Chapter 23 The Fletchers

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Chapter 23  

After Shane left Mrs. Williams threaten to kick me out if anything like that was to ever happen again. She then went to work and left me with my chores. First I took a hot shower to wash away the embarrassment of this morning and the alcohol from last night that had given me the gift of a minor headache.

I wonder how Mrs. Williams could do it. She had clearly been out all night. Not coming home until early in the morning then turning around and going off to work. She must have been doing it for a long time. What about Mr. Williams? Did he have any idea that his wife was having an affair while he was away?  I’ve been here three months of time and he has only been around a little less than a third of that. Had Mr. Williams ever had an affair?

I turned off the water stopping my train of thought. It really didn’t matter to me what was going on in there marriage. What they do was none of my business and I had my own problems to worry about. Now clean and dressed in housework clothes and armed with my ipod I was ready to tackle my chores.

As I got out the vacuum cleaner the thought occurred to me. I am a witch after all I might as well try to see what power I have. So I put the vacuum away and I tried in the kitchen first.

 “If Mickey can do it so can I.” I stood in front of the sink not really sure what to do. After all I didn’t have a wand or awesome star hat like Mickey Mouse. I tried to concentrate. Thinking really hard about turning on the water or pouring the soap but nothing was working. So I had to do it manually.

Maybe I could wash them. I thought.

I tried to wash the dishes using my powers. I used my hands moving them around in the air like I was a conductor instructing hundreds of musicians. With that I got movement. The water bubbled and I could see the dishes moving in the sink but nothing was really happening so I tried harder. I made more dramatic movements with my hands and in one quick swoop all the water shot up and rained onto the floor.

I ended up just making more work for myself but at least that was proof I had some kind of power. I wonder when Juno will be ready to start training me. I would try using my powers again then. I didn’t want to destroy any thing in the process of finding out by myself.

Moving on with the rest of my chores I started to vacuum the downstairs while listening to my music. Humming along to Ike’s voice. When the song finished I reached to restart it but the song had already begun to replay. I must have had the ipod on repeat but that did matter because I could listen to Ike sing all day. When the song came to an end the next time it moved on to the next track.

I went to see what was going on because I thought I had it on repeat. When I went to touch it the track skipped back to the song I had it on before.

Could this be my power? I wondered.

To test this idea I tried changing the songs again. Lightly thinking about what I wanted to happen the song switched mid track. I tried that a few times until I thought I got a good handle on it and was ready for something a little harder.

 “Some Like It Hot by Spyair.”

“Remembering Sunday by All Time Low.”

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