Grell x Male!Reaper!Reader (Part 13)

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Demonxlover: What will happen next~? Let's get into it right away, shall we~?

Grell went up to a rooftop and sat down. He looked over London and watched the sun set. "Will is wrong, I know he is..." Grell said to himself. "I'll find you, (Y/N), just you wait~"

_______________________________It soon became dark and he got up

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It soon became dark and he got up. He stretched his arms. "I should probably head back, Will might be worried about me~" he was about to turn around and head back as he saw something in the distance. "Hm?" He looked back. "Surely Will can wait a bit longer." He said and shrugged and headed in the direction of what he saw.

He jumped from rooftop to rooftop and soon stopped. He looked around and saw the figure standing in a dark alley. He got a bit closer but as he did the figure was no longer to be seen. Grell raised an eyebrow. He decided to head back to the dispatch department.

He soon arrived and went straight to his room. Grell threw himself onto the bed. "Who was that? I don't know why... but something about him seemed familiar." He said to himself.

He soon sat up as he heard a knock on the door. The door soon opened and Ronald entered the room. "Sorry if I'm disturbing you, Sutcliff, but you're needed in London again." Ronald said. Grell looked at him questioning. "Again? But I just returned." He raised an eyebrow. "Can't a reaper get a break around here?" He whined and lied back down.

Grell sighed and got up and followed Ronald. He received the documents of the one he needed to collect the soul of and headed back to London. He checked through the documents. "Another boring soul to collect." He sighed.

He soon saw the figure from before again. The read headed reaper put away his book and followed the figure. He got closer but kept himself on the rooftop and saw the figure wear a black torn cloak.
The figure went into a carriage and it soon took off in another direction.

Grell followed the carriage and after a while it stopped at a mansion. The figure got out of the carriage and entered the mansion. Grell kept his distance and tried to see if he could see the figure through a window.

Grell soon saw him in his chambers about to take his cloak off. Grell couldn't believe his eyes. "I've finally found you at last~☆"

_______________________________Demonxlover: Who could our favorite red headed reaper have talked about~? Alas we have to wait for the next chapter~

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Demonxlover: Who could our favorite red headed reaper have talked about~? Alas we have to wait for the next chapter~

Grell x Male!Reaper!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now