Chapter 16: Rise of the Rose Guardian

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Emily and Annette were both amazed. "Wow! How did you do that, Annette?" asked Emily in awe. "I don't know. I really don't know what happened?"

Emily stood up. Then she looked at Annette. "Annette, your dress!" she said, pointing at Annette's clothing. "It's beautiful!"

Annette looked down. Her casual tank top, jeans and sneakers disappeared. In their place was a puff blouse with a crimson corset dress over it. She wore pristine white gloves, a golden belt around her waist with the scabbard tied to it, black button-up leggings and red leather boots.

In her hair was a beautiful red rose with two pieces of red ribbon. "Whoa! This outfit really is beautiful!" she said. "How did you...?" asked Emily. "I have seriously no idea how it happened." said Annette.

"I wonder how Noir will react when he sees me like this." She wondered. "Maybe it's magic." said Emily.

"Yeah, it is magic!" Annette said. "But I wonder why Mother Goose wanted this sword so badly. What's so special about the Rose Sword?"

"I wonder why too." said Emily.

"We'll find Noir. Maybe he can tell us about the Rose Sword." "Who's Noir?" asked Emily. "He's the black cat. He told me his name is Noir." "He asked you?" asked Emily, confused. "It's a bit hard to explain. He's not an ordinary black cat. He can transform into a human using a magical gold cat bell on his neck." explained Annette.

"Really? He can?" asked Emily.

Annette nodded. "Yep. Come on, I'll introduce him to you." They walked towards the gates of Northington. "Halt! Who goes there?" a loud voice asked. It was the gate guard.

"It's me!" Annette said. "Oh, it's you, miss. And who is this young lady with you?"

"She's my sister. We seek passage to Northington." Annette said formally. "Sorry, miss, but we cannot allow passage at the moment. Due to abnormal happenings, we've been ordered to refuse passage to anyone until further notice. I'm truly sorry, miss. Please understand." the guard said.

"But you don't understand. My mom...mother's in terrible danger." Annette said. "I'm sorry, but we can't allow passage to anyone at this moment." "Fine. If you insist." Annette said, disappointed. The two girls started to walk away. But Annette wasn't thinking about walking away so soon.

"No! There has to be a way in!" Annette whispered. "How?" Emily asked. "Noir told me that he usually enters Nothington by climbing a apple tree near the walls." Annette looked at the apple tree behind them.

"I think I have a plan. Once the guard is away, we'll climb up the tree and climb over the wall." Annette said, looking over her shoulder and seeing the apple tree. Emily saw the apple tree, understanding Annette's plan. "Oh, I see what you mean!" she said.

So, they waited until the gate guard left. Once he was out of their sight, they made their move. When they reached the tree, Emily climbed on Annette's back and she started climbing up the apple tree.

When they reached to top of the wall, Annette cautiously set her foot down on the wall. "Annette, how can we climb down?" Emily asked.

Annette paused. She hadn't thought about that when she made the plan. She smiled sheepishly. "That's a pretty good question."

She looked down. The wall was over 24 meters tall. It's a very long way down. "Don't worry. There's always a way down a wall!" she said confidently.

But she knew they don't have anything to use to climb down. There weren't any vines and they don't have any rope.

Then, Annette noticed a pillar by the gate. "Of course! We can use the pillar to climb down!" she said. Carefully and nimbly, she walked on the wall like a circus performer, Emily following her.

They walked until they reached the pillar. Then, Annette climbed down the pillar carefully. Emily tried to follow but she had trouble holding onto the pillar. She slid down onto Annette's head.

Annette felt her feet on her shoulders. "Whoop! Careful, Emily." she said. Carefully, she climbed down with Emily trying to follow her. Finally, after a little difficulty, they reached the ground.

"Come on, I'll show you where they live." Annette said. Emily looked around Northington.

"Wow! Is this Northington?" she asked. "Yep." The village's sights awed Emily. She followed Annette down the cobblestone path towards the edge of Northington. Once they reached Hoots Manor, Emily was even more amazed by how beautiful the chateau is.

Annette and Emily walked through the gates and Annette knocked on the door. "Who is it?" a familiar voice asked. "It's me, Hoots. Annette." Hoots opened the door. "Oh, hello! Welcome back, Annette!" he said. Then he noticed Emily. "Who is your little friend?" he asked.

"This is my little sister, Emily." Annette said. "Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, Emily." Hoots greeted Emily.

"Nice to meet you to, Mr. Hoots." Emily said. "Please. Do come inside." Hoots said. Annette and Emily entered the chateau. "So, what brings you here?" Hoots asked. "We need your help. Our mom's in trouble." Annette said. "A witch has kidnapped her!" Emily added.

"A witch?" Hoots asked. "Mother Goose." Annette said. "Ah, I see." Hoots said, nodding. "Can you help us?" Annette asked. Hoots shook his head forlornly. "I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help."

Annette and Emily were in shock. "What?!" Annette asked in disbelief. "I may be a wizard, but my magic is not strong enough to undo Mother Goose's magic." Hoot said sadly.

"But you have to help us! Mother Goose is holding our mother hostage! There has to be a way to free her!" Annette said anxiously. She was desperate. "Where's Noir?" she asked. "I don't know. I haven's seen him since he left with you." Hoots said.

Annette sat down in a chair and buried her head in her arms. "Oh, no!" she groaned. "But you have the power to save her." Hoots said. "How can I save her?! I can't do anything! I'm not a witch!" said Annette angrily. "Oh, but you do." Hoots said. "You possess the Rose Sword."

Annette looked at the sword on her belt. "I noticed it at first glance. And you also bear the Rose Mark on your wrist." Hoots said, pointing at her right wrist. Annette looked at her wrist. Sure, enough, there was a little spiral rose tattoo on her wrist. "Mortals can't see it, but we magic folk can. It is the mark of the Rose Guardian."

Annette and Emily were confused. "Rose Guardian?" Annette asked. "What's a 'Rose Guardian'?" Emily asked curiously. "The Rose Guardian is a powerful warrior who fights with honor, chivalry and valor. Only a true Rose Guardian can wield the Rose Sword." Hoots explained.

"Is that why the Rose Sword was so special?" Annette asked. "Indeed, it is." Hoots said. Suddenly, the sky outside darkened. "Have you considered my offer, Rose Guardian?" a voice screeched outside. Annette and Emily headed outside and looked up at the dark sky. They saw Mother Goose hovering in the air, her eyes filled with rage.

Annette looked up at Mother Goose, her eyes narrowing. "No way! I won't give you the Rose Sword!" she yelled boldly. "Impudent little wretch!" Mother Goose snarled.

Then, strangely she started to smile. "Then, you'll never see this mangy cat again!" she cackled, holding up an unconscious black cat with a familiar golden cat bell.

Annette gasped in horror. "Noir!" she yelled.

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