FFTS Chapter 11

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I was running and running. I was running away from Reese's house.
He had come home from work with his friend and his 15 year old son.
What they brought inside the house was what scared me the most out of it. They bought camera equipment.
I was sitting on the couch when the boy sat on the other end of the couch. I didnt know why he was here but i didnt bother asking.
Reese and his friend set up the camera equipment in 15 minutes.
Reese walked over to me and bent down to my level. He brought his lis to my ear and whispered " are you ready for your 15 minutes of fame" with those words i finally realized what the camera equipment was for....and i was NOT going to let that happen.

Reese grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room. He closed the door behind him and turned to face me.

" Listen here, your gonna make yourself look pretty, and your gonna go out there and do whatever i say and your gonna like it do you understand me" he said sternly. I nod.

" Good, now put this on and get out here" he says as he hands me a bag. He walks out of the room. I look inside to bag and pull out a pink sundress.
I was NOT going to wear that. I gotta get out of here. I look up and see a window. I should be tall enough to reach it.
I stand on my toes to reach the lock and then i finally unclasp the lock. The window flies open but i cant reach high enough to climb out.
I step on the bed behind me and take a big leap. My arms go through the window and i grip it holding myself up. I pull myself through and swing my legs out as i jumped out the window.
I land with a thud. I stand up and brush the dirt off my jeans. Then i hear the last person i wann hea right now.

" WHERE THE FUCK DID THE SLUT GO!" Reece yells. After i hear his voice i take off running down the side walk. After running for only two minutes i hear footsteps from behind gaining on me.
I tried running faster but i wasn't fast enough. All of a sudden i was tackled from behind. My face hitting the concrete. I was flipped over on my back.
I started screaming for help but then a cloth was put over my mouth. I look up and see the 15 year old boy. I dont even know his name.........i think its.....Alex.

His brown eyes stare into mine as i drift off. Just before i pass out he whispers "im so sorry"....................
I couldn't move. I couldn't move. My mind screamed at my arms, my legs, my everything to move. Nothing would move.
The only thing i could do was feel and hear. I can feel.......things happening to me........i can hear voices. I dont know why but my mouth is extremely painful. Its getting easier to make out the voices now.

"NO! Im not doing it reece!" I heard a familiar voice. I thinks its Alex.
" YOU ARE MY NEPHEW! YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!" i heard the booming voice of reece say. So thats who he is.

"Jesus reece she's a twelve year old for God's sakes!" Alex says.
" Alex. She's asleep, she wont feel or remember anything" reece says.
"That's not the point Uncle Reece,
This is disgusting and wrong!" Alex says.
What? Thats why they were here with the camera equipment.
They were gonna hurt me and film it.
My eyes flutter open. I look around the room. I try to move my arms but there confined. Reece notices and jabs a needle in my arm and before i know it i'm sucked into darkness.....................
..................i can feel a weight above me and sharp pain in my lower abdomen.....i think i know why......
....................i can feel someone breathing above me but i dont know who it is. The weight is lifted off of me....i can hear them talking.
" Thats my boy Alex" reece says. I can alnost hear the evil grin he's wearing.
"Yeah whatever" Alex says. I can tell through his voice that he felt guilty.
I put all mu streingth and energy and force my eyelids open. It takes a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the light.
I look around and see Alex sitting in a fold out chair shirtless with his head in his hands. I kick my legs and arms but their tied.
I look down and see that im tied to a bed with nothing but a blanket covering my body. I start to breatj heavily. I was freaking out. I tried opening my mouth to scream but it was painfully clamped. Alex seemed to notice. He rushed to my side and tried to calm me down.
"Shh, its ok you need to be quiet or hell come back and hurt you" he whispered.
I did my best to pull away from him but it was hard to do because my limbs were tied.
"Im sorry, i didnt want to do that i promise, he said if i didnt do it he would beat you and get a group of his friends to do it instead" he said.
I was pleading with my eyes. Asking him why i cant talk with my eyes. He just looked at me. With sorrow in his eyes.
"Im so sorry " was all he said.
I looked at him in confusion. Then i looked up at the mirror on the other side of the room and what i saw horrified me............................. ..........MY MOUTH WAS SEWN SHUT................................................................I screamed through my closed mouth. Crying and just wishing for it to end.....................
I shoot up from tylers bed panting. Sweat beading my forehead. Another nightmare. Another memery. They would never end. I knew they would never end.

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