FFTS Chapter 7

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( hey guys its me micheal i hope you enjoy this chapter)

Rozzalynns p.o.v

Its been about 2 month's since moma jan took me back to the orphanage and its been absolute hell.

Every day i get bullied,
teased, and beat up and to top it off , i have to walk 14 blocks to and from school every day and when i get home i get bullied even more by the kids at the orphanage.

Ms.Adams says i need to man up and stop being such a cry baby about, and she wonders why she cant get a husband.

Right now im in my room at the orphanage listening to lets get it started by the black eyed peas. You may be wondering why i listen to them. So if you wanna know then here goes, i listen to the black eyed peas because i genuinely like them, i dont have a specific genre of music.

I love music itself. I dont like rap very much but most of the rap i do like is the old rap. When it was actually good. I like spanish music because, come one its heritage here, and i love old 90's and early 2000's pop hits.

Anyway , so im in my room listening to the black eyed peas through my earbuds when Ms.Adams walks in. All of a sudden she walks over to me and rips out my earbuds .

" hey! What the fuck was that for!?" I yell annoyed ay her antics.
" 1 dont talk to me like that or you'll get it bad like last time,and 2 get packed because your leaving to go to a new foster home tonight " she says . And with that she storms out of my room leaving me sitting on my bed dumbfounded.

What just happened. I grabbed my suitcase and packed my 4 pairs of skinny jeans, 17 band shirt, 3 pairs of shorts , 2 hoodies , and a pair of red hightop converse.

After i finished packing i changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, my gray combat boots, the studded belt jeremy gave to me, and jeremys nirvana T-shirt. I then walked into my private bathroom......ha im not suprised , no one wanted to be roomates with " the slut " so i got my own private room.

I walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror and i looked at my face , i guess the sun really got to me because i look like a full on mexican except for my green eyes and dark blonde highlights .

I put on a black beanie and wait on my bed while listening to music for a few hours. Then the door opens and i see Ms.Adams walk into my room with a man next to her.

He had blonde hair and brown eyes and he was about six feet, still pretty tall compared to my five foot five inch height.

" Rozzalynn this is reese, he's going to be your new foster father " she says with a fake smile .

" oh well look at the time " reese says while pointing at the non existent watch on his wrist.

" we have to go or we'll get stuck in traffic " he says trying to rush me.
" oh , well alright , you've already signed all the papers so you can leave right now if you want " Ms.Adams says.

And with that l, reese picks up my suitcase and motions for me to follow him. We walk downstairs and out the orphanage.

He opens the passenger door for me as i get inside the car. He then closes it and puts my suitcase in the backseat. He gets in the car and starts driving. He then breaks the silence.

" I know you just met me and all, but im gonna try and be the best father i can be, I'm gonna give you a place where you can truly call home " he says then starts to focus on the road.

Well that's the problem, i already had a place to call home and that was with Jeremy and Janice . But maybe i could give this reese guy a chance, maybe i could have a place to call home again i thought.

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