Prank War

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*_* THE NEXT DAY *_*

Crimson's POV: 

I wake up and throw on Garroth's Blue flannel jacket, jeans, a white tee shirt, and a backwards, baseball cap. Yes I took his jacket. I like oversized stuff okay? Don't judge! Then I look around the room to make sure nobody's here before grabbing a pizza from my closet. YES I KEEP PIZZA IN MY CLOSET! IT IS A COMPLETE AND TOTAL NECESSITY WHEN LIVING WITH 3, HUNGRY, OLDER BROTHERS! I eat the slice of cheesy bread I called homemade pizza and then grab my skateboard. Once again, I look around my room and then climb out of my window onto the roof. I sit down, skateboard in one hand and the other, grasping the chimney for balance. None of my brothers know about this, especially Garroth. He is EXTREMELY overprotective of me, I am the youngest AND the only sister, so... it's understandable with him being the oldest. I feel the wind blow back my hair. I look the most like Garroth, too, with my gray blue eyes and my platinum blonde hair. The wind blows really hard and I loose my balance. Oh crap! I lose grip of the chimney and my skateboard, sending me falling backwards towards our garden. This is gonna hurt, BAD. I scream, trying to grab, something , for dear life. I scream again, but this time with words, " AHHHH! GUYS!!!! GARROTH? ZANE? VLAD? EEEEEEEK!!!!!!! " I fall off the roof but instead of hitting the ground, I land, actually, I don't know where. I open my eyes to see Garroth and Vlad. Garroth's holding me and Vlad has my skateboard. I sigh as tears flow down my face. Garroth puts me down and I hug them. " Thank you, SOOOO much! " I say while fighting back anymore unwanted tears. Vlad laughs and just replies with a simple " Don't mention it. " While Garroth still looks extremely worried. " Are you ok Crim? What were you doing on the roof? You know you almost broke your arm, right?!?! " I realize that I was putting my left arm in front of me as I was falling. ( Yes, I'm left handed. ) Wait did I hit him? Ugh... I hope not... Vlad interrupts my thoughts, " Why are you wearing that? You have a uniform you know. You aren't going to O'Kasis anymore. " Vlad had a good point. I think about the perfectly ironed outfit I have that is supposedly my school uniform hanging in my closet: Most likely surrounded in pizza and pepsi. " Oh, riiiiight.... About my uniform... " I say REALLY nervously. Garroth looks at me oddly, " What'd you do this time baby sister? " I give a nervous laugh, " N-nothing, nothing at all! No need to check my closet or anything.......... " There's a small silence, and then we all start running up to my room. Of course I'm the slowest, they are both guys who play sports AND are older than me. Garroth makes it up first and looks in my closet. He just laughs. " Vlad, look at this! It's still in it's packaging! Hey, Uh, Crim? Why do you have pizza and pepsi in your closet? " Vlad's eyes widen, " PIZZA? GIMME, GIMME! " Garroths holds him back and I point at Vlad, " THAT'S why it's, somewhat, hidden. You know Vlad and Zane LOVE pizza! I can never have any for myself if I don't hide it! " Garroth thinks about what I said. " I guess you're right. But you still need to wear your uniform. Sorry to tell you baby sister, but it's a dress. We couldn't get you out of it. " He informed me and I groaned. But then I smiled somewhat evilly, " FINE! I'll change! But you two have to go eat breakfast don't you? " Vlad doesn't hesitate with his response, " We already had cereal. So, no. We don't have to eat breakfast right now. " Oh. Plan backfired. " Well, WHATEVER! I need to change so go! Yeah you heard me , shoo! Shoo! " I guess I didn't LIE so.... I was just... stretching the truth a bit. My brothers leave and I climb out the window again. I know this really isn't smart whatsoever, but I don't care anymore. It's pretty windy, so this might just be believable.       ( A/N : I forgot to mention that since it's the last week of summer, and the first week of school, the Ro'meaves are having a prank war against each other. Clearly Crimson's idea. She's winning , duh. ) I remember the path I fell down. The wind is at approximately 9 mph west, so if I turn 38.964 degrees to the left then I will be facing the wind perfectly. I aim myself to where I won't get hurt in anyway if this goes wrong. Ok, 89.347 degree angle, wind mph is at an average of 9 or 10, my path is clear, nothing in my way. The sun is just barely rising on my right so nobody will see me... This'll work, so well, that Garroth will be bowing down to me. He always gets so cocky , then ends up with 2nd place in our prank war. I ALWAYS win, and he was only 1 point behind me this morning. BUT, if I pull this stunt off, I'll win. I double check my calculations and they're correct. ( A/N I'm making Crimson like me, REALLY good at math and calculations, but it's her LEAST favorite subject in school. She'd rather do gym class / PE,  than math! ) It's go time! I stand up and ' trip ' over my shoelace, sending me ' falling ' down my perfect pathway. The wind mph picks up from a 9 to a 14. This is bad. I'm going off course! I open my mouth to scream but no sound comes out... I just gotta make it look like it was all apart of the plan...

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