Chapter 11: Hickory Dickory Dock

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"So, where do we go now?" asked Annette. "Since I will be your guide in this world of fairy tales and nursery rhymes, I can tell you where to go and where not to go."

"Are there dangers that we should avoid?" asked Annette.

"In a way. But there are some dangers that we will have to face. With your sword, you will be able to defeat your foes and cure them from their tainted curses." "What? But I don't know how to swordfight. I never even studied fencing lessons."

"In time, you'll learn how to use your sword properly." said Noir.

Then, Annette started to yawn. Noir noticed. "You're tired, aren't you?" "Yeah." Annette yawned. "It's getting pretty late." "Where can we find a place to stay for the night?" Noir pointed to the crafted silver rose on the hilt of her sword.

"Look at the rose on your sword. Tell it where you want to go. It will show you a map hidden within it."

Annette held up the sword. "Show me the map." she said.

The silver rose on her hilt suddenly began to sparkle with brilliant light. Then the silver metal began to melt away to reveal beautiful crimson rose petals. Then, a bright light shone from the rose and turned into a scroll tied in a sky-blue ribbon.

Annette untied the ribbon and unfurled the scroll. The scroll had beautiful cream-colored paper. Inside was a map of a large continent unlike any continent Annette saw.

"That's a weird-looking map. I've never seen a continent in this shape before." said Annette. "That's because this map is the map of the world of fairy tales, legendary fables and nursery rhymes." Noir explained.

"There are some towns, cities, forests and mountains here." Annette said, pointing at the different locations on the map.

"There's a little town on the east side of the woods. It's called Northington. It's a quaint little town not far from here. We should rest there." Noir said, pointing to a town on the map. "Sounds good." Annette said. "I'll show you the way." Noir said. He transformed into his cat form and led Annette down a forest path towards the distant town of Northington.

When Annette reached the hills overlooking Northington, she saw how beautiful the town was. In the center of the town was a beautiful fountain that sprayed crystal-clear water.

And in the farther side of town was a tall bell tower that reminded Annette of Big Ben.

"Come. We still have a long way to go." Noir said. "I have a friend who lives at the west edge of town. No one ever goes there." "Why?" Annette asked.

"Because the townspeople believe that ancient magic dwells there. And they respect the boundaries." Annette followed Noir till they reached the gates of Northington. Then, suddenly, Noir dragged Annette behind the bushes. "Hide me under your coat." he whispered in Annette's ear.

Annette looked at him. "What? Why?"

"Because the townspeople in Northington see me as a bad omen. I usually climb up that apple tree to get though the high walls at midnight, when everyone's gone to bed."

"So why should I hide you under my coat?"

"Please just do it. Trust me." Noir said. Then he shifted into his cat form. Annette opened her jacket and Noir leapt onto her chest. She wrapped Noir in her jacket and stood up. She walked towards the gates. "Halt! Who goes there?" a voice shouted. Annette saw a man dressed in French Revolutionary clothes walking towards her.

"What is your name, young miss?"

"Ann...Annette." she said nervously.

"Where are you from? Your clothes indicate that you're not from these parts." the guard asked. "You're right. I've just come from...uh...." Then she remembered the name of a town she saw on the map.

"Westfield. I've traveled all the way from Westfield. And I seek entrance." she said, speaking like a noblewoman. "Very well. You may enter." the guard said. He opened the door and Annette walked in. When the gate closed behind her, Noir emerged from her jacket and turned into his humanoid form.

"That was quite a performance you put up. I didn't know you were a good actress." he said. Annette smiled. "I practiced in drama club. The teacher said I was a knockout." "What's a knockout?" asked Noir curiously. Annette raised her eyebrows. "You don't know what a 'knockout' is?" she asked.

Noir shook his head. "No."

"It's a phrase. It means a winner, a triumph. Someone who is talented at something." Annette explained. "Oh, I see." Noir said. "You really say the strangest things. I just can't understand them." "That's because I normally say them. You never heard those words before, so what do you expect?"

"I can see your point." Noir said as they walked down the cobblestone road towards the edge of town. "Hiya, Noir! Welcome home!" a high-pitched voice suddenly said. Annette looked around, startled.

"Who said that?" she asked. "I did." the voice said. Annette and Noir then saw a little mouse floating towards them. He had soft cream-colored fur with cute, round ears, a petite pink nose and a long tail with a little puff at the end. Around his neck was a beautifully crafted silver pocket watch on a crimson bowtie.

Noir smiled at the little mouse. "Hickory Dickory. How nice to see you again." he said coolly. "Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Crooked Kitty himself!" the floating mouse said. "And you're still the same irritating chatterbox." Noir said in mild annoyance.

The mouse glared at him. "Hey, I'm not the one who always has free time in the outside world!" Then, he noticed Annette. "Well, well. Who is this pretty little cutie? Is she your girlfriend?"

Annette blushed a bit. "I'm not his girlfriend. I'm just a friend." she said. "How about you introduce us, lover cat-boy." Hickory said, smiling cheekily at his insult. Noir glared at him.

"Annette, this is Hickory Dickory, the Clock Mouse, the Guardian of Time. Hickory, this is Annette, my companion." Noir said, introducing Hickory to Annette and vice versa. Hickory touched Annette's hand. "Enchante, mademoiselle." he said with a mischievous grin. Then, he kissed Annette's hand. Annette giggled, flattered.

Noir suddenly grabbed Hickory. "Hickory! Be polite! Don't be so rude! Show some respect!" he scolded. Hickory slipped out of his grasp. "Okay, okay. Chill out, will you? Don't get so catty." he said, as he flew down the road.

"Don't mind him, Annette. He likes to aggravate people to no end." Noir said.

"He's a really nice mouse." Annette said.

"Yes, he is. But he's a really lazy, greedy fellow. All he likes to do is to lounge around all day, satisfying his sweet tooth. But, nevertheless, he is a kind soul and has a good heart."

"Well, shall we head on?" Noir said, motioning to the cobblestone path. Annette nodded. They walked through the town till they reached a hill. On the top of the hill was a lovely chateau.

When they got closer to the chateau, Noir opened the gates and entered. When Annette entered, she couldn't believe how beautiful the chateau was. 

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