12 | close call

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@gorehippie's chapter |

"Hide," Jack whispered harshly.

"Where?" Mark waved his arms around.

Jack looked around, "Closet?"

Mark nodded and rushed into the closet, shutting it carefully as Jack laid back and tried to calm his breathing. He could hear the footsteps come upstairs and begin to head towards him, please no, Jack thought.

As if he had heard Jack his father leaned in the doorway. Not saying anything, just looking at Jack. Jack sat up and created eye contact practically begging his father to leave him alone.

"Jack," he started, "Are you feeling any better?"

Jack looked down, "My face hurts a little bit, why do you ask?"

His father walked in and sat next to him, just close enough to make Jack uncomfortable. He had already hit Jack once, would he do it again?

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to fix you," his dad reassured.

Jack nodded, "Thank you," he choked out.

"I-um, I have to leave for the night, I'll be back some time in the early morning. Before you wake up. Just, get some sleep alright?" his dad seemed incredibly uncomfortable.

Jack just nodded in response, allowing his dad to get up and leave. He waited for his dad's car to pull out of the driveway before giving Mark the okay to come out.

Mark laid back onto the bed, "That was close."

7:00 pm

"You shouldn't have that, it's illegal," Jack protested once Mark slid back into the drivers seat.

He started the car, "Here hold it while I drive."

"No," Jack argued, "we shouldn't even have it."

"Relax it's just some booze church boy," Mark laughed as he backed out of the driveway of his own house, his parents were asleep.

Jack took the glass bottles and hid them in his lap, "I shouldn't even be out of the house."

"God I'm dating a do-gooder. Stop complaining, it's going to be fun," Mark reassured.

They pulled into a park from the next town over, a place where Jack had never been. Getting out of the car, Mark grabbed a beer from Jack and popped it open. Taking a sip he pulled Jack to a bench and they sat there, looking and the stars, not saying much.

About halfway done with his beer Mark spoke up, "Are you sure you don't want a sip?"

"Positive," Jack looked away.

"You're adorable," Mark took another sip, "innocent. You've probably never even thought about anything sexual."

"Nope," Jack shook his head laughing a bit.

Jack had always been told to push it away, and he did. He didn't want to disappoint his father.

"Why?" Jack asked.

Mark turned to Jack, "Just wanted to know if you're any good at blowjobs."

"You're drunk," Jack insisted.

"I've only had a half a beer," Mark laughed, "definitely not drunk. You don't have to, just wondering."

Jack looked down, "Well I've never given one, I'd need help."

Mark nearly spat his drink everywhere.

"Not apposed to learning though," Jack smiled to himself.

"You kidding me?" Mark asked confused.

Jack nodded his head, honestly he had no clue what he was doing. Jack knew damn well he wouldn't even think about it if he wasn't mad at his dad. What's the harm anyway?

Mark chugged down the rest of the beer, then dragging both the empty bottle and Jack back to the car. Both sliding into the backseat.

They both faced each other before Mark grabbed Jack's wrists and began kissing him. Mark held him down loosely against the car door. Minutes passed in this rough kiss, evidently making both boys hard.

"You sure?" Mark pulled away.

Jack nodded again, grabbing the back of Mark and pulled him back down into the kiss. Jack wasn't actually sure, but that didn't really matter because he was going to.

Mark sat up, not pulling away, but relocating them so he was sitting up and Jack was in his lap. Mark took his hands away from Jack and undid his jeans, keeping them on, and pulled his erect dick up out over the waist band of his boxers. Jack broke the kiss and rested his forehead on Mark's creating eye contact.

Mark smiled, "Ready church boy?"

Red Is The Color Of Sin | septiplierOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora