FFTS chapter 9

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Its been almost 2 days since ashley agreed to do the competition but she hasn't told me if tyler agreed to join yet. I dont really understand tyler . At the beginning of freshman year he was nice.
We weren't friends or anything but we would say "hi" or "how was your weekend" or an occasional conversation. We could've become friends but he started hanging out with the popular crowd and stopped talking to me.
Then he started bullying me. At first he was pushed to do it by the jocks on the football team. But after a while he started to bully and beat me on purpose. I think he hates me but im not sure because after evey time he bullies me i can see some regrey in his eyes.
I dont understand Ashley either . She's not the most popular girl in school but she part of the popular crowd. She's also the only popular girl with braces. I wonder how she pulled that off.

Right now im laying down on my bed listening to holiday by green day . I stare at the old faded Green day American idiot poster on the wall. I remember staring at Jeremy's Green day poster pike it was yesterdy.


Jeremy and i were laying down on the floor of his bedroom side by side while playing 20 questions.
" whats your favorite nirvana song ?" Jeremy asked.
" In bloom " i replied
" really , that one ?" He questioned
" yeah , whats wrong with it " i asked.
" nothing its just that i assumed you were gonna say smells like teen spirit"he replied.
" smells like teen spirit is an amazing song but i feel like kurt cobaine only gets credit for that song , i mean there are plenty of other nirvana songs that are also amazing but he's only known for smells like teen spirit" i stated

" yeah i understand what you mean " he say's.

Im pretty sure Jeremy's talking but i dont hear him. I gaze at his poster filled wall when my eyes land on his american idiot poster.
I look at Billie Joe Armstrongs eye's and for some reason i feel drawn to them , connected to them. I dont know why.
Jeremy notices me staring and he stops talking. After a while he breaks the silence.
" you look like him you know" he said .
I turn my head to face him.
" what?" I say while staring in his blue eyes.
" Billie Joe Armstrong " he says then points at the poster.
" sureeee " i say sarcasticly while drawing out the R sound.
" Im serious , you do " he say's. He then props himself on his arm on his side so he facing me.
" No i dont" i reply
" really you do , you could be related for all you know " he says while smiling.
" i wish " i say while staring at billie Joe's eyes.
" i wish " i whisper to myself.

End of flashback

I stop thinking about the past because i know its gonna bring me back to that depressed state i was in a couple days ago. I hear a knock at my door. No one ever knocks on my door. No one ever wants to talk to me. It could only be one person. Ashley. I hurry off of my bed and pat my messy hair down and make it look presentable.
I open the door to see Ashley . She was wearing white shorts, black slip on vans, and a light blue tube top. Her blonde hair in a high ponytale and her blue eyes still sparkling. She was looking at me weirdly. I then realized that i had been staring at her for a long time.
" what do you want ashley?" I ask in my normal monotone voice.
" some ones in a good mood, i just came to tell you that tyler said yes. He wants us to meet him at his house in an hour " she said in a matter of fact tone .
" fine , but ashley i swear to God if you want any of that reward money you need to take this seriously . No sneaking of to go meet your boyfriend like you did in school" i said
" whatever , and tyler said to bring our instruments " she stated. As she started to walk away she stoped and turnes around.
" And by the way, wear some shorts . Its a hundred degrees outside and we cant have you fainting can we, we all knkw what your hiding and we dont care " she says in her bitchy tone. Then she turns around and leaves. I close the door and search through the jungle of my room for my only pair of shorts.

I finally find the black shorts hiding under my bed. I put them on . I put on my beat up red converse and pierce the veil. T-shirt . I go to the bathroom and put on my usual heavy eyeliner . I look in the mirrorand have a close inspection of the large scar on my left cheek. Yup stil huge and disgusting as usual.
Once im done in the bathroom i go into my closet and search for something i haven't touched in a long time. Then i see it.
My electric guitar.
It was black with stripes of shiny glitter swirled all around it. It also had band stickers on it like pierce the veil, green day, black veil brides , nirvana and so on. I got it six months ago at a yard sale so technically i had two guitars. I gave hime a name . His name was blade. Because his sounds would cut the air like a blade.
I grabbed blade and put him in his guitat case. I looked down at my legs. Every deep scar and whip mark was in view. There was no hiding it. But i never really cared about them anymore. Its just another part of my disgusting body.
I grabbed my guitar case by its handle and headed out my room and went to the living area where ashley was waiting for me.
I got to the living area to see ashley carrying her bass guitar case.
She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. This wasnt her fake bitchy smile. This was a real one.
" lets go , we have to catch the bus before we miss it" she says.
Then she grabs my hand and drags me out the orphanage. The minute we step outside im blinded by sunlight. I have to blink my eyes several time for my eyes to adjust because i havent seen daylight in over two weeks.
As we walk down the street to the bus stop we pass by a homeless man who looked about 70 years old. He was sitting by the steps of a liquor store holding up a cup for change but everyone was passing by him. There was even a man who spit at him as he was walking by then he yelled " fucking mexican" as he walked by he was muttering something about donald
I felt really bad for the guy so i stopped walking and turned to ashley.
" Hold my guitar case ill be back in a second " i quickly say while pushing the case into her free hand. And before she could respond i speed walk back to the liquor store. I walk inside and grab a water bottle and a can of diet coke. I pay for the items and leave the liqour store . I walk up to the homeless man and put the change wich was 2 dollars in his cup. I then hand him the cold bottle of water i bought.

"Muchas gracias ( thank you so much )" he says
" dios bendiga a mantener su infriar un dia caluroso ( God bless you keep cool its a hot day)" i reply.
I turn around to walk away when the homeless man grabs my habd and pulls me back to face him.
" puedo ver el dolor en sus ojos ( i can see pain i your eyes) " he says while staring at me.
" Que? ( what?)" I ask
" su felecidad vendra algun dia
( your happiness will come someday ) " he said then slowly let go of my hand. I ran back to ahley.
" hurry up i can see the bus coming " she said then handed me my guitar case. We ran to the bus stop and got on the Bus just before it was about to leave. We both used our bus passes and got a seat in the back. After we settled into our seats i put my earbuds in started listening to black veil brides . I grabbed the can of diet coke that i bought from the liquor store and opened it . I started sipping the cool beverage when Ashleyinterupted the silence .
" could you at least share with me , your not the only one dying of heat you know " she said while waving her hand in front of her face inplying that its hot. Well no shit sherlock i know its hot.
I sighed and handed her the can. She took a long slug and handed me back the can while muttering a short thank you.
After about five minutes Ashley pulls out one of my headphones.
Man this girl is difficult.
" what do you want Ashley?" I asked her annoyed.
" Geez i only wanted to listen to music with you " she says holdeing up her hands in defense. I sighed and gave her one of the headphones for her to listen with me.
Halfway through the song Ashley interrupted the silence.
" hey what song is this ?" She asked
" its called ritual by black veil brides " i answer.
" its actually not bad " she says
I smile to myself.
" for an emo band" she adds
My smile turns into an annoyed frown. Typical Ashley.
" well i was thinking about singing this for the competition" i say
" yeah well were gonna have a problem with that" she says in. her normal bitchy voice .
" And why is that ?" I reply
" I've never even heard you sing
Rozzalynn , you could sound like a dying donkey for all i know" she says .
" trust me, you dont have to worry about that " i reply.
" there's our stop" she says.
She grabs my can and takes another slug and hands it back to me. I chug the rest of the can and leave it on the seat of the bus.
We leave the bus with our guitar cases in hand and start our walk tylers house.

(Hi i hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote , share, and comment)
(Rage and love xx
Micheal jackson)

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