Chapter Six: Long Time No See or Hisashiburi

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Sora's POV

It's been about five years since we got to Magnolia. We've kept ourselves scarce. Until now, that is. We're, or rather I'm, being chased by some nasty men. I told everyone else to scatter and head back to our little home outside of Fairy Tail I was over in the market area when two men, who I thought were drunk, pulled out some daggers and started to chase me.


"Hey Sora, how about we buy this?" Galaxia asked me. "Sure." I replied. I sensed some people with bad intentions and mentally told to girls to scatter. They know about my ability with thoughts after I told them. It just felt right. The people didn't go after the girls. They were after me. When I turned to face them, I saw two drunkards in their early forties coming towards me. I acted like noting happened, until they got close and brought out their knives. I jumped up and then back into the crowd, hoping to throw them off my track. It didn't work so well. They kept chasing me. I ran and ran. Going through alleys and back roads. I sensed familiar auras ahead, the ones from Fairy Tail. Natsu's wasn't there, he went somewhere yesterday morning and hasn't come back. I decided to run towards there, hoping that they could help me.

*End flashback*

I got closer to the guild, I'm not a member, but I don't know how I'd or we'd, be able to become members. The girls have gotten better with the transformation spell. I don't want to use my magic or else they might get seriously hurt. I was really close to the guild, when one of the two chasing me threw a dagger. I dodged it and kept running. I cast my thoughts out to the members inside of Fairy Tail, hoping they would hear me. 'Help! Someone help me!' I thought out to them in distress. I got outside of the guild when the other person threw their dagger and hit the back of my leg. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed. I fell in front of the doors, then they opened. Out came a short man with white hair. "So, are you the child that cried out?" he asked. "Y-yes." I said weakly. "My friends are near. They're right over in the ally way across from here." I told him. All the while fighting the pain in my leg. "Alright then, can you call them after I deal with these ruffians?" he asked. "Y-yes." I told him.

He went over towards the people and they started to tremble. "Oh dang it! It's Fairy Tail's master! Makarov the Giant!" one of them shouted. "L-let's g-get out of h-here!" the other shouted. They ran away and Makarov didn't have to do anything but show his face. 'It's okay girls, you can come out. This man is nice.' I thought to them before I passed out.

Galaxia's POV

After Sora told us to come out, we went over near her and the man. Sora was passed out and bleeding from her leg. The cause being one of the evil men's dagger. we all went over to her. "Are you her friends?" the man asked. "Yes, we are." I told him. "Bring her in and follow me." he told us. "Alright." I told him. I motioned for the others to come over. Kaen and I picked her up from the front while Yuki and Kaze got her legs. Chikyu was trying to stop the bleeding. We were led through the guild hall but no one paid attention to it as we were led to an infirmary. The man called someone in and said that they were one of the medics here. In came someone who said that they knew how to help. We all stepped back and went to some chairs and fell asleep. When we woke up, the person was gone, Sora's leg was bandaged, and she was face-up. We were all so relieved. We moved some chairs around the bed she was on and sat near her, not talking. The man from before came in with the person that helped Sora. "How is she doing?" he asked. "She'll be fine. She should wake up soon." The person said. "Thanks Mira. You go back now." the man said. "Alright master." she said. "Thanks for your help." we all said to her. "It was no trouble." the lady said. She left and there was only us and the man.

"Who are you?" Yuki asked the man. "My name is Makarov Dreyar, and I am the master of this guild." the man said. "And who might you all be?" he asked us. "My name is Galaxia. The one with orange hair is Kaen. The one with white hair is Yuki. The one with yellow hair is Kaze. The one with brown hair is Chikyu. And the one that is sleeping right now is Sora Nova. Our friend." I told him. "Hmm, when she wakes up, call for me." the man told us. "Ok." I told him.

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