It's The Truth.

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Garroth's POV: 

I knew Laurence was lying. I decided to act like Elsa and let it go. (YES I JUST TYPED THAT DEAL WITH IT! XD) I didn't really care. "Okay... Whatever you say." I reply and walk out. He seems like he needs to be alone in her room. I don't blame him, even Zane was crushed when he heard the news.

And that's ZANE.

So I left him with his thoughts. I go back downstairs and text Crimson's closest friends, Katelyn, and Travis. I would've told Dante and Laurence but they already know.

Group Chat: K-Katelyn T-Travis G-Garroth

G- Hey guys. Can you talk for a minute?

K- Yeah, what is it?

T- Of course. Is something wrong?

G- Well..

K- Garroth is everything alright?

T- Yeah.. you seem. Upset.

G- Crimson dated.

K- Uhhh okay?

T- ...

G- NOT DATED! She...

G- Crimson died.

T- ... What? 

K- Is this some kind of joke Garroth? Is this a prank? CAUSE I SWEAR IF THIS IS SOME KIND OF CRUEL JOKE I MIGHT JUST HAVE TO KILL YOU!

G- No, this isn't a prank. Crimson really died. Her funeral is on March 7th.

T- But isn't that your birthdays Garroth?

G- Yeah, it's what she wanted. She left me a note on my desk saying she wanted it on our birthday.

K- Wow... Garroth, we'll be over in a minute.

T- Yeah...

Katelyn And Travis Have Left The Chat.

I sigh and set my phone on the table. I should've told them in person... but I think it was better over text that way they couldn't see me all emotional, stuttering, and really just being a hot mess. I still can't believe she's been dead for years... Our birthday is in a week... She was gonna be dead for 4 years... She would've been 16 years old. She was so young.

The world is a cruel place.

Destined a teenage girl to kill herself when she was already dead?

That's just messed up.

Ding dong!

I sigh while standing up. Slowly, my hand reaches the door knob and turns it open, revealing Travis and Katelyn. They run up to me and give me a gigantic hug. We pull away and just look at each other. "Garroth I'm so sorry." They apologized to me in unison. (UNICORN If you remember that from chapter one or two you are the best person alive XD) "Thanks guys." I sigh and ask them to follow me to my room. 

We get there and Katelyn realizes something. "What about the school? She became so popular after her fight with Laurence and with ehr being a multi-form and everything... Everybody wants to at least talk to her... How are we gonna tell them? The schools never lost a student before."

"We're gonna tell them... Somehow. But first you guys need to know the whole story."

They nod and I tell them everything. Every word she told us, I told them. Her whole backstory since age 12. Every single detail. Even her song about dying young. I told them everything that happened to her. She's had such a hard and complicated life. It's insane.

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