FFTS Chapter 10

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Ashley and I were two blocks away from tylers house. We were in the somewhat nicer side of Hollywood, but you still wouldn't want to be in this area of hollywood at night because it definitely isn't safe.

Now were down to one block away when we walked passed a little ceasers. As we walk pass the little ceasers we see Brody the quarterback of the football team walk out of the dominos with his girlfriend.
I try to block my face so i stay unseen but its no use. He already sa my face. Before we can hurry away Brody steps in front of us
Blocking our path.
" what do we have here, the slut and the poser walking together.
She didn't turn you into a fag did she Ashley?" He asks with venom in his voice.
" Dude , for the last time im not gay!" i reply .
It's true im really not gay. I came to the conclusion that i was bisexual a long time ago. But i dont think I'd ever be ready for a relationship.
" Fucking liar!" He spat.
That's when i loose my cool. I put my guitar case on the ground and took a step towards brody and before he could say anything i threw a hard punch towards his jaw. He hunched over with his hands over his mouth but he quickly recovered from the blow and stepped towards me.
" Fucking slut" he yelled with gritted teeth. In a split second he raised his hand and backhanded me so hard i saw stars . I tumbled to the ground. My vision became foggy.
" Brody leave her alone!" I heard Ashley yell. Is Ashley actually standing up for me. I opened my eyes to see Brody standing over me but before i could say anything he grabbed my hair and lifted me up into a sitting positions. Then he slapped me hard in the face causing me to bite into my lip hard. I felt blood trickle down my chin and i could feel liquid in my nose. Definitely a nose bleed. I could also feel a bruise forming on my right cheek. He then threw me back to the ground and kicked my stomache extremely hard four times. I was struggling to keep my eyes open. Brody was about my stomache one more time but was stopped by Ashley.

" If you touch her one more time im calling the cops Brody. You dont want anything gatting in the way of your chances of college football do you?!" She yelled. Through my blurry vision i saw Brody walking away from me muttering something along the lines of " Bitch this ain't over". Then Ashley rushed over to me and got on her Knees.
" Its ok Rozzalynn, your gonna be ok just keep your eyes open, you need to stay awake" she said while brushing my hair out of my face. My eyelids were so heavy i couldn't keep them open.
Then i felt darkness taking over me.
" Shit " i heard Ashley mutter.
And thats the last thing i heard before passing out.


I felt like i was lying on something soft. I moved the fingers in my left hand rolling a soft fabric with them. Then i felt something cold being applied to my stomache. I try my hardest to open my eyes. My eyes flutter open and i see tyler hovering over me. (Picture of tyler above)
" your awake " he says softly.
I try to sit up only to be met with a sharp pain in my abdomen. I hiss in pain.
" shh just lay down and relax im gonna get more ice " he says then quickly leaves the room.
I quickly scan his room. Its suprisingly tidy. I look up at the walls and i see posters for nirvana, panic! At the disco, green day, black veil brides and more. I never he liked the music i like.
He came pack with an ice pack.
" i need to lift your shirt a little so i can put the ice on your bruise"he says . I nod giving him permission. He lifted my shirt just below my chest and paused staring at my stomache. I know what he's staring at. He's staring at the scars , gashes and whipmarks on my stomache. Then he put the ice on my stomache causing me to groan at the coldness.
" sorry" he said.
" How did i get here" i ask
"Ashley called me saying you were jumped my Brody. I came and carried to my place while Ashley carried the guitars" he said.
"How bad is the bruise?" I ask
"I wouldnt really call it a bruise. I'd call it a canvas painted completely purple" he says
" shit " i mutter.
We stayed silent for a moment.
"Where's Ashley?" I ask
"She's getting advil , bandages and some other crap from the CVS a couple blocks away" he replied.
"Oh" i reply
I bring my hand up to my cheek and feel a small bump. He quickly takes a single ice cube out of the ice pack on my stomache and holds it to my cheek. I shiver uncomfortably at our closeness.
"It's ok im just treating your cheek" he say's softly calming me down a bit.
" what were those things on your stomache" he asks
" what do you mean?" I reply
He looks me in the eye.
"I mean all those scars, di.....did you....do that to yourself?" He asks in disbelief.
" no....no I've never done that......i've wanted to.....but ive never done that" i reply truthfully.
"Then how did you get them?" He asks
" if i tell you , you'll use it against me " i answer while looking at my arms. My arms are littered with small scars from pinching myself. I guess you could call it self harm. Sometimes when i'm angry ill scratch at my arms or punch a wall until my knuckles bleed, but i usually pinch my arms to stay awake. I really need to work on that.
"Look Rozzalynn, im sorry for how i've treated you, the football team said i had to in order to be accepted by them but i nevr wanted to, that's why whenever they beat you i almost never join in, im always the one to hold you down, look what im trying to say is, can we start over?" He asked in a pleading tone.
"I...i guess we could start over" i reply.
A smile grows on his face.
"Thank you i promise you wont regret this. And you can tell me,i wont tell anyone" he says
I look at him in confusion.
" about the scars " he says
Oh so thats what he meant.
" oh yeah um, the reason why i have them is because...i was abused till i was 13. Thats why i have all those scars. And thats the main reason im bullied " i reply.
His smile disappears and is quickly replaced with a look of sadness.
"Oh , im sorry i shouldn't have asked" he says
" its fine , really, its in the past"i reply.
" yeah. In the past" he says.
" Any way. I was thinking that maybe we could play This love by maroon 5 for the audition" i say quickly changing the subject.
" yeah , i know it" he replies
"Great" i say
" but first i need to hear you sing" he says.
" why ?" I ask
"Because i need to know if you actually sound good before i go on stage infront of a bunch of people " he says with a chuckle.
"Ok, let me think of song real quick" i says.
I got it, I'll sing i write sins not tragedies by P!ATD.
I clear my throat a bit.

Oh , well imagine
As im pacing the pews of church
Corridor, and i cant help but to hear
No i cant help but to hear an exchanging of words
What a beautiful wedding
What a beautiful wedding
Says a bridesmaids to a waiter
Oh yes buy what a shame
What a shame the poor grooms
Bride is a whore.
I chimed in with a havent you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn door
No its much better to face these kind of things
With a sense of poise and rationality
I chimed in with a havent you people ever heard of
Closing the goddamn door
No its much better to face these kind of things with a sense of
Poiseee annnd rationalityyyyy

I finish the song and take a breath. I look up to see tylers face. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open.
" was it that bad" i ask
" no , it was amazing. Your voice had the perfect amount of smooth and raspy. It honestly sounded like a girl version of brendan with a little bit of Billie Joe Armstrong" he say's
I laugh .
"Ok , the brendan part i can believe but not the Billie Joe part" i reply.
" why is that " he asks
" because, Green day is so iconic. No body can have a voice as unique as Billie Joes" i say
"I guess your right, but i still think you sound like him " he says
" believe what you want, do you know if Ashley knows how to play this love ?" I ask
" yeah she does, me and her played it together in music class last year" he said
" good , because the audition is in 3 days so we need to have the song down"i state
"Ok , but you need to rest right now , im gonna get more ice because this ice pack is melting " he says , then gets up to leave. Once he leaves i start digging my nails into my four arm until i drew blood. God i need to put a rubberband on my wrist or something because this is getting serious. I jusy hope we do well in the audition.
Oh please god dont let me mess this up.

(Hey guys its me , i hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote , comment, and share.)
Rage and love xx
Micheal jackson

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