That Was... Cruel.

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( Still Crimson's POV )

I slowly open my eyes to find myself in Garroths arms for the second time today. Zane, Vlad, and Mom are all around us. What went wrong in my plan? " W-what ha-happened? " I ask Garroth as he lays me on the couch. He hesitates. Zane answers for him, " We don't know for sure but we found you laying on the ground, your legs bloody and cut up, your left arm cut bleeding and bent out of a normal shape. Your right arm is bleeding, and your face is pretty cut up too. We honestly have no clue what even happened but we got you medical attention and found out that you sprained your ankle and broke your left arm. You'll also have some pretty bad scars on your face. I don't know how you're going to write and draw in school now, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. " Zane explained to me. That was really out of character for him. Weird, that's normally what Vlad would say and Garroth would be there for my comfort. Zane doesn't normally talk this much... We're late for school! I push Garroth's arm away and jump up, ontop of my sprained ankle. It doesn't phase me though and I grab my skateboard. I'm just about through the door when Garroth touches my shoulder and tells me, " Rylai,... Crimson,... whatever. Where are you going on your skateboard? I realize that you've sprained your ankle many times so it doesn't bother you but, your arm... You've never broken anything this bad before. Yes, we're all REALLY late for school but, you can't go today. I'm sorry Crim, but if you're going to school, then you'd have to be with one of us for the whole day. I doubt you want that, since you'd most likely want to keep your identity as our sister a secret so people don't label you as ' Garroth, Zane, and Vlad's younger sister ' or ' Ro'meave sister '. So unless you want to be with Zane, Vlad, or I today, you can't go to school. I'm really sorry Crim, but that's the only way. " My eyes tear up. " I-I didn't realize this was so serious... " I state as I begin to cry. Garroth puts his hand on my shoulder and looks down at me ( Yes I'm shorter than him .-. ) "Crimson? " He asks, and I reply " Yeah, Garroth? " He keeps a straight face and states " You just got pranked. Which means, I WIN THE PRANK WAR! ( For now... ) " The last part was under his breath. My eyes widen. I collapse and begin to cry. No, not because I'm losing, but because of his prank. He looks at me, the typically strong, cheery, girl was now weak, and crying on the ground. I then realize that he wasn't kidding about my ankle, but my wrist was only sprained. I cry even harder. Garroth stares at me, completely shocked. " Are you really that upset about 2nd place? " He asks. This makes me cry harder than I've ever cried before, and I've witnessed murder. Garroth clearly doesn't understand how upset and ( physically and mentally ) hurt I am. " G-GARROTH! T-TH-THAT WAS A CRUEL JOKE! IT WASN'T EVEN ALL A JOKE! I DID SPRAIN MY ANKLE AND ALMOST BROKE MY WRIST! HOW DID YOU THINK THAT WAS EVER THE SLIGHTEST BIT FUNNY?!?! " I screamed at him. This caught him off guard. He suddenly loosened his poster and admitted that he took it too far. " I-I just really wanted to win this year's competition... I'm really, really sorry. We do need to get heading to school though. We're two hours late... and we have no excuse, well you do. You said you almost broke your wrist right? " I hesitate, " Yeah, and my ankle... But that's not... Wait! 2 HOURS! We need to go, NOW!!!!! " I get a running start and drop my skateboard to ride it to Phoenix Drop. 

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