Stake Out

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"As far as we know, this is where Akui is currently staying. They seem to switch location somewhat frequently, so let's hope we're right," Sasaki whispered. We were staked out behind an abandoned building in a cramped pick-up truck.

I looked at the green haired boy squished into the seat to the right of me, tapping his foot anxiously.

"Are you okay, Mutsuki?"

"Yeah. I just... don't like stake outs. I always worry that they're one step ahead of us and will sneak up behind us and kill us."

I patted his arm in an attempt to be comforting. "It's okay. Sasaki will protect us to the best of his ability, but we're all also capable of protecting ourselves. Us Q's are strong."

Mutsuki smiled a little, but I knew it was forced.

I always felt a sense of camaraderie with Mutsuki. He reminded me a little of myself before I changed. I used to always be scared. Now, I barely remember what fear felt like. What is there to be scared of now? I'd already lost everyone that mattered to me, and had unimaginable things inflicted upon me.

Mutsuki and I also share the same type of kagune- bikaku. Before I came along, the Q squad had one member of each kagune type (excluding Sasaki). I guess I upset the balance a little, but they were never anything but welcoming...well, everyone except Urie, but I've come to expect nothing less from him.


"Hira, they're staked out back there. They're watching."

"What? How do you know?" Hira muttered, ripping off another piece of flesh from the body he'd brought back earlier.

"Because...I just know." My mind flashed back to the many stake outs I'd been a part of as a CCG investigator. I shook my head to toss the memory back to the depths of my mind. There was no use in thinking of my past.

Hira held a piece of meat up, offering it to me. "If the CCG really is out there, you'll need your strength. You haven't eaten in a few weeks."

I sighed and took the flesh from him.

With as many people as I killed in a week, I didn't eat. Hira was right. I needed my strength.

As I ate, I thought again about my old life. About the times when I basically lived off of donuts and sickly sweet iced coffee. I missed it. I missed all of it. How did I end up here. Alone.

Satchiko and Yuki entered the building at that moment, laughing loudly and holding hands.

I watched them. Satchiko brushed Yuki's lavender hair out of her face and kissed her cheek sweetly. Yuki smiled up at her raven haired girlfriend.

"Satchiko! Yuki! Shut up!" Hira hissed suddenly.

The girls came out of their own world at Hira's words. "What's going on?" Yuki asked, her voice still too loud.

" were right. They're getting out of the car."

He walked to the corner of the room, where our robes and masks lay in a crumpled pile. "Let's go." He was already putting on his mask.

I followed suit, and so did Yuki and Satchiko.

We blended into the dark of the decrepit building.

We watched as eight people piled out of the van, briefcases clutched in their hands.

We could no longer see the group from the window. They were going to the front of the building. I heard the door creak open, footsteps echoing.

At the front was a man with black and white hair. Hira went after him straight away. The man pulled out his quinque, it resembled a long sharp rod. He was fast. He slashed Hira across the stomach. 

Hira has never been a very good fighter...

His kagune snaked out from his back, wrapping around his arm in a red spiral, the tip lethally sharp.

They must have expected us to be a bigger group...there are eight of them and four of us...

A purple haired man darted out from behind the group and ran in to join in his colleagues fight against Hira. His quinque was very similar to the other mans. Hira ran at him, waving his kagune around like crazy. It hit the second investigators quinque, shattering it.

Lucky hit, Hira...

The investigator threw it to the ground, his face full of rage, and I couldn't believe my eyes as a kagune sprouted from his back, lashing at Hira full force. He was hit again in the stomach, and this time he fell to the ground.

An investigator with a kagune...?

"Hira!" Satchiko screamed, running to him, blue tails slithering out from her tailbone region as she dropped to the ground next to him. Her kagune sent both of the investigators flying across the room.

A petite man with an eye-patch ran somewhat timidly towards Satchiko, but Yuki jumped into his path. "Leave them alone!" She screamed, black and lavender wings shooting out of her shoulders and forming points, aiming straight at the eye-patched man, who was now pulling two large knives off his belt. He ran at her, landing one good stab on her arm before he dropped both knives clumsily.

Yuki clutched her arm as blood poured out. I knew it was time for me to jump in, the others were going down quickly. They always called me their secret weapon, and I never got to have any fun until they were weakened.

Where are the other two investigators... they didn't come in with this bunch. Are they hiding somewhere, waiting to ambush us?

The two investigators that Satchiko had thrown against the wall were now getting up. Both of them had their kagune out.

The green haired man was still fighting Yuki, but I could see Yuki was wearing down quickly.

I brought my kagune out, the large fiery wings fluttered behind me, emitting light.


Saiko and I stood outside the door to the building, listening to the fighting. Saiko had one large blue eye pressed to a crack in the door.

"When can we go in Saiko? I'm tired of standing out here and not helping."

"We might not be needed..these ghouls don't seem that tough. Urie already gravely injured one of them- from the looks of things he might not make it.... Mutsuki is fighting against a weak-looking Ukaku... Urie and Sasaki aren't doing much now. We probably didn't need this many people to fight this group....It's of their members is just standing on the sidelines. Kind of like we are. But they're so tiny...I can't imagine them being a secret weapon like us... Oh shit! They just took out their kagune. They're huge!!"

A scream echoed inside the building.

"Hira!" It was a female voice.

"Urie finished off the dying one." Saiko commented.

"I'm going in Saiko. Stay here until I call for you."

"But Y/N-chan-"

I cut her off by pushing open the door and storming in, pulling my quinque knives from my belt as I did so.

Saiko was right. The small ghouls Ukaku kagune was huge, fluttering like the wings of an enormous butterfly. I saw it's masked face turn towards me.

A sudden movement drew my attention away from the small ghoul and towards Sasaki, who was sneaking up on the Bikaku who seemed to now be going on a rampage over her dead friend. She had her hands wrapped around Urie's throat while her kagune kept his away from her body. 

"Satchiko, behind you!" The winged ghoul called out, darting over to where Sasaki was approaching the crazed ghoul. Something tugged at my memory.

That voice...I know that voice...

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