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We were on our way to CCG headquarters for a meeting when Sasaki got a call from headquarters. He pressed a button on the small device in his ear and picked up the call.

"Sasaki speaking. En route to headquarters. The Quinx are with me, yes. Alright. Okay, we'll go now." He ended the call with the press of another button and made a U-turn at the next light.

"Uh, where are we going?" Urie was the first to ask the question we were all thinking.

"That was Marude. The CCG just got a call from local police that two individuals, believed to be ghouls, were seen breaking into a house. The neighbors heard screaming and loud noises from inside the house, so they called the police. He wants me to go take a look since I'm in the area. He said it's unlikely I'll need backup, but I have a whole car full of backup if I end up needing it." He smiled, and pulled the car over to the curb.

"This is the house. The ghouls were not seen leaving the house but that doesn't mean they're no longer in there. They could have gone out a back way. Urie, come with me."

Urie unbuckled his seat belt, scowling a little as he grabbed his briefcase from where it rested at his feet.

I held a finger up to my lips, chomping down on the already short nail. For some explainable reason, I was suddenly very nervous. 

I watched Sasaki and Urie's retreating forms before getting up from my seat. "I'm going too." Saiko gave me a puzzled look, but I ignored it and got out of the car.

I didn't bother catching up to them, because I knew Sasaki would tell me to go back to the car, backup wasn't needed, etc.

They forced open the front door of the house, and I saw Urie take out his quinque as soon as he saw whatever was happening inside.

My body was full of nervous energy I had no explanation for as I stepped onto the porch, and looked through the window.

The first thing I saw were two dead bodies, a man and a woman. If I had to guess I'd say they were humans, but there was no way for me to know for sure yet. They were slumped against the far wall, blood leaking from their mouths and pouring from various other parts of their anatomies.

Sasaki had his quinque drawn, it was held at the throat of a tall, slender ghoul. Blood was seeping from her throat from the pressure he was putting on the blade. Her long dark hair hid her face, and four purple stumps were protruding from her back, the remnants of a rinkaku kagune that had been sliced off. As I watched, they dissolved completely.

A sudden movement drew my attention away from Sasaki and the girl, I watched as Urie stabbed his quinque through the abdomen of another ghoul, one with shaggy black hair and ukaku wings large and brilliant. Urie stabbed the ghoul again, blood pouring out when he yanked the blade out the ripped flesh.

"Urie! No!"

I rushed into the house and put my body between Urie and the ghoul, knocking Urie's quinque out of his hands, it fell to the floor with a clatter in the now silent room. "Stop." I said breathlessly. Everyone was looking at me, confusion painted across their faces. Every face except Juuzou's. His was painted scarlet with the blood he had just coughed up.

"Y/N what are you doing? Get out of the way!" Urie said, confusion and anger intertwining in his tone.

"Don't... you can't... please don't hurt him."

There was a thump as Juuzou fell to his knees, blood pooling around him.

I sat down on the floor next to him, putting his upper body across my lap.

"If you're going to kill him, you can kill me too. But look at him, he's not hurting you right now. Neither is she." I gestured to the female ghoul who was slumped against the wall, her blood-slick hands around her throat, trying to seal the cut Sasaki's quinque had left.

"Y/N, what are you talking about? They just murdered these people, and we've been sent here to take them down."

"Like I said, if you need to kill him, you can kill me too. I won't let you hurt him otherwise." Before I knew it my kagune was effortlessly tearing through my flesh and clothing, whipping around behind me like a lethal cats tail. 

I pulled Juuzou up into a sitting position between my legs, my kagune snaking around from behind me and wrapping around the both of us, making us one, which is just how I wanted Sasaki and Urie to see us.

If you kill him, you kill me.

I wasn't unaware of the fact that I was now sitting in an ever-growing puddle of blood, and that Juuzou's cognizance seemed fuzzy at best. 

I have to get us out of here, I need to take care of his wounds.

"Sasaki, please. He could die if I don't do something soon. Please just let me take him."

"No! I'm going to kill him, and his partner." Urie stepped towards me, quinque in hand.

"Urie." Sasaki said quietly. Urie's eyes smoldered and he didn't put his quinque down, but he didn't bring it any closer either. It rested right at the base of my throat, the blade just barely grazing the skin there.

"Get out of here Y/N." Sasaki's voice was harsh with anger that bubbled just under the surface. When I paused he yelled, "Go!"

He turned on his heel and walked away from me, leaving me sitting on the sticky floor, Urie following him. I was afraid I'd never see them again.

I released my kagune from where it held Juuzou and got up, walking over to where the girl sat. I had by now figured out that this must be Amaya, Juuzou's partner in his job as a hit-man.

I extended my hand to her. She grasped it with one of her own, and stood up shakily. "Can you walk?"

She nodded before gagging and spitting blood onto the already soaked floor. I quickly tore off one of the sleeves of my cardigan and made a mock tourniquet so she wouldn't bleed out on the way to their apartment, wherever that was. I hope it's nearby...

I knelt down in front of Juuzou. "Can you walk?" I put my hand to his cheek gently, and his red eyes found my own.

"I think I'm okay, Y/N-chan." He stood up without my assistance, wobbling only slightly. I took one of his hands in my own and gestured for Amaya to follow us, leaving behind the house tainted with death and fear.

What have I done...

Worlds Away {Ghoul! Suzuya Juuzou x female reader}Where stories live. Discover now