15 | brad

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| @cringelee's chapter |

It had been a couple days since that boy had found out about Jack and Mark. After doing a lot of his homework, Jack had learned that his name was Brad. It made sense in his mind. Brad was the kind of name a bully would have. 

After English one day, Jack escaped into the bathroom, hoping Mark would be there. Jack was disappointed to find that he wasn't. But Brad was there. 

"I don't think you're trying very hard on my homework. I haven't been getting straight A's." Brad took a step towards Jack who tried to leave. He put his hand against the door, holding it shut and keeping Jack in place. Jack quickly dove under his arm, going to the other side of the bathroom. Maybe he could run out when Brad was distracted?

Unfortunately for Jack, Brad pushed him up against the wall, holding him there. "Y'know, are you really gay? Is Fischbach really gay?" When Jack didn't respond, Brad laughed. "Honestly, I don't believe that either of you are gay. Maybe you both wanted someone to notice?"

"That's not true," Jack said quickly. That was the opposite of what he wanted. He didn't want anyone except for him and Mark to know about their relationship.

"Oh yeah? Then kiss me," Brad challenged.

"But I like Mark, not you," Jack shot back.

Brad shrugged one shoulder, still holding Jack against the wall with his other arm. "It's not like he'll know."

"I said no."

Brad sighed, then smashed his lips against Jack's. Jack tried to push him away, but he had forgotten that Brad was the athletic one; Jack was too weak. Suddenly the bathroom door flew open, and Brad was pulled away from Jack.

"What do you think you're doing?" It was Mark. Was he yelling at Jack?

"Mark, it was him, not.." Jack's voice trailed off as Mark punched Brad in the jaw. 

"Don't touch him every again, or I swear to God, I will seriously kick your ass," Mark said in a low voice as he punched Brad again, this time right below his left eye.

With that, Brad held a hand to his face as he hurried out of the bathroom. Jack let out a shaky breath. Brad forcibly kissed him, then Jack had witnessed Mark punch him. Twice. Mark went over to Jack and hugged him, making Jack forget that they were probably late to class now. 

"What happened?" Mark whispered, not letting go of Jack. Letting out a shaky breath, Jack proceeded to explain about how Brad had walked in on them kissing, and about how he had been making Jack do his homework, and everything that led up to the current moment.

Mark shook his head and sighed. "He's such a dick. If he bothers you again, just tell me."

"But I still have to do his homework, don't I? He'l tell everyone about us if I don't," Jack said, a bit panicked.

Mark just laughed. "You're too cute. No, you don't have to do his homework anymore."


"Shh," Mark held a finger to Jack's lips. "Don't worry about it."

Jack nodded, and they shared a quick kiss before hurrying to their classes.

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