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Emily POV

I ran back to my room still unsure what Maryse meant by Alec would pay for what happened.

I was sitting on my bed when I heard my door open, I looked up to see Alec.

"Hey" I said moving my legs for he could have room.

"Hi , I have a question for you" he said.

"And that is?"I asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"I don't know I'll think about it " I said lightly pushing on his arm.

"Emily " he sighed while flopping down on my bed.

"Yes stupid you didn't have to ask" I say giggling a little.

He stands up and put his fist in the air and says YES.

I laughed at his silliness that he only does around me.

He leans down and kisses me full on the lips I kiss back.

Just as I put my arms around his neck a throat clears from the door.

I pull away to see Maryse there oh crap I think.

"Mother" Alec says.

"I need you downstairs" she said and then see leaves, she didn't even look my way.

He kisses me again and tells me see you later and then he's gone.

There I am wondering laying almost all night.

Sorry it's short I wrote this with a headache so yea.

I was reading the story from the beginning and realized that the boyfriend girlfriend thing didn't happen so here you go.

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