Chapter 27: Stand-Down with Mother Goose

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Noir turned to Annette. "Annette, are you in...?" Before he could finish, Annette ran to him and gave him a big hug. "Noir! Thank goodness! I'm really glad to see you! I thought I was a goner!" she said joyfully. Noir pushed her away and grabbed her shoulders.

"Robin, are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" he asked, full of concern. Annette shook her head. "No, I'm okay. Although he did stomp on my hand." She rubbed her sore hand.

"That greedy monster." Suddenly, he pulled Annette closed to him and hugged her tightly. "Thank goodness you're safe." he said in relief. Annette blushed slightly.

Then, Noir pulled away and grabbed her shoulders. "Robin, please give me the Rose Sword." "Why?" asked Annette, raising an eyebrow. "No questions. Please give it to me." said Noir in a tone that sounded urgent. "What's the matter? Why are you asking for the Rose Sword?" Annette asked, concerned. "Because he is doing this for the sake of your life." said a familiar voice ominously.

They turned towards the direction of the voice. A familiar silhouette hid in the shadows. Annette pointed the Rose Sword at the silhouette. "You!" she snarled. "Don't you ever give up?" "Noir! Now!" said Mother Goose.

Noir looked at Annette with sad eyes. "Forgive me, Robin." he said, his voice full of regret. "What?" Annette was confused. Before she could say anything or react, Noir suddenly swiped at her hard, knocking her down to the floor.

"Oww!" The blow wasn't too hard, but it was a bit painful. "What was that...for?" She looked up and she couldn't believe what she saw. Noir took the Rose Sword from the floor and was about to hand it over to Mother Goose!

Annette was shocked and confused. "What? Noir, why?" She tried to say those questions, but her tongue was frozen. "Noir's betraying me? No! He can't be!" she thought anxiously. Mother Goose smiled evilly. "Excellent, Noir. It seems that you have chosen me over this pathetic girl."

Noir growled silently. He looked back and saw Annette's hurt expression. He felt a deep pain claw its way into his heart. He hated to do this terrible deed, but he couldn't bear to let his friend be killed.

He gripped the Rose Sword tightly. Thoughts were racing though his mind. Mother Goose was the cause of his master's misfortune. Was she planning to do the same to his new mistress?

The guilt and pain was just eating away at his heart. He couldn't betray his own mistress. After all, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't be standing here today. "What are you waiting for? Give it to me!" said Mother Goose impatiently.

Then, Noir made a split-second decision. He pushed Mother Goose hard, knocking her to the floor. "Annette, catch!" he yelled, throwing the Rose Sword towards Annette. Annette caught the sword.

"Take the sword and go! I'll hold her off!" he said as he made a stance, ready to fight. Mother Goose stood up with fury in her eyes. She was raging mad. "How dare you betray me! Both of you will suffer my wrath!" she thundered. "Annette, run! Run now!" yelled Noir. Annette turned and ran down the bell tower. "You saved my life, Annette. Now I shall save yours. Allow me to repay the debt." thought Noir. Mother Goose raised her cane and chanted a magic spell. Dark mist formed around her. Then ravens with glowing red eyes appeared from the mist. "Follow the girl! Kill them both!" ordered Mother Goose.

The ravens flew out the tower window. "No!" Noir cried. He looked out the window and saw the ravens heading towards the chapel windows.

"I have to protect Annette!" thought Noir desperately. He leapt down through the trapdoor and headed down the bell tower. Annette was about to head towards the chapel doors when she heard the flapping of wings outside the chapel. She saw large shadows coming towards the chapel windows. Before Annette knew it, the ravens crashed through the chapel windows and flew towards her, cawing angrily.

Annette quickly unsheathed the Rose Sword and swung it at the ravens. Even though she tried her very best to fend them off, there were too many ravens. They closed in on her, cawing loudly. Annette squeezed her eyes shut and crouched down.

The ravens charged forward. Annette suddenly felt someone push her down to the floor as the ravens enveloped her. The ravens started to peck at them. "Annette, get under me." she heard someone say in her ear.

Annette could hear the ravens cawing loudly. She also heard her savior grunt in pain as the ravens attacked, pecking and scratching him with their beaks and talons. Suddenly, he let out a blood-curdling scream of pain that filled Annette's ears, making her cringe in fear.

Then, the ravens stopped attacking. Sensing the danger has passed, Annette opened her eyes and looked behind her. She gasped in horror when she saw who shielded her from the ravens. Noir was lying on the floor unconscious, covered with bruises and bloody scratches.

"Noir!" cried Annette as she cradled his head. She shook him gently. "Noir! Noir! Wake up! Please wake up! Please don't die!" Noir didn't respond. Annette pressed her ear against his chest. She heard his heart beat slowly.

"Hang in there, Noir! I'll get you some medical help!" Annette hugged Noir's limp body. "He won't wake." said a familiar voice behind her coldly. Annette turned around and glared daggers at her. "You!" she snarled. "Why prolong his suffering? That traitorous cat never deserved to live. If his wish is to die saving you, so be it. You will soon join him." Mother Goose smiled coldly.

"He sacrificed his own life for mine! And all I thought about was running away. Oh, what a coward I am! Forgive me, Noir!" thought Annette. Guilt and grief started to overwhelm her.

She can feel the tears streaming down her cheeks. But then, her anger and determination soon replaced her sorrow and guilt. She stifled a sob and angrily wiped her tears away. "No! I won't let him die! I won't let that happen!"

She stood up tall and gripped the Rose Sword in her hand. She pointed the sword at Mother Goose. "You cold-hearted, evil witch! How dare you try to hurt my friend!" said Annette angrily. She spoke so fiercely her voice echoed throughout the chapel. "Everyone has a right to live, even black cats who are unlucky! I saved Noir's life once, I'll save him again!"

Mother Goose laughed. "Foolish girl! You can never defeat me! Prepare to die!" She raised her staff in the air and chanted. Dark mist appeared and the red-eyed ravens emerged from the mist and flew towards Annette, cawing angrily.

But this time, Annette was prepared. She knelt by Noir's body. "Rose Barrier!" she shouted as she pointed the Rose Sword in the air. A shower of rose petals surrounded her and Noir, barricading them from the attacking ravens.

After crashing into the rose petal barrier, the ravens turned back into dark mist. "Curses!" said Mother Goose angrily. The rose petal barrier dispersed. "I've been patient for long enough! Enough games! Now, you will face me and suffer my wrath!" Mother Goose thundered.

Annette braced herself to fight when she heard a groan behind her. She turned and saw Noir's fingers twitching.

"He's still alive! Thank goodness!" she thought. She knelt beside Noir. Noir's eyes fluttered open. "Ann...Annette..." he whispered weakly. "Shh. Save your strength. We have to get outta here!" said Annette as she helped Noir on his feet. She turned and gasped. "Oh, no! She's starting to transform!"

Mother Goose's eyes glowed red as she cackled evilly. Dark mist enveloped her. She started to grow bigger and bigger until she broke through the chapel ceiling. Finally, the dark mist dispersed. 

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