Chapter 6: Imaginative Thoughts

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Monday, the last day of school came. After breakfast, Annette headed out the door to school. The black cat tried to follow her, but then Helen grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.

"Oh, no, you don't, Kitty. Cats are not allowed to go to school." she said. Helen then noticed the bell collar on his neck. "That's strange. I didn't notice the collar on you before."

She looked for a tag, but found none. The cat leapt out of her arms and headed to Annette's bedroom.

The cat leapt on the windowsill and unlocked the latch. He pushed the window open and carefully climbed down the cherry tree branch by the window.

He recalled that night when he was on the hunt for prey. He saw the mouse that attacked Annette slip into the dining room window of the Chen's house. He looked around and noticed the cherry tree close to Annette's bedroom window that was open.

He climbed up the tree and crept through the window. That's when he heard Annette yelp in the dining room.

Without any hesitation, he ran down the stairs. The girl saved his life, so he was willing to return the favor. Creeping in the shadows, he lunged at the mouse.

The black cat walked along the sidewalk and discreetly followed Annette to school.

He saw the two other girls, Sarah and Janice catch up with Annie as they headed into the school building.

The black cat then slipped into the bushes, settled down and waited.

In her classroom, Annette thought about the black cat. "That black cat. Somehow, he didn't look like an ordinary cat. When I looked into his eyes, it seemed like there's something almost magical about him."

Magical? How did she get that thought into her head? There's no such thing as magical cats.

"Annette Chen!" a voice suddenly boomed, snapping Annette out of her thoughts.

"Yes?" asked Annette meekly. "I hope you'll pay attention to what I'm going to say because I won't say it twice!" the teacher said strictly. The other students giggled. Annette blushed with embarrassment.

The black cat lay in the bushes, his tail flicking. Three hours passed by and he was becoming bored. So bored that he started to mope around.

Then, he heard some soft coos. He looked and saw some pigeons gathering at the school entrance, eating birdseed on the ground.

A glint shone in the cat's eye. "Ooh, live prey." he thought. With his hunting instincts kicking in, he stalked the pigeons silently. Since he was a cat, he had no trouble sneaking up on the pigeons.

The pigeons were busy eating; they didn't notice the cat creeping up on them.

Then, without warning, the cat lunged at a pigeon and pinned it on the ground with his claws. The other pigeons flew away in a panic.

The cat had his lunch.

When he finished eating, he headed back to the bushes and waited.

Suddenly, the school bell rang. Everybody came out of the school. The black cat saw Annette, Sarah and Janice walking together alongside the bushes. When they came towards him, he leapt out of the bushes and meowed. Annette, Sarah and Janice looked down and saw the cat before them.

"Hey, isn't that the same cat you saved 2 days ago?" asked Sarah. Annie was silent for a moment. "Yeah..." she said. That cat followed her to school and waited for her? Annette couldn't believe it! She was surprised.

"Wait a minute? That cat followed you to school and waited for you?" asked Sarah. "Oh, man! He must be so thankful to you, he wanted you to be his owner!" Annette looked at Sarah in shock. "No, that's not it. He's not really my cat. He's sort of an feral cat. You know, an alley cat."

Sarah raised an eyebrow at Annette. "Oh, really? Then, why does he have a collar? Is it new?"

"You didn't steal him from his owners, did you?" asked Janice worriedly. "No. He doesn't even have a tag. I don't know whose cat he is."

"Maybe his address is engraved in that cat bell." said Sarah. Annette shook her head. "I checked. No address or vaccination."

The cat purred and rubbed against Annette's leg. "Even if he does have any owners, I don't know where they live."

"If he's really a stray cat, how come he has a collar with only an bell and no tag?"

Annette thought for a moment. Then she lowered her voice. "You know you might think it sounds silly, but somehow, I don't think he's an ordinary cat."

"What do you mean, not an ordinary cat?" Sarah asked.

"I didn't want to believe it either, but I think he's a magical cat. Maybe he's a magical being from a far-away land." Annette said.

Sarah and Janice were silent for a moment. Then, Sarah burst out laughing.

"Oh, Annette! You're so funny! A magical cat! That's a good one!" said Sarah hysterically. "Your imagination's really way ahead you! You really should write that down in your stories!"

"Sarah, don't tease Annette." said Janice worriedly. Then, Annette started laughing too. "No, she's right, Janice. It is funny! Even silly."

After Sarah regained her composure, the three girls went their separate ways.

Annette and the black cat walked down the sidewalk. She thought of the words that spouted out from her mouth. One half of her wanted to slap herself mentally for saying something so ridiculous.

But the other half kept giving her the nagging feeling that she was right about what she said. She looked at the black cat and stopped walking. "Where exactly did you come from, Kitty?" she asked.

The cat meowed an unintelligible response. Annette walked over to a nearby park and sat down on the bench.

She sighed. "I think it's silly. To think you're a magical cat. Maybe Sarah's right. Maybe it is far-fetched that I would think of you as a magical being from a far-away land."

"What on Earth was I saying?" said Annette, rolling her eyes. She reached into her backpack and took out her black-leathered sketchbook.

She took out her pen and flipped the pages of her book. She started drawing the fountain in front of her.

She drew the stars and the moon, roses and birds in the background. She was so busy drawing, she didn't notice the sun setting into the horizon.

The black cat watched her draw with intense curiosity. In a way, she reminded him of a woman who could draw with ease. She was just like Annette: beautiful, intelligent, artistic, and imaginative.

"Oh, yes. This would be a piece of cake." thought the cat. Turning his attention towards Annette, he noticed that she was adding the finishing touch: He himself standing in front of the fountain.

Annette then looked up at the sky. "Gosh, I didn't know I stayed out that late! I'd better head home."

Time to get this plan moving.

Just when she was about to sit up, the black cat suddenly grabbed her book in his mouth and ran.

"Hey, get back here!" Annette screamed after him, but he had no intention to stop. Annette groaned and started to run after him.

And so, the chase was on.

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