Chapter 28: Noir's Word of Advice

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Annette gasped and her eyes widened when she saw what Mother Goose had transformed into. She has transformed into a gigantic goose with black feathers and angry glowing red eyes. Mother Goose flapped her gigantic wings, creating an enormous wind. Annette and Noir were blown off their feet and landed on the ground. Noir grunted with pain.

Annette knelt beside Noir. "You okay?" she asked worriedly. "I'm...fine..." Noir said between gasps of pain. "You don't sound fine, though." said Annette as she helped Noir on his feet. Then, she noticed a large dark shadow creep over them.

Annette looked back and gasped. "Look out!" she screamed as a giant bird foot hovered over them, ready to stomp on them. She suddenly pulled Noir close to her and leaped to the left. The bird's talons missed them by an inch.

Annette turned and saw Mother Goose's goose form staring at them intensely. Annette reached for the Rose Sword, but felt nothing. She looked down. "Oh, no! The Rose Sword is gone!" She looked around in alarm. Then she saw the Rose Sword scabbard lying on the ground. It must have fell off when Mother Goose knocked them down.

Annette tried to reach for the Rose Sword, but Mother Goose launched her talons towards Annette. Noir saw the danger, and despite wincing from the pain, moved towards Annette. He leaped towards Annette and pulled her away just before Mother Goose's talons struck her.

As they landed on the ground, Noir tried to land on his feet, but stumbled and fell. He groaned in pain. "Noir!" said Annette as she put her hand on Noir's back. She looked around and saw the Rose Sword still lying on the ground.

It turns out that she missed grabbing the sword when Mother Goose struck. But before she could even try to reach and grab the sword, Mother Goose grabbed the sword with her beak. "No!" cried Annette.

But it was too late. Mother Goose reverted back to her original form, cackling with glee as she held the Rose Sword in her hand. "At last! The Rose Sword is mine!" With those words, she unsheathed the sword and raised it high into the air. The Rose Sword began to glow with a harsh, red light. Rose petals and dark mist swirled around her.

Huge black wings sprouted from her back. She spread her wings wide and dark mist surrounded the Rose Sword. The mist went up to the sky and formed a dark vortex of clouds. The dark clouds spread over the land, turning the sky pitch-black.

"Now I shall tear this world apart! None shall escape my wrath!" cackled Mother Goose. Red-hot lightning bolts flashed across the sky and struck onto the land.

"Let's get outta here!" said Annette as she carried Noir and ran towards the wooden bridge. As they crossed the bridge, the lightning bolts struck it, making it shake. Annette and Noir tumbled and fell on the planks. "Hold on, Noir!" Annette yelled as she grabbed onto the rope railing.

Noir grabbed the rope railing too. They both ran across the bridge as it crumbled and fell towards the sea below. Finally, they leapt to the other side and disappeared into the Crooked Woods.

Mother Goose cackled as she spread her enormous wings and took off, the Rose Sword glowing ominously in her hand.

Annette and Noir ran though the Crooked Woods. Then, they stopped to catch their breath. Noir hissed in pain. His wounds were starting to hurt. "Noir, you all right?" asked Annette. Noir clutched his waist. "My body...hurts."

"Let's find a place for you to rest." said Annette. They walked down the forest path until they reached a small grove. "Here. We'll rest here."

Once they entered the grove, Annette gently laid Noir beside a tree and checked his bruises and scratches. "Oh, man! They look really bad. You really need some medical attention."

She looked around and noticed some glowing flowers on the ground. Annette had never seen anything like it. The petals were a beautiful rich purple with golden tips and swirls. She plucked one from the ground and gave it a sniff. They smell sweet, like cotton candy. "What kind of flowers are these?" "They're...night blossoms." said Noir. "Night blossoms?" asked Annette.

Noir nodded. "They...have...wondrous...healing powers." He tried to lift his finger, but was too weak to do so. " Squeeze...the petals. Don' afraid."

Annette didn't have any other options. Noir might die from his injuries, and he needs serious medical attention. Annette squeezed the petals. Purple flower juice poured onto her palm. Cupping her hands together, she lifted the night blossom juice to Noir's mouth.

Noir drank the flower juice and sighed. Annette then started to pluck the night blossom petals and placed them over Noir's wounds.

Suddenly, Noir tried to stand up, but the sudden movements made the pain shoot through his body. He groaned in pain. "Noir, don't move so suddenly!" said Annette. She put her hands on Noir's shoulders and set him down. "Don't make your injuries worse. You need to rest."

Noir grabbed her right wrist. " me." he tried to speak, but Annette put her left finger in his lips. "Shh. Don't talk, Noir. Save your strength."

But Noir pushed her left hand away. "Listen..." Noir said between gasps of pain. "What I say to of the...utmost importance! You must....stop Mother Goose...before it's too late. You must...retrieve...the Rose Sword." Annette shook her head. "No, I can't. She has the Rose Sword now. I failed big time. You're hurt real bad. You seriously need medical attention."

"Annette...if you...don't hurry, all of...Northington...and your world...will fall under...her Cursery rhymes." said Noir weakly.

"Noir, look at me!" said Annette, distressed. "What am I supposed to do? I'm just an ordinary girl. Mother Goose won." She hung her head dejectedly. She felt so defeated that she wanted to cry. "I wish I never got you involved. It's my fault you got hurt. I'm so sorry."

Annette felt really bad. Guilt and sorrow was starting to overwhelm her. But then, Noir suddenly reached out and hugged her tightly. "Don' nonsense." he said firmly, even though his voice was getting weaker. "From...that day...we met...I've...been...grateful...of life. You...have proved be...worthy...of being....the Rose...Guardian. I'm...willing to matter...where you go. I'll...always be...your humble...servant. And there' should know. You should...never...let failure...defeat you. I us. I in you."

Even though Noir's voice was growing fainter, Annette knew he was right. Even though the situation looked disastrous, she should never give up. She rebuked herself mentally for being a big defeatist. "I'm not gonna back down without a fight." she thought as she clenched her fists. "I'm gonna get that sword back!"

"But Noir, I promised you I wouldn't leave your side! I'm not planning to abandon you anytime!" said Annette firmly.

"Do not worry...about me." he said softly. "I My main you....fulfilling your the....Rose Guardian." Annette blushed.

Noir pulled away and grabbed her shoulders. "Before you go....there's one thing you must know...about the Rose Sword. It....draws power...from the moon. If you can....point the....sword to...the...." His voice trailed off.

Before Annette could say anything, Noir suddenly fell unconscious. He started to lean towards the ground, but Annette caught him before his head hit the ground.

She stroked Noir's head and cheek affectionately. "Don't worry, Noir. I'm not gonna let Mother Goose take over the world. Just please hang in there till I get back." she whispered.

Then she stood up and chased after Mother Goose. "Mother Goose, you're going down! And I'm gonna make you pay!"

Crimson Rose: The Crooked Man and the Crooked CatOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant