Chapter 10 - Recuperation

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~ Day 13 ~
~ Friday ~


Ow. My head. As soon as I woke up, I felt dizzy. Maybe I had caught the cold from my mum. She was feeling absolutely fine now, so at least I knew that this would only last for a day. Hopefully.

I stayed in bed for the whole morning, watching YouTube and then a film or two. Asher slept the whole time on the bed next to me. He had come home really late last night as he went to Devon's.

I wonder if Devon had told Asher about him asking me on a date. Probably not. I glanced over at Asher, still dead to the world. Thankfully he didn't snore, so he didn't interrupt my movie. I reached for my phone.

From Ethan:
How bad do you feel outta 10?

To Ethan:
I'd say a 6. Not that bad, but I don't want to go out and make myself more ill.

From Ethan:
That's clever. Good on you brain train.

To Ethan:
You're pushing your luck Dolan haha.

From Ethan:
I'm just joking lol xx

To Ethan:
I know xox

I started to feel a bit drowsy so I snuggled into my covers, listening to the sound of Asher's deep breaths. Slowly, I found myself drifting off to dreamland.



I awoke to Asher's phone ringing. Frowning, I looked over at him, waiting for him to answer it. Unsurprisingly, he slept through the call and only moved slightly to get comfy again. His eyes still completely closed.

As I sat up in bed, I could feel my eyes were slightly puffy. Maybe I shouldn't of taken a nap. I drank some water that was placed on my beside cabinet, trying to cure my dry throat. The bedroom door opened.

"Ethan?" I laugh in disbelief as he was stood in the doorway, holding a paper bag.

"Surprise." Ethan grinned.

"Why are you here?" I smile at him and roll my eyes.

"Your mom let me in." He smirked and sat on the edge of my bed.

"No I mean, why are you here right now." I laughed and shook my head.

"I bought subway cookies." Ethan held up the bag and grinned in guilt.

"You need to stop bringing me food." I pushed his arm gently.

"I've eaten some of them too." He smiled in defence.

"Still, you could of warned me that you were coming over. I look like crap." I point to my face.

"Shut up." He laughed, making sure not to be too loud as Asher was sleeping still. "You look beautiful. Always." He said as I got lost in his eyes.

"How sweet of you." I teased him. "You're going to have to stay that far away from me, otherwise you'll get ill too." I put my hands out in front of me.

"Oh please. I don't get sick." Ethan disobeyed as he hugged me, we fell back onto my bed.

We shared eye contact for a while, for some reason we seemed so interested in looking at each other. It was something we did often. I kissed him on the right side of his mouth. We leaned in to properly kiss each other.

"Uh uh. No way. Don't kiss each other while I'm in here. Ew." Asher sat up, shaking one hand at us with his other hand covering his eyes.

"You're finally up then." I sighed, sitting upright.

Holiday Romance | Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now