Grell x Male!Reaper!Reader (Part 5)

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Demonxlover: Hope you haven't waited too long - excited for what's going to happen next~? Let's get on with the story, shall we~?

But first, here's what happened last time...

"Grell?" You saw Grell crying on the floor. His body was covered in bruises. You felt bad for the poor redhead sitting on the floor in front of you. Grell was crying his heart out, he didn't want to go back to that horrible man who was giving him the worst punishment ever. You knelt down on one knee in front of him and lifted up his chin. He looked at you as tears trailed down his cheeks. "My poor Grell..." You wiped his tears away. "I won't let them hurt you again. This has gone too far." Grell sniffled but soon a small smile appeared. He hugged you, he was relieved to be back in your arms again.
"I will try reasoning with them. I will take your place if I have to."

Grell didn't feel anything but relief at that moment. He was so happy to finally be by your side again. He still felt pain, but the pain eased slightly since he was with you.

You were with him for quite a while, but you soon let go of him. He looked at you with tears still in his eyes. "I can't sit by any longer and do nothing. I have to go reasoning with them, it's the only way." You said softly. Grell gave a slight nod.

You left Grell's room and made your way to the head of the dispatch department's office. You knew that you took a risk, but you were willing to risk everything for Grell. You had realized that you had developed a new feeling, a feeling which you didn't know what it was.

You soon reached your destination and knocked at the door. "You may enter." a voice from behind the door said. You opened the door and entered. You approached the desk where the head of the dispatch department sat. "Oh, mr (L/N), what can I help you with?" He said and looked up from his documents. "What you are doing to mr. Sutcliff right now is cruel! He does not deserve this! Just because he--" You were cut off by the head of the dispatch department. "Mr. (L/N), it's not only because he isn't doing his work properly." He paused. "He is also a disgrace to all grim reapers since he is visiting that wretched demon from time to time." He said and sighed. You only became more mad. "So what?! I have personally went there myself--" "You did what--?!" The head of the dispatch department's assistant shouted at you but got cut off by thehead of the dispatch department. "Silence." He paused. "Mr. (L/N), may I remind you that demons are our enemies? They interfere with our collecting, and they eat innocent humans' souls." he said strictly and looked at you. "That's still no reason for mr. Sutcliff to be punished like this! You've gone too far!" You paused. "If you want to punish someone that badly then let me take his place!"

The head of the dispatch department's assistant got quite shocked by hearing this as well as the head of the dispatch department. "You honestly wish to take the blame for what mr. Sutcliff has done?" "Yes, if I can't make you see reason then I'll gladly take his place."

He thought for a moment. "I'll think about this - You may leave for now." He said. You bowed and left. You knew that you were one of their most important grim reapers and losing you would be awful to them.

You headed back to Grell's room...


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Demonxlover: Hm, what will happen next~? Alas, we unfortunately have to wait until the next chapter~ Stay tuned~!

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