Chapter 21: A Wager and a Duel

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Mother Goose didn't flinch. She just stared at Annette and Annette stared back. It was a staring contest between the two. Annette was getting nervous. Her knees started to shake. But she forced them to stop. "Don't show your fear, Annette. Never show them you're afraid. Be brave, for Noir." she thought to herself.

"I can see you trembling in fear. You're afraid of me. That's good." said Mother Goose, smiling wickedly.

Annette glared at her. "I'm not afraid of an old hag like you!" she growled. She firmly pointed the Rose Sword at her. "I've came here to challenge you to a duel!" "Oh, what sort of duel?" asked Mother Goose slyly.

"You really want the Rose Sword that badly? Just try and take it! If you can beat me at a swordfight duel!" Jacques' eyes widened. "A duel?" he asked. He was silent for a moment. Then, he cackled. "Ha, ha, ha! A duel! You foolish girl! You are no match for my mistresses' powers! What an outlandish notion! It's so amusing!"

But, Mother Goose didn't laugh. Instead, she looked at Annette like she was expecting her to say that. If it's one thing she can never refuse, it's a challenge. A very good challenge. But, she never, ever plays fair. A sly smile played on her lips.

"A duel? How interesting. I gladly accept your offer." she said. Jacques stopped laughing and looked at Mother Goose in shock. "Mistress, are you certain you want her to duel with you?" he asked.

Mother Goose nodded. "Absolutely. Let's see how well you can go against me." she said. Annette suddenly raised her hand. "Hold on! I have a wager to make with you."

Mother Goose raised her eyebrows in anticipation. This was becoming more interesting. "Oh? And what would your wager be?" she asked, trying to hide her eagerness.

"My wager will be this: If I win, you'll give me back Noir, safe and unharmed and you'll leave us alone." said Annette. "And if you lose?" asked Mother Goose slyly. Annette hesitated. She knew what the outcome will be if she loses the wager.

"I'll give you the Rose Sword and surrender myself." she reluctantly said. She couldn't help herself. Noir is depending on her. His life is in her hands.

There was no turning back. Mother Goose smiled. "Wise choice. Well then, let the duel commence." She raised her cane. Bright light surrounded the cane, and then it dispersed. A long sword took place in her hand.

The air was filled with suspense as Annette and Mother Goose faced each other. After a few seconds of staring, Annette slowly stepped forward. And then...Clash! The two swords met.

A fierce and ferocious fight ensued. Mother Goose swung her sword at Annette, but Annette blocked her attack. The adrenaline rushed in her veins and sweat dripped down her forehead. Using and learning the moves Hoots taught her, she parried, riposted and lunged.

Suddenly, she knocked Mother Goose's sword from her hand. The sword clattered on the floor. Annette pointed the Rose Sword at Mother Goose. "You lose. Let my friend go." she said sternly. Mother Goose just simply smiled. "Very well."

She waved her hand. In a puff of smoke, Noir appeared, wrapped in chains. "Noir!" Annette cried joyfully. She ran towards Noir and hugged him tight.

"You okay? She didn't hurt you, did she?" she asked a bit worriedly. "I'm fine. Do not worry about me." said Noir. "Oh, thank goodness!" Annette sighed in relief. "Such a sweet tender moment. And you believe you have won? How foolishly naïve." said Mother Goose. Annette glared at Mother Goose. "A deal's a deal! I won, fair and square. Let him go." she said.

Mother Goose suddenly cackled. "Ha, ha, ha! You silly girl! You forgot, didn't you?" Annette was confused. She raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I don't understand." she asked. "You've only just won the match, but the real battle begins." Mother Goose cackled.

Then she waved her hand in the air once again. Dark magic surrounded her and Jacques. Then they disappeared. The chains surrounding Noir also disappeared. Annette looked at Noir. A stern glare was in his eyes.

"Noir, what did she mean, the real battle?" Annette asked. "She meant that even if you win, she'll still try to get the Rose Sword." he said. Annette was shocked. "What? That's not fair!" she protested. "It isn't fair when you play a challenge with Mother Goose. She never plays fair." Noir said.

Annette couldn't believe it! Mother Goose doesn't play fair. She played her for a fool! Angered, she clenched her fists. "She won't get away with this!" she said angrily. Noir looked around the large ballroom. He shuddered a bit. "This place has cursed memories..." he thought. Memories started to flood his mind. His master ordering him to guard the chateau, then the part where he was turned into... "You okay?" asked Annette, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Of course. I was just reminiscing." said Noir. Then he turned to Annette. "Annette, give me the Rose Sword." "Why?" asked Annette curiously. Noir hesitated. He couldn't tell her. He couldn't tell her about Mother Goose's plot or the threat she made to him if he doesn't comply.

He feared for Annette's life. He couldn't bear to lose a goodhearted friend such as her. He grabbed her hand, pulled her close to him and moved close to her ear. "Just trust me." he whispered. Annette instantly blushed. She could feel his warm breath on her ear as he whispered. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. "Gosh, he's so close!" she thought. She could feel her heart skip a beat.

Noir then pulled away from her. Annette just stared at him in amazement. Then, Noir held up his furry hand. In his hand was the Rose Sword. "Hey! You sneaky cat!" said Annette. Noir just smiled and winked at her, turned into his cat form and ran towards the staircase. Annette followed suit. They ran up the staircase, but when they reached the top, the old floorboard gave way underneath Annette and she fell. She grasped onto the wooden boards.

"Help! Noir, help me!" she yelled. She struggled to climb back up, but she kept slipping. Noir noticed her situation and ran back to help her. "Don't worry. I'll save you." said Noir as he grabbed Annette's hand.

When he grabbed her hand, Annette felt a strange sensation run through her. Noir helped her climb up from the hole. "Are you all right?" Noir asked. "Yeah...Thanks." said Annette a bit shakily. "Good. There's a ladder by a window. Let's go." said Noir. They ran through a corridor towards a certain room.

"That's so weird. What was that I just felt?" she thought. "Why did I feel nervous when he touched my hand?" As they reached a room, they ran towards the window.

"So nice to see you again, Noir." a voice suddenly said. They froze and turned around. Noir's eyes widened. Standing before them, hiding in the shadows of the room, was a tall thin figure with a crooked appearance. Annette shivered as she saw the silhouette's eyes glowing blood-red in the darkness.

The figure emerged from the shadows, revealing himself to be a young man. He seemed to be 20 or 30 years old, with platinum-blond hair and smooth, fair skin. He wore formal Victorian clothing, a white shirt with a gray waistcoat and lavender tailcoat, lavender pants and black boots, complete with a top hat.

But what was unsettling about him was his glowing red eyes. Annette noticed Noir's shocked expression when he saw the man in front of him.

"Who is that guy?" Annette thought. Noir stepped forward towards the man, thoughts racing through his mind. "Master?" he asked.

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