Goodbye... Part 1 ( NOT THE END )

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( WARNING! This Chapter Has A Little Gore In It. BUT, It's Important To The Story Line So You HAVE To Read It To Understand What's Going On. ) 

Laurence's POV:

I hear footsteps. Mine...? I stop walking and still hear the steps. Okay, not mine, there's someone else, or some THING else in here with me. But the question is,

Which one?

Wait, "Crimson...?" I pretty much ask the air. The footsteps pause, " Who's there! ", she didn't recognize my voice... Why? I could tell that's her voice... "It's Laurence." I reply. The footsteps start again, going faster than before. "Crimson! Where are you going at 12:56 am?!" I needed an answer, but did she give me one? Nope. Again, she stops moving and I catch up. " I don't really know, Laurence. I just need to get away from here! " She insists. I try to pry her, " But why? After everything you've been through. You're just giving up..? " She looks at me. " I'm a science mistake! Not to mention a complete and total freak show! I'm a danger to my friends, and a danger to myself! The only way to get everyone safe is if I'm not here anymore... So I'm leaving Phoenix Drop, forever. Bye Laurence. " She told me, tears in her eyes. She tries to turn to run, but I grab her and hold her close. " Isn't there another way? " I ask her, getting chocked up myself. She tilts her head up to look at me. " It's either this or... de- " I stop her by looking away. I know what she's about to say. I can't stand to hear it. Then we hear rustling, " We're not safe here! " she screams and pulls me farther into the forest. We run as fast as we can. I gotta admit, she's almost faster than me. Almost. Well in a moment like this at least. Just casual races, I win by a long shot. ( A/N  :P I just had to add that. x] ) I listen as I run, trying to figure out what's going on. BANG! A gunshot. I notice a cave and grab Crimson by the arm. We hide in the cave. BANG! Another one...? What's happening...? Before I can think I pull Crim closer to me. She looks into my eyes. I close the grab between us and run out of the cave. " L-Laurence... Don't... " I can hear her whisper to herself. I sigh and run towards the source of the noise. This is crazy as heck, ( A/N  I was gonna swear... But ... I dunno. ) but I'll do it. This person is targeting Crimson, and I have to protect her, especially when Garroth can't. I hear another gunshot and barely dodge it.

I look in the direction of the gunshot to see who fired it....

"D-Dante..?" I ask, wide eyed. He looks to meet my eyes. They're full of misery and regret. "Dante, why?" I figured he was being forced, but I needed to know for sure. He looks me in the eye and shoots again. Time goes into slow motion.

I look at the bullet, waiting for it to hit me, but it doesn't, and it wont. My head turns to see Crimson holding the bullet up with her magic. She throws it down and runs at Dante. She's the only one who can move normaly, actucally, faster than normal. Dante and I can't move very well what so ever. I watch in awe as Crimson, little 14 year old Crimson, takles Dante, disarms him, and removes the bullet from the gun. She looks at the gun and bullets, picks them up, and reloads it. Oh no... "Crimson! Don't!" I yell at her. She looks over to me and beams, ( Smiles ). I'm about to do something, she's gone insane. But then out of no where, the gun disapears and Crimson falls to the ground, limp.

"CRIMSON!" Dante and I yell in unison, running at her. ( Time went back to normal Btw. ) I knew he was forced to shoot at us! Dante reaches her first and stares at her head. I finally catch up and see what he was looking at.

 I finally catch up and see what he was looking at

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Crimson... "She, she was talking... a-about th-this... En-ending her own l-life so we weren't i-in dan-danger... " I say to Dante, fighting back tears. I check her pulse after she closes her eyes...

"Sh-she's d-dead..."

( Srry about the cliffhanger! I just HAD to! BTW THIS IS NOT AND I REPEAT IS NOOOOOTTT THE END OF THE STORY! You'll just have to come back around midnight to see what happens next. Yep. I'm posting the next chapter at midnight. Ish. 

Goodbye for now my little Illa's! 

BTW That's your name. xD Cuz my name is illAAlli. ILLAalli. Get it? :P

-illAAlli )

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