4 | table talk

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@gorehippie's chapter |

About to walk into the lunchroom Jack felt a pair of hands pull his shoulders back, "Who ya eating lunch with church boy?" 

"Ugh, no one," Jack said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Mark just smirked, grabbing his wrist and pulled him into the cafeteria. He pulled him to the table on the far right corner, it was actually in the corner against the wall. As soon as they got over there Jack pulled his wrist away and backed up. Looking at Mark with fear in his eyes, not daring to come any closer.

"Come on," Mark said grasping his arm and yanking him forward once more.

Jack shook his head and tried to pull away.

Mark sighed, "Just sit down before I have to make you."

Jack looked away, Mark still had hold of his wrist. Taking a deep breath he nodded once. With that he pulled Jack to the other side of him, right against the wall, and let go. Jack slid down into the seat, looking into Mark's eyes the whole time. Once Jack had sat down Mark sat down beside him.

In small groups everyone else who sat at this table trickled in. Jack pulled his hood over his face, keeping his head down. Jack had a sinking feeling about the people he thought Mark would hand out with and as it turns out Jack was right.

"Who's that?" Jack heard a girl ask Mark.

"Jack," Mark replied simply.

Jack could feel his face heat up, waiting for the moment where he'd have to get up and run.

"Isn't that the preacher's son?" another guy scoffed, not actually completely asking.

Mark grabbed Jack's shoulder and shook him slightly, "He's got potential."

7:30 pm probably.

"How was the first day?" asked Jack's dad.

"Fine," Jack mumbled, picking at his food.

His dad sighed heavily, "I don't understand mumbling Jack."

"It was fine," he replied, close to snapping.

"Make any new friends? Or are you going to snap at me again?" his dad questioned.

Jack looked down and dropped his fork, "Sorry, and sort of, I guess."

"How was the morning assembly?" his dad asked in a plain tone.

Jack felt his heart drop as he shrugged, "Just like any other, why?" he could feel the color drain from his already pale skin.

"Just asking, there was a burning cigarette found in the boys bathroom. I wanted to make sure you weren't involved in it."

Jack felt all his breath catch in his throat, "I don't smoke, you don't have to worry about it."

With that Jack asked if he could be done and his dad nodded. He put the plate away and rushed upstairs to take a shower.

Jack felt dirty, he'd never lied to anyone before. Lying to his dad's face was almost unbearable, but he couldn't say that he was there. His dad would think he was smoking, he'd never trust Jack again.

Jack really shouldn't be hanging around Mark, and this just proves that fact. Though Jack doesn't know if he wants to stop hanging around Mark any time soon. 

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