlie." a familiar voice said. Annette turned and saw Mother Goose standing in the middle of the room, Jacques by her side.

Annette pointed her sword at her. "I'm here for my friend! Let him go!" she said boldly.

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