Chapter 8 - Thrill Seekers

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~ Day 11 ~
~ Wednesday ~


Yesterday's videos were an amazing success. Most of the comments were heart warming. Especially all the support and postive comments about mine and Bella's relationship. I saw a lot of people saying "Finally!".

A lot of people had asked for her to be in next week's video so we just needed to think of an idea for one.

Yesterday me and Grayson had some meetings about a global tour that we might be going on in September. It was currently July so it was a couple of months away.

Yesterday Bella went sightseeing with her mom and brother, they got around really fast and ate food at about 5 different places.

Although I didn't see Bella yesterday, I was constantly texting her. I know I shouldn't say that I missed her because it's only been a day so far without us seeing each other. But I wanted to see her everyday to make the most out of her time in America.

"Gray." I mumbled to him, we were lying on his bed, watching YouTube videos.

"Yeah?" Grayson answered without taking his eyes off the screen.

I rolled over and squished him, he laughed and tried to push me off but I let my body go floppy to add extra weight.


Sitting on the balcony was one of my favourite things to do in the hotel. Watching the clouds float past, looking at all the buildings and palm trees on the ground and occasional ant people that walked by.

But today, sitting on the balcony was not what I wanted to do. I was having one of those days where I'm full of adrenalin and wonder.

When I was in a mood like this, I knew exactly who to go to. My partner in the crime of adventure.

"Ashhh." I poked his shoulder as he was sat on the sofa, texting someone.

"What do you want?" He sighed.

"Do you fancy an adventure?" I smirked, almost whispering so our mum wouldn't hear from her room. Asher's eyes lit up.

"Hell yeah." He grinned. "But wait, mum will get so mad." Asher's eyes darted around the room, checking just in case she suddenly came in.

"That's true." I sighed. "Dammit. I heard there's a waterfall not far from here, that would of been fun." I shrugged.

"Okay hang on. We can just tell her that we're going to that cafe down the road. She won't check, she's tired from getting back late yesterday." Asher suggested.

"You're going to lie to mum? Again?" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, you're the one who came up with the idea." He argued.

"Um excuse me. I didn't plan on lying. I forgot she banned us." I put a hand on my hip.

Last time me and Asher went on one of our explorations, we went to a forest in London and we didn't come back until late at night, we also came back with loads of rips in our clothing. That was because we were climbing trees and trying to search in a tiny cave we discovered. The worst thing about it was that we got taken home by the police because we were apparently on private property. So, mum banned us from our 'irresponsible escapades' as she calls it.

"Come on Bel. You're telling me that you're not even a little pumped to have an escapade in America. We're not here for long." He begged me.

"I've already had my adventure. Last week, with the twins remember." I shrugged.

Holiday Romance | Ethan DolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon