9 | comfort

422 17 4

| @cringelee's chapter |

Jack was a bit sad to leave school that day, knowing he'd have to go through the weekend without seeing Mark. His dad wouldn't let him go anywhere, for some reason. When Jack got home that afternoon, his father was already there, sitting at the table. Had he been waiting for Jack? It wasn't dinner time yet, so this confused Jack. It also made him anxious.

"Jack, please sit down." His father gestured to the seat next to him. Jack hesitantly set his bag down and sat in the chair. Now he was panicking. His father usually never wanted to talk to him about important things. 

"What is it?" Jack asked, already eager to end the conversation, despite it having barely started. 

"Well," his father sighed, "you've only been hanging out with that one friend lately, right?" Jack nodded, knowing his father meant Mark. Surely he didn't know anything about the two? If he did, wouldn't his father be more livid than he is now?

"Is he a good kid? You guys haven't been doing anything bad, have you?" There was something about the tone of his voice that Jack didn't like. 

"Yeah, Mark's great. We haven't done anything wrong," Jack nearly stuttered.

His father sighed again. "Well, son. The school contacted me because the boy's bathroom has been smelling of cigarette smoke, and they found cigarettes in the trash. Do you know why this is?" His father rested his hands on the table, looking at Jack sternly.

Jack shook his head. "I have no idea. I told you, I don't smoke. I'm not like that." Jack could hear his own heartbeat thudding loudly in his ears, and he wrung his hands together nervously. "Why would the school contact you?"

His father waited a moment or so before speaking again. He clearly was not happy. "Jack, the school contacted me because they've noticed that it's always you and Mark in the restroom at the same time. And they've also noticed that there's always cigarette butts in the trash when you two leave."

Jack froze. The school had noticed that? How long had they been noticing this for? Jack was screaming on the inside. "I don't smoke," he whispered.

Jack's father leaned towards him. "Does Mark?" When Jack didn't respond, his father took that as a yes. Now, he was livid. "Why would you hang out with this boy? He's a bad influence on you, and I don't want you two to ever go near each other again. I won't have you become a sinner all because of some stupid boy," his father slammed his hand down on the table, causing Jack to flinch. He had never heard his father raise his voice before. 

"You can't stop me from hanging out with him," Jack said almost immediately. 

Jack's father nearly laughed. "Excuse me?"

Jack looked up at his father, equally as angry. "You're not going to stop me from hanging out with my only friend. I'm almost an adult, and soon you won't have any say over what I do. Mark's my friend, and I like him, so I'm going to continue hanging out with him." Jack was barely registering the words coming from his own mouth. He stood up from the table, dismissing himself.

But his father stood up as well and grabbed his sweatshirt. "You like him? You like him? Are you gay?" His father shook him, his voice getting louder and louder. Jack froze, not realizing he had given himself away.

"No," he stuttered, his voice barely a whisper.

His father laughed bitterly, refusing to let go of Jack's hoodie. "I can't believe it. My son is gay!" He grabbed the front of Jack's sweatshirt with both hands now, and shook him. "You're not gay. You just think you are," his father tried to convince him. But Jack knew better.

"I'm gay, so what? Sorry I didn't turn out to be your perfect child," he pulled away from his father's grip harshly, stumbling back a few feet. He turned towards the door and began to head outside. 

"Jack, where are you going? You come back here right now!" His father made another grab at him, but Jack quickened his pace, slamming the door shut behind him. When he thought he was far enough away, he pulled out his phone, hastily texting Mark.

Jack: Please come and see me. I'm at the park.

Mark: what's up? you want me to go rn?

Jack: Please

Mark didn't respond, making Jack anxious, but his anxiety soon disappeared when he saw Mark jogging up to him. "What's up, church boy?" 

Jack threw himself into Mark's arms, immediately feeling comfort as Mark held him tightly in response. "I'll talk about it later," Jack whispered, only wanting to sit there in silence as Mark held him.

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