FFTS chapter five

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2 weeks later
Rozzalynns p.o.v

Me and jeremy were walking home from school. Everything so far had been good, my birthday passed a week ago and i got a beautiful black acoustic guitar as a gift, i hope i can learn to play it soon.

It was about 3:40. As we were walking home we were talking about how we would spend our life together in Oakland. Jeremy kept rambling and rambling about how our life would be , he didnt give me a chance to talk . But i didnt mind.

I liked hearing him talk. When he talked about us like that it reminded me that i finally had a forever family, a family that's mine and can nver be taken from me. I know I've only been with them for alnost 2 years but its been amazing and i never want it to end.

" When we move to Oakland it's gonna be amazing, I'll make enough money so we can go to all the green day concerts we want"he said excitingly .
" that would be amazing " i said while smiling up at him.

He smiled back . But his smile was interupted with a booming voice .

We turned around to see Brent.
Jeremy's biggest bully. He had blonde hair , brown eyes, and was 3 inches taller then jeremy, and he was wearing a jacket that only members of the swim team wear.

Jeremy grabbed my arm and we spead walked but Brent kept on following us until jeremy couldnt keep his cool anymore.

" What the fuck do you want you dumb jock!?" Jeremy yelled but instantly regretted it because brent started walking towards us.

" What the fuck did you say to me you emo faggot" brent says with anger in his eyes . All if a sudden brent swung a hard punch at jeremys face knicking him to the ground , brent got in top of him and before he could do anything i grabbed a brick from the ground and threw it hard at brent's back , causing him to roll in the ground in pain , i think his back went out.

I quickly helped jeremy up and together we ran home. Once we got home jeremy ran upstairs to the bathroom to clean up his bloody nose. I sat on the couch and started to think about my mother Faith.

Everytime someone met me they always thought i was white , well thats not true. MY mom may look white , but she wasnt , she was mexican. The only reason she looked white was because her grandmother was white but she married a full mexican and then my grandma married a full mexican , so my mom got her caucasion looks from her grandmother. I always liked spanish music . It's not because im mexican American, its because it reminds me of my family before the abuse

Every christmas me and my mom would go to San diego and celebrate Christmas with her cousins maria and lordes. I can barely remember what they look like but i know that they were beautiful, we had a big family. Christmas was always held at maria and lordes's house in San diego. All the family would come and we'd eat rice pudding , tamales , carne satha ( wich is basically a very juicy and flavorful steak ) , fajitas , horchata , and we'd eat with Spanish music playing.

When we would open presents my great uncle's carlos and hector would sing feleze navidad while playing guitar. I miss those days. Sometimes i wish i could go back to mexico and see my cousins because it felt so at home over there.

If your wondering why my mom had a southern accent it was because she grew up in Texas , but moved to hollywood when her parents dies when she was 19.

I stopped thinking about my family in mexico when i realized that jeremy was in the bathroom for 20 minutes . I walked upstairs and i was about to knock on the bathroom door when i heard wimpers coming from the bathroom.

I softly knocked the door
" Are you ok in there jer bear" i asked with worry
I heard a sniffle " um...yeah im fine" he said with a shakey voice .
" are you sure " i said
" ya , im ok " he said .
And then i heard a clanking sound .

" is everything alright " i said
" YES , everything is fine rozz just leave me alone " he yelled
Oh i dont think so .

I opened the door to see something i wished i didnt .
I saw jeremy with his back against the wall shirtless . In one hand a razor blade and in his shoulder i saw ten cuts still bleeding.

I looked at his torso and saw faint lines everwere, his arms, his stomache, his chest. It horrified me to see him this way.
I kneeled down to Jeremy's level and picked up the blade amd before jeremy could protest i threw it into the toilet and flushed it. He lookes at me with sad eyes.

"Why " i said
" you dont understand, i cant stop, when i do it, if makes everything go away for a little while " he said on the verge of tears .

" jeremy, i know it hurts, i feel this unimaginable pain inside every single day and its unbearable but hurting yourself wont fix it, it'll make it worse " i say to him, while giving him a hug careful not to touch his cuts.

" I'll help you stop " i whisper in his ear
" but how " he repied
" by loving you and being there for you like you were there for me " i said . Then he reached his arms and hugged me lovingly.

"Hey do you wanna trade secrets" he said whispered into my ear.
" sure " i replied
" you go first " he said

I cant beieve im gonna tell him this , but u can trust him , he loves me , he wont tell.
"Ok well , this is kinda hard but imma come out and say it , i..... ............uh , i think i like girls " i admitted.

He just looked at me wide eyed
Not saying a word.
" you dont support it do you " i say on the verge of tears .
He snapped out of it and smiled.
" no , no, of course not , i love you and im happy that you told me , ill always support you " he said . Then he warpped his arms around me in a bear hug.

" thank you , you dont know what this means to me " i choke out while sobbing tears of joy into his chest .

" yes I do " he says softly
" and do you wanna.a know why " he said
" why? " i asked as i looked up at him.
" because i like girls, but i like boys too " he said while smiling .
" wait i sec , so your bisexual , and im lesbian...well i think " i say

" yeah ? " he said questioning
" so , were like .....the rainbow siblings " i say smiling through my tears .
" yes , were the rainbow siblings , And we can fight crime by using our gayness to blast our enemies with rainbow magic " he said . And with that sentence i burst out laughing .

" we should clean you up " i said.
I got a wet towel and bandages and i cleaned and bandaged Jeremy's cuts . We walked into the living room and a few minutes later , jeremys mom(but i call her mama jan) came in crying with mascara running fown her face .

" moma jan , whats wrongs " i say while rushing to her
" your father he....he cheated , he's going to live with his girlfriend " she said while sobbing .

I cant believe it , daddy john would just leave us like that, he was my only foster dad i loved enough to call dad. What will we do now that he's gone.

Little did i know that , that was the day my life took a turn for the worst .

( hey its me micheal i hoped you injoyed this chapter , if you have any suggestions or auestions jusf leave a comment)

( rage and love xx

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