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A/N: This is the longest chapter I've written, readers. 2k words. Hope you enjoy it~

Two months had passed since that evening I went to find Juuzou, alone.

I had hoped that my explanation for why I'd left- not of my own will- would have had an effect on him, would have changed something, but it didn't.

When I'd finished talking he'd just stared at me with those empty eyes, and then said "Please leave, Y/N, I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."

I'd blankly stared at him, at which he yelled "Go!" His left eye flashed red and back and I knew that I was now in danger.

I hastily got up and left the cobwebbed building, running all the way back to the hotel the squad was staying at. On my way back, the gray clouds that filled the sky finally gave way and broke; it began to pour. I was thankful that no one could see my tears in the rain.

I stormed into our room, Saiko immediately looking up from the video game she was playing.

"Oh no...what happened Y/N-chan?"

I was unable to speak, could only sob as Saiko rubbed my back. She never asked me for an explanation; Saiko was amazing that way, she had a way of sensing when I didn't want to talk, and she never pushed.

After my screw-up during the battle with Akui, I tried my hardest to be the best investigator I could be. I trained hard, trying to perfect the use of my kagune, and learned how to better handle my knives. I never let the squad down during a fight again.

But now... there's another raid coming up. And my nerves are on edge.

What if I mess up again? What if someone gets hurt, or killed because of me?

**Juuzou's point of view**


I was on the floor of yet another filthy building, arms folded across my stomach, nails digging into my flesh. Blood dripped slowly from the gouges.

I'd forgotten how long it'd been since I'd eaten. Weeks had slowly faded into months. The chaos inside my mind rendered me unable to put human meat into my mouth. Each time I tried my throat closed and I had to spit it out, unable to swallow. Another life wasted.

I'd come back to Tokyo, in hopes of seeing Y/N from afar, even if I couldn't be close to her.

I was alone. I didn't bother trying to join up with any groups of ghouls. I was too weak to be an asset to them in fights, so why would they want me? I was now used to the bitter pain of having no one to turn to. The only one I can depend on is myself...but I've even let myself down.

I couldn't even fulfill my basic instinct to survive. Pretty soon, I'll die. A ghoul can't go so long without food.

I knew what I had to do before I died. I had to see him one last time.


"Saiko! Guess what?" The two of us were lounging around on the couch on the apartment the squad shared.

Saiko popped a candy into her mouth. "Ummm what?" She said around it.

"An old friend I used to work with, well, we got into contact again recently, and she just had her baby yesterday!"

"Aww! That's so cute. Are you going to go visit her?"

I hesitated. "I don't know if I should. What if she can tell...that I'm not human anymore."

Worlds Away {Ghoul! Suzuya Juuzou x female reader}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ