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A sense of calm settled over me, out of place amongst the frenetic energy around me. I was going to fight, just as I had hundreds upon hundreds of times.

The only difference was that now I was a ghoul, just like those that I was sent to kill. It evened the playing field. My fighting skills were never lacking when I was a human, but just like any other human, I was easy to break. I may not have felt much, but my human body was like paper and tape compared to my body now. 

Murata Jiro is going to die. And I'm going to be the one that kills him.

I looked around at the sea of gray and black kagune-proof vests, of nervous faces. The only calm face was the one next to me. Akira.

She had clapped me on the shoulder upon seeing me, wishing me good luck. I wished her the same. 

They were right to be nervous. Just because we were determined that this operation was going to go as we planned it...didn't necessarily mean that lives wouldn't be lost.

 We filed into the vans, watching the CCG building get smaller and smaller through the back window.


"This is where he stays?" Marude asked me suspiciously, his eyes narrowing at me.

"Yes, sir." I stared back at him until he looked away uneasily.

"Your informant, are they on the premises?"

"She shouldn't be. I told her what time we were coming."

"If she was stupid enough not to leave the area, we can't guarantee her safety."

I bit back the flurry of rude remarks that wanted to force themselves from my lips, instead nodding silently.

I couldn't really blame him for being so dubious that this upscale, two story house with stained glass windows and a perfectly manicured lawn was the current home of the ghoul responsible for hundreds of deaths every month.

But I knew how Murata liked to live, and this house made perfect sense to me. He would never lower himself to staying in a motel, or renting a shabby apartment.

I stared out the window of the stuffy van while Akira and some of the other investigators looked over Murata's paperwork for what feels like the tenth time that day. 

Akira passed me a copy and I pretended to scan it, though I knew it by heart. After all, I'd given them most of the information.

Name: Murata Jiro (Ghoul, possible Kakuja)

Age: Unknown, possibly late 30's

Height: Approx. 6'

Weight: Unknown, heavy build

Blood type: Unknown

Kagune type: Unknown

Rating: Unknown

The CCG has pinpointed Murata as the perpetrator of at least 50% of the murders that have happened over the last two years, both of humans and ghouls. He himself does not commit the murders, he hires others to do so for him. Our operation will be solely based on the extermination or capture of Murata, not of his subordinates. We believe him to be loosely affiliated with the auction scene, as well as the gourmet scene.

"This barely has anything to go off of. How are we supposed to know him when we see him?" The investigator seated next to me complained.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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