The Right Thing To Do

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[A/N: Sorry this update took so long, readers. I was super writers blocked. It's better now, I think.]

**Three Week Time Skip**

I yawned and rolled over as the alarm on my phone vibrated. I sat up slowly, trying my best not to wake up Juuzou. But as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, he murmured "Good morning Y/N-chan."

"Sorry I woke you Juuzou. I have to go home and get ready for work."

His hand reached out and grasped my wrist loosely. "Just five more minutes. You're so warm...the bed is cold without you," he said sleepily.

I gave in and crawled back under the covers. "Only five more minutes, or I'll be late to work." Juuzou nodded in agreement and pulled me towards him, nuzzling his head against my shoulder.


I never thought I'd sleep in the same bed with Juuzou again- or anyone for that matter. It takes a large amount of trust to believe that someone won't hurt you while you're asleep- or at least for me it does, after Ikeda. Juuzou feels the same way, he's scared of losing control and hurting me, since he's a ghoul now. The first night he snuck me into his apartment, he ended up sleeping on the floor because I couldn't handle having a body in the bed beside me. The next night, I slept sitting up because that made me more comfortable. Then one night we fell asleep while laying next to each other talking. After that we were slowly able to make the transition to sleeping on opposite sides of the bed, then to holding hands while sleeping, and finally, to sleeping in each others arms. Rebuilding our trust in one another has been slightly easier than I thought it would be.

At some moments, it feels like nothing has changed. But then something will trigger me and I'll have a flashback and push Juuzou away from me, and it will all come flooding back; nothing is the same, and it never will be. But maybe that's okay, because even though the circumstances in which our love exists are different, we found each other again against all odds.


"Are you ever going to sleep at home again?" Saiko asked as she took the screen off the window so I could climb through.

"In all honesty? Probably not." I laughed as I put the screen back on the window.

This was our routine every morning now. I'd come back home an hour before I had to be at work so I could get ready, and everyone besides Saiko would assume I'd been in my own bed sleeping soundly all night. I couldn't bear the thought of the others knowing I was spending the night at someone's house. I didn't even want them knowing I was in a relationship, because I knew they'd question me as to why I didn't bring the guy around.

As badly as I wanted to bring Juuzou around the squad, to have the two most important parts of my life meet, I knew they'd most likely recognize him as part of Akui, and although Akui was a thing of the past, I couldn't let that happen. It was bad enough having even Saiko know I was in love with a ghoul.

But today, my bubble of denial was burst.

"Sasaki knows you're not sleeping here, Y/N-chan. So you don't have to sneak around like a teenager anymore." She looked at me sternly.

"W-what? How does he know?"

Saiko smirked at me. "He's not an idiot. Also Mutsuki saw you sneaking in one morning and accidentally told him."

"Secrets do not exist in this household do they?" I muttered to myself as I headed into the bathroom to shower.

Saiko followed me into the bathroom, brushing her teeth while I showered, but remained standing at the sink even after she'd finished.

"Um, Saiko, is there a reason you're still standing there?" I raised my voice to be heard over the running water.

"Well...I think you should tell Sasaki-san the truth about Juuzou. I don't think he'll be upset, I mean...he's a ghoul too. But he would be upset that you lied to him, and for all this time too. Just think about it, Y/N-chan." She left the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I let the hot water cascade down my face, wishing it could wash away my worries like it washed away the filth of the world from my skin.

Maybe Saiko is right, and I should tell Sasaki...but...I don't see how it's any of his business who I date, really. If I was dating a human it wouldn't matter.

I never got a chance to decide whether or not it mattered.

Worlds Away {Ghoul! Suzuya Juuzou x female reader}Where stories live. Discover now