Chapter 13: The Crooked Mouse Attacks

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Annette headed upstairs towards the spare bedroom. Inside the spare bedroom was a beautiful canopy bed with pink curtains, large pink silk pillows and a silk blanket.

After she put on her nightgown and brushed her teeth, she checked out her new bed. The pillows were soft to the touch. They reminded her of her pillows back home.

"I wonder how Mom is doing. She'll be really heartbroken when she finds out I've disappeared." she thought. "Thankfully, tomorrow, I'll be heading back home."

She snuggled under the cover. The bed was so soft and comfortable that she instantly fell asleep. Noir carefully opened the door to check on Annette. He saw Annette sleeping peacefully in her bed. "She sleeps like an angel." he thought. "How awful of me. It was unfair of me to steal her from her home. I hope she would forgive me."

After a final glance, he gently closed the door.

The next morning, as the morning sun rose in the sky, Annette was still sleeping in her bed. "Rise and shine, kiddo!" a loud voice suddenly yelled. Annette woke up, startled. She fell from her bed on the floor with a thud.

She looked up and saw Hickory hovering over her. "Hickory, that was very rude!" said Annette grumpily. "Oops, sorry." said Hickory with a playful giggle. "Good morning, Lady Annette." a smooth voice said.

They turned and saw Noir standing by the doorway. "Please come downstairs. Breakfast is ready."

Annette changed into her clothes and went downstairs. When she entered the dining room, she was amazed at the sumptuous buffet before her. There were boiled eggs, toast with strawberry jam, a bowl of fruit, scones, milk, some tea and a pot of smooth, sweet coffee.

"Wow! Is that breakfast?" Annette asked incredulously. "Yep. It sure us." Hickory said. "Noir prepared this feast especially for you."

Annette paused. "Really? He did?" she asked.

"Yep. Since he's now your servant, he's willing to serve you on hand and foot. You lucky girl." Annette was speechless. She just didn't know what to say. "Noir did this for me?" she thought. "Wow, I...I don't know what to say."

Annette sat down at the table and started to eat a peace of toast with strawberry jam and drank some tea. "How is it?" asked Noir. "Oh, it's amazing. Thank you." Annette said as she took another bite of the toast.

"I'm glad you like the meal I made. I made it for you." Noir said.

"Yeah. Hickory told me. Thank you for the breakfast. I really appreciate it." "You're utmost welcome, my lady." Noir said with a smile. Annette blushed lightly.

"Ooh, do I sense love in the air?" Hickory said, playfully raising an eyebrow. "What?" Annette asked nervously. "Don't be ridiculous, Hickory!" snapped Noir.

"Hickory, please don't be nonsensical. Annette is just merely a guest here, and she'll be heading back home soon." Hoots said.

"Annette, I sincerely hope that you would forgive me for taking you from your home." said Noir, his voice full of guilt.

Annette gave him a smile. "It's okay. It's no big deal." she said. "Thank goodness." Noir said, feeling reassured.

After breakfast, Annette and Noir said their farewell to Hoots and Hickory. "Thank you for letting me stay for the night." said Annette.

"You are utmost welcome. You can come to Rose Manor anytime you like. Its doors will always be open for you." "We're sure gonna miss you, cutie-pie. I'll think of you often." Hickory said with a playful wink. "Hickory! Go back to work!" Hoots scolded, giving him a look.

"Fine, fine. I'm going." Annoyed, Hickory flew back into the house. "May your travel be safe, my friends."

"Thank you, Hoots. Goodbye." Annette said. Then, she and Noir walked down the cobblestone path towards Northington. They walked past the gates of Northington and entered the Crooked Woods. "You know, Noir, I think this place is beautiful. Maybe staying here is not such a bad idea. I could help you find the Cursery rhymes and cure them." Annette said.

"It's really not necessary. You can come visit Northington and the Crooked Woods whenever you like. You won't keep you away for long. Also, you must promise me not to tell anyone about this world."

"Don't worry. You can count on me. I'm good at keeping secrets. Besides, who would believe me?"

Suddenly, Noir's ears pricked up. He just heard something moving in the bushes. He sniffed the air and his eyes narrowed. Someone, or something was stalking them, lurking in the shadows, watching them.

There was something big, something familiar, and something dangerous.

"Annette," Noir whispered. "Get down." "What?" Annette asked curiously.

Noir pointed to a forest path. "Take the left path over there. You'll find your way out." "Why are you whispering?" Annette asked. "Shh! We're being watched." Noir said tensely.

"What?" Annette whispered, looking around.

All of a sudden, a strong force knocked Noir down and pinned him on the ground. Annette gasped. It was the same mouse that raided her house and attacked her!

In his humanoid form, he was twice as wicked and scary as his mouse form. He wore a copper-brown henley, yellowish-gold Turkish trousers and brown leather boots. He still had his crooked mouse ears, one of them torn and a mouse's tail. His crooked yellow mouse fangs curled into an evil grin.

"Hello, Noir." he said in a raspy, evil tone.

"Jacques." Noir snarled, but then gasped as the rat grasped his throat. "What you did to me was very unforgiving. Now I will do the same to you." Jacques raised his clawed hand, ready to strike.

But Noir striked, his claws raked against Jacques's cheek. Jacques screamed with pain, his grip on Noir's throat loosened. Noir clawed at him again but missed. Jacques lunged at Noir, but Noir did a roundhouse kick and knocked Jacques to the ground.

He turned to Annette. "Run, Annette! Save yourself!" he yelled. "But what about you?" Annette asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me! Run, now!"

Suddenly, Jacques tackled Noir to the ground. He punched Noir's chin hard, knocking him down. "Noir!" Annette shouted. Then, Jacques turned to Annette. "Here, girlie, girlie!" he cackled as he neared her.

Annette unsheathed the Rose Sword and pointed it at Jacques. "Stay away from me!" she said. Jacques stopped. "Of course, if you give me something I want." he said. "What do you want?" Annette asked.

"The Rose Sword." Jacques said, pointing to the rapier in her hands. "Give it to me, girlie, and I will let you live." Annette looked at the Rose Sword in her hands. "No! Annette, don't give it to him!" Noir said, struggling to stand up.

Suddenly, Jacques grabbed Noir and pinned his claws on his throat. "Silence, you fool! Give me the sword, girlie, and I will spare his life!"

"Don't mind me! Take the sword and head home! Hurry!" Noir said. Annette looked at the sword in her hand. The gates back to her world were starting to open, but her friend was in the evil mouse's clutches.

He won't let him go until he has her sword. Annette was torn. "What should I do?" she thought frantically. 

Crimson Rose: The Crooked Man and the Crooked Catजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें