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**A/N: I hope I don't confuse anyone with all the flashbacks.

Bold= flashback.

Bold italic= Thoughts within a flashback.

Italic= Thoughts, as usual.

I hope that makes sense.

Also slight trigger warning for mentions of rape.**

I rushed into the meeting room fifteen minutes late.

"Sorry Sasaki-san, I'm so sorry I'm late." I said breathlessly and sat down in the empty chair next to Urie, holding my wounded forearm close to my body in hopes that no one would notice it.

"Y/N-chan, what happened to your arm?" Sasaki asked the second he laid his eyes on me.

"Uh, it was nothing. I fell, and I was um, bleeding a lot, so a kind bystander gave me their shirt to wrap around it." I chuckled nervously, knowing I sounded completely ridiculous.


"So what did I miss?" I asked as Urie passed me a copy of the notes.

So this is our next assignment.... what? It's only one ghoul?

"Our whole squad is assigned to one ghoul?"

"Well, yes. And all the other ghouls that end up coming along with her. She'll probably have backup."

I read the notes silently to myself.

This ghoul has earned herself the name Lashes, she's known for her thin and very sharp rinkaku kagune that resemble whips and cut like whips too.

Because of how much damage her kagune have the potential to do, she is SS rated.

She is known to wear a flesh colored mask that is contoured to her face and has on it the features of another face.

She preys on mostly young, attractive women. She tortures them for quite some time before eventually eating them.

She's caused eight deaths in just the past week.

We figure she must be storing the bodies somehow after killing them, because no normal ghoul needs to eat eight times a week.

CCG has so far been unable to figure out her location.

"So...when are we going after uh...Lashes?"

"Two days from now, it looks like. We're going to be using bait in the form of a CCG investigator. Errr, one of the Qs actually."

I looked at Saiko, and she looked away from me.


"Well, if you're up for it. We're very confident in your abilities to hold her off until we get there. If everything goes according to plan, you shouldn't need to be alone with her more than 20 minutes." Sasaki smiled at me nervously.

"Okay. I'll do it."

What do I have to lose anyway...


"H-hello?" I mumbled into my phone.

Who in the hell is calling me at 1 a.m. in the morning...

"Hi Y/'s me- uh, it's Juuzou." And with that I was instantly awake.

"Juuzou, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Worlds Away {Ghoul! Suzuya Juuzou x female reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon