Chapter 14

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Unknown P.o.v

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This will ruin everything. All the years I've spent trying to fix this mess of a life I've made for nothing.

How could I let this happen. It was so long ago. I regret what I did to her. I just left her like that. I thought she did it. I thought she didn't go through with it. But no, and now I'm stuck in this fucked up mess.

" Are you sure she's mine?" I say into the phone.

"I'm positive. The mother left various letters that state she's your, and we live already tested your blood and her blood from her previous doctors appointment. It came back positive she's your daughter" the voice on the other end said.

Shit I mentally curse.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I never wanted this. But can't forget about this. Adie will kill me if I don't do this.

" I'll take custody of her " I choke out.
Instantly regretting my words.

" Ill mail all the paper work soon within a few days. When do u plan on picking her up?" Ms. Adams says.

Fuck I forgot I have to do that. I don't wanna drive 6 fucking hours for this.
When's Friday?. In like 6 days I think.

"On Friday I will" I breathe out.

" She won't be at the group home all day Mr.??????" She said

" And why is that" I reply curiously.

"She's performing in a battles of the bands sort of competition. She won't be here all day" she explains.

Hmm. This intrigues me...

" umm is there anyway I could go to the competition?" I ask

" yes of course but you have to buy a ticket" she says.

"That won't be a problem. I'll have a car pick her up Saturday night" I say.

" of course. Have a nice day" she says

" have a nice day" I reply. Then hang up.

" Fuck" I exhale in anger.
I rub my temples in hopes of getting rid of this headache.

I feel someone touch my arm softly.
I look up to see Adie. God I love her so much. We could make any scary moment heaven for me.

" you did the right thing hun " she softly says as she leans down to kiss my cheek.

" I hope so" I reply.

" she's your daughter. She needs you more then anything right now" she says.

" I know Adie" I say as I take a sip of my iced water.

I know...

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