FFTS chapter 1

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( hey its me micheal so this is the first chapter in my story and if your wondering what song this is , its called mad world by gary jules )

Rozzalynns p.o.v

"Do you ever wake up and think,
what the fuck am i doing with my life , why am i here " well i think that every day , every hour, every minute , every second .

People say that we all have a purpose in life but thats what the normal people say . Thats what the happy poeple say just to lift your spirits , when in real life they dont give a shit .

Sometimes people like me are all in a sense of limbo for their whole lives , that abnormal space,
That place inbetween heaven and hell , just wandering , thats what im doing , just wandering , and waiting for the day i die or the day my life gets better ...............
Or the day i break.

My names rozzalynn but call me rozz, i dont know my real dad.

He left us when my mom was pregant. My mom was an amazing mom until she met her boyfriend Jesse.

Thats when she started abusing me. Hitting me, calling me names.  Thats when jesse started sexually abusing me.

Thats when my life ended and hell began. When i was 7 jesse murdered my mom and then was arrested , I was put into foster care and when i was 9 i was put into a foster home were i felt safe and loved.

Those were the best two years of my life but the happines didnt last. My foster dad left us and my foster mom couldnt take care of me anymore so she sent me back.

I was in a few more foster homes . Up until i was 14 then i just lived in a group home , i didnt think my life would ever get better , i didnt think i could ever love someone again after leaving my forever family , but i was wrong .

Oh i was so wrong .

( rage and love xx
Micheal jackson )

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