Why Me...?

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I scream. All the glass was already broken, but now I see a wall crumble down like a sandcastle. I realize that I have a knife on my head. " If any of you come even one step closer, she won't see the sun rise. " The voice said. Ohhhh, that's Gene whose threatening me... I get it now. Dante motions Travis back. He listens as Dante looks at Gene. " Gene, Please. I know you're better than this. Remember when we were younger? That time when you were caring and had, feelings? Please. " Dante started. He can on his knees and acted all upset. " I-I just want my... my big brother back. " Wow! That was REALLY convincing! His words were shaky and hands trembling. Tears in his eyes. I always knew that he was a good actor, but wow! Why isn't he in theatre? Gene removes the knife and walks towards Dante. I try to sit up but Zenix grabbed my hood. I watch as Gene drops the knife and helps Dante up. " Dante, this is highschool. That stuff was years ago. I know you miss it, and sometimes I do too. But this is me, this is my life. " Gene said motioning back to Zenix and the girl 'Shadow Knight'. They aren't even real Shadow Knights! Gene somewhat smiled. Dante took this moment to grab the knife from the floor. Gene looked at Dante, " I should've known. Dante, you're just like me. ". Hands trembling, Dante replied, " I have this power in this situation Gene. Leave Crimson alone! She's not apart of your magic! Why'd you drag her into our world?!?!? WHY?! HUH?!? WHY'D YOU DO IT GENE? WHY!?!? " I could tell, that wasn't acting. Gene was about to reply when he saw something. A small sentence changed the whole situation: " Teacher! Dantes threatening us! Look! He has a KNIFE! " Gene shouted across the hall. CRAP! >'_'<! PLAN BACKFIRED, MAJORLY! The teacher ran over to us and took Dante by the collar, forcing him to drop the knife. " But! I didn't... Gene was... UGH! " He yelled as he was taken to the counselor's office. " Dante! " I yelled, weak and unstable. I tried to sit up but blood ran down my back. I collapse in pain. I realize what happened. Gene stabbed me in the back, literally. I had a knife in my back. " CRIMSON! " Dante and Garroth yelled. I can't reach the knife, Garroth can't help, Dante can't help, I'm bleeding out. I'll die in minutes without medical attention. I look at the teacher, he didn't see a thing. I can't manage to say anything but, " L-Laurence... Help... ". My hair turns brown and eyes electric blue. Laurence notices that Gene's unarmed and runs toward me. Aaron too... Weird. Aaron deals with Gene as Laurence removes the knife, picks me up, and goes back to Garroth. " call and ambulance! Now! " I hear Katelyn say. Travis pulls out his phone and presses the buttons 9, 1, 2? Delete button. 3. Seriously? My vision hazes and I collapse from my ball. My back still bleeding. Travis can't properly use a phone. Laurence decides we don't have time for this and goes into Shadow Knight form. He runs to the hospital with me in his arms. My vision goes black for the third time today.

*-* 1 hour later *-*

I wake up in a hospital bed. Looking at my surroundings, I see... None of my friends or family. Only a potted plant and medical tools. Well, I guess everyone still has school, but they have an excuse this time. I see Aphmau walk in, alone. " What, what happened? " I ask. She hesitates. " When Laurence took you here, the doctors pronounced you... Dead. We all stayed here for at least 45 minutes, hoping you'd wake up. You didn't. It's been an hour since you "died". I came back to take your bags to Garroth. He's in your room at home. Probably crying. Everyone else left to go home. I stayed, watching you. Your heart beat started again, but no doctors were around to see. I just went to get one. Nobody believes me. I just came back and found you awake. Are you okay? " I pause. She's joking right? I couldn't have DIED but then woke up again, that's impossible, right? Tears well up in my eyes, " I-I want G-Garroth... " I said, fighting back tears. Aphmau smiles sadly at me, " I can call him, but I'm not going to leave your side until he's here. You need someone to help stabilize you. I can help if you'd like... " Stabilize...? But, I am stable. I sit up and feel a sharp pain in the back of my neck, knife... Don't remember Gene cutting my ne-... Oh..... When he was threatening me.... I remember now. I think over what happened in school, " I-I want to see Garroth... okay? P-please...? " I ask Aphmau, eyes teary. She doesn't respond but instead looks away... " I'm sorry Crim, but... Garroth is gonna be like 45 minutes... " She explains to me. I lower my head, eyes turning gray and hair a grayish version of periwinkle blue. I begin to cry. All I need right now is my big brother... but.... " He can't be here now... " I finish my thought aloud. Aphmau looks at me, confused. " Are you feeling okay Crim, I mean other than the cuts and stuff...? Do you have a fever or something? " She asks me. I hesitate. She looks at her phone and sighs, " Crimson? " I look up and meet her gaze, " Yeah? ". " I have to go.... I'm so sorry... Garroth will be here in about 45 minutes... I have to tell the others that you lived. " I sigh and nod. Aphmau leaves the room. I lay back down and cry. The only question I have is... Why me?...

4 Ro'Meaves - An Aphmau Fanfiction-Laurence x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin