Goodbye... Part 2 (NOT THE END)

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( WARNING: THIS CHAPTER IS A LITTLE DARK! IT TALKS ABOUT SUICIDE AND KILLING YOURSELF...for the sake of others but still. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, DON'T BLAME ME IF THIS IS A LITTLE WEIRD FOR YOU! That's YOUR problem. Jk. I am sorry if this is a strange chapter but hey, I'm weird, and gross, and confusing, and.... You get the point. Enjoy!)

Crimson's POV;

I'm dead. I'm really dead. I did it. I freed them from my danger. The last thing I remeber was putting the gun to my chest, and pulling the trigger. Wait, if I'm dead, how am I thinking and seeing stuff and walking and...


I mean, is this the after life? I've alway's been a scientific person, so I don't really believe in this... But I'm here. So... It must be true. I can see my corpse, eyes just closed. Laurence checks my pulse. This is it, I'll see if this is a dream or reality. "Sh-she's dead..." I am dead? So is this actually the afterlife? WAIT! IM A GHOST! I A FRICKIN GHOST! If I'm a ghost I can move around stuff and talk to scare people! THIS IS AWESOME! Okay... Lets see...

"L-Laurence..?" I ask, moving my body's mouth and sounding hurt. Laurence stares at the corpse. "But... How? You're dead." I muffle my laugh with my hand and continue. "L-Laurence, I'm not dead. Im just... Leaving. So, before I leave..." I sit my body up and make it look life like. "Goodbye." I use my body's hand to grab the gun and point to my head this time. WAIT! If I'm here... I'm not FULLY dead. If I do this... I'll actually die. OH! I see! So when I shot myself in the chest, it missed all the important organs and stuff, so I'm still alive, ish. I make my body drop the gun and quit the act.

"Okay... this is getting weird.. Dante, we should leave and tell Garroth." Laurence says to Dante. I try to talk, but can't. Ok, so there are limits. I can't interoupt their converstaion directly. Intresting. This is odd though. I mean I am in this weird limbo state of life and death, but in all the stoires people told, they had a someone here to stop them from dying. Nobody's here for me. I turn my head and see something I never wanted to see. Garroth's ghost. I fly over to him. " HOW THE HECK DID YOU DIE GARROTH! " I demand more than ask. ( Hence the ! instead of the ? ) He laughs abit, " I'm dumb. Okay? I had this genius idea to kill myself in order to see you... Hence the knife in my chest.. " Garroth explained to me, removing the knife. I turn my head to see a starteled Laurence and Dante. Oh, so now they can see us. Cool.

"What? You look like you just saw a ghost!" I say and then laugh. " Yeah, nevermind... " Garroth facepalms and began to explain everything. "Okay guys. So Crimson and I are in this weird limbo state between life and death. Normally, we would've just died, but we killed outselves at the same time. So without realizing it, we stopped eachother from dying completly. Crim was messing with you by moving her body and stuff. We're technically dead right n- OH CRAP!" I look over to him, jumping out of the tree I climbed. "What's wrong Garroth? I mean other than being dead." He facepalms again, "So, you killed yourself out here, in the middle of the forest, nobody but Dante, Laurence and I know that your dead. I killed myself in my bedroom. What is Zane, Vlad, or Mom walk in and see me there?"

Laurence, Dante, and I state the truth, "Idiot.". It's true, he's an idiot. "SERIOUSLY GARROTH! YOU DIED IN YOUR BEDROOM! THAT'S THE WORST PLACE TO DO THAT! HAVEN'T YOU EVER KILLED YOURSELF BEFORE? Oh wait... Ignore that..."

( Sorry this chapter is a little short. It's only around 600 words. Normally I try to get around 750 or so. BUT I DID post 2 chapters today and I'm still working on my Flames Of Kasai book, AND my Celestial Dragon book. Yes, I'm writing 3 books at once. ( Actually, I deleted my celestial dragon book. I had MAJOR writers block and nobody really read it anyways... So I deleted it. BUT I'm starting a NEW book! More on that after Goodbye Part 3! )Deal with it. BUT I just wanna point out the fact that around 150 people know abpout this book! ONE HUNDRED FIFTY! That's CRAZY! I was only expecting around 2 people... Well I mean not 150 people, but I got around 150 READS so... same difference right? Nah. But still! Thank you my little Illas!

Goodbye Part 3 coming within a week!


-illAAlli <3

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