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The trip to Kyoto was excruciatingly long. Sasaki spent the whole ride re-reading the notes he had on Akui, tapping his pen against the pile of papers. Mutsuki nervously jiggled his leg while looking out the window. Urie and Saiko were in their own worlds, Urie with his headphones in and Saiko snoring. I was bored out of my mind and restless. I wasn't friendly with anyone in the van except for the Q's. I had a hard time getting close to anyone since Ikeda got his hands on me. With the Q's it was different, I was kind of forced to get close to them since I moved in with them after the operation.

I had always hated long car rides, but now they reminded me of the bus ride from Fukuoka to Tokyo, an unbearable 12 hours filled with fear that I'd be caught by Ikeda again, that I hadn't actually managed to kill him. Each stop the bus made brought a new wave of anxiety that he'd be waiting for me at that bus station.

To keep myself sane, my thoughts turned to Juuzou. I thought of the last time I saw him. The knife he held to his own throat, the way he sobbed in my arms, wanting his life to be over. When I walked home that night, after finally being sure that Juuzou would be safe, that's when Ikeda caught me.

I couldn't be sure that Juuzou was even still alive. So many things could've happened to him. He probably thought I left him. It was inopportune time to be kidnapped- when Juuzou needed me the most.

"Y/N-chan." A hand shook my shoulder, a deep voice attached to it.

"Ow! Shit, calm down Y/N."

My eyes snapped open, fixating on the purple haired boy in front of me, who was holding a hand to a now-red jaw.

"Did I hit you Urie? I'm so sorry."

"I told you you should've let me wake her up, Urie." Saiko piped up, a know-it-all grin on her face.

Urie just growled and went back to his seat, slumping into it.

"Alright everyone, we're here!" Sasaki called from the front of the travel van.
I could see he was nervous to be leading this big operation, not only leading his own squad but other members of the CCG as well.

We all filed out of the van, briefcases and suitcases in tow. Sasaki led the way to the hotel we'd be staying at. 

**POV change**

"Rumors are going around of the CCG from Tokyo coming out here," Hira said, leaning back against the wall and running his hands through his greasy brown hair.

I shrugged, sitting cross-legged on the dusty ground.

We'd been squatting in this abandoned warehouse for weeks now. It was surprising no one had caught us yet. It was dirty and disgusting here, but none of us had anywhere else to go. That's the solitary factor that kept us banded together. A bunch of half ghouls, some born, some created, all outcasts.

"Supposedly they're after us."

I shrugged again. It really didn't matter what became of any of us. We had no families to miss us. So what's the difference between life and death for us?

"Whether or not the CCG kills us, it doesn't really matter," I said, playing with the dingy red thread laced through the skin of my hand.

Hira stood up, extending a hand to me. I refused it, standing up on my own.

"I'm gonna go try to find something to eat, you coming?"

I shrugged and nodded, trailing after the taller man.

I paused. "Shouldn't we wait for Yuki and Satchiko?"

"Suit yourself, Juuzou. I don't know when they'll be back."

"Oh, that's okay then." I continued following Hira out into the darkness, into yet another night of stealing someone's life to fuel my own.

Worlds Away {Ghoul! Suzuya Juuzou x female reader}Where stories live. Discover now