FFTS chapter 2

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( hey its me micheal , so im gonna be writing this story by showing the events that lead up to the day that changes rozzalynns life)

Rozzalynn p.o.v

You know that feeling of being free , young and free , not having a care in the world.

You wake up in the morning and watch spongebob and eat pancakes wondering if you'll make any friends at the park.

Or thinking about what you want for christmas .

If you had a nightmare your mother would coddle you and tell you things would be okay and that it was just a dream.

But as you grow older that coddling slowly fades away
And thats normal , to get less babying and more trust.
But not for me , i had to grow up fast
I had to give up that coddling and think about how im gonna eat or if ill get a beating , because thats my life now.

Thats what i have to take now , i just neeed more time. God i wish i had more time to be a kid .

I remember being a young girl around 4 or 5 years old , my mother took me to the park , it was 3 in the afternoon.

We were walking on the grass until we found the perfect spot of land near a large tree with just the right amount of sun. My mother, her name was Faith Hall. It wasn't her real last name. She changed it after her parents died, so I have no idea what her real last name is. Anyway, she laid out a nice blue picnic blanket and we sat down.

I saw her gently close her eyes and take a moment to enjoy the nice breeze.

She was beautiful , she had dark blonde hair and brown eyes, Tan skin , pink lipstick , some jeans and pink tanktop. Her mexican roots really showed through her looks

It doesnt seem like much but to me at the time she was the most beautiful mom there was and i wanted to look just like her.

She set the picnic basket down and pulled out some plastic plates and containers with turkey sandwiches , a large thermostat with koolaid , a Ziploc bag with watermelon slices and grapes and some plastic cups.

We laughed and ate our sandwiches and slugged our koolaid and ate our fruit.
" mommy can i pway on da swings" i asked with hope in my eyes.

She looked down at me and pretended to be in deep thought.
" hmm weellll" i cut her off

" pwease mommy pwease ! "
" ok sweets , lets go to the swings"
She said in her natural Tex/mex accent.

We gathered the plates and containers and the picnic blanket and place them all carefully into the picnic basket.

We then walked towards the swings . We finally got there
and my mom helped me onto the swing and then walked away to sit at a bench , i didnt need her help swinging because i was a big girl.

Five minutes into swing and a girl with curly brown hair and blue eyes walked up to me . I thought she looked nice , maybe we could be friends.

I slowed down on the swing to a stop as she got closer to me.
" do you wanna play? , we can be fwiends " i said with a large smile.

she scoffed " no ! I dont play with ugly babies like you " she said with a smirk , she then grabbed my hair and yanked me off of the swing , me scraping my knees in the process , i started to cry.

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