Chapter 19 - Starry Eyed

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~ Day 21 ~
~ Saturday ~


Waking up this morning was depressing, it was my last full day in America. I couldn't not think about it. I woke up to breakfast in bed, served by Ethan. We were going to go to the arcade today because I still hadn't been there and apparently, according to the twins it was 'rad'.

"What time are we going to the arcade?" I asked Ethan, we were sitting on his bed in our pyjamas watching YouTube.

"Later on, it's better in the evening." Ethan looked at me, moving some of my hair out of my mouth.

"Okay, I might as well do some packing then." I sigh as I stand up and put my suitcase on his bed.

"Do you really have to do that now?" Ethan's face dropped as he saw my luggage.

"I won't have time to do it tomorrow." I shook my head and threw some shoes in my bag.

I looked up at Ethan when he didn't respond and saw sadness on his face as he watched me pack things. I sighed and stopped packing to jump back onto the bed and hug him tightly.

"I really don't want you to leave." He whispered as we hugged.

"Shhh don't say that word. I'm not leaving yet." I rubbed his back.

He turned his face to look at mine and pouted at me to kiss him. I gave him a short kiss, his lips were slightly cold from where we hadn't kissed in a while. After I pulled away, Ethan looked into my eyes for a few seconds before I rested my forehead on his. I closed my eyes, thinking of how much I would miss him being this close to me. Ethan used his hand to push my chin up so that our lips met again. My hands ran through his hair while his hands were on my hips as he pulled me closer to him. Soon, one of his hands moved down to my butt while he continued to try and keep me as close to him as possible.

We kissed for a while, as Ethan would say we 'made out'. It was heated but also somehow meaningful, we were making the most out of the short amount of time we had remaining. Once we both pulled away, we realised that we had ended up lying down on his bed rather than sitting, I was lying on top of him while he was underneath me.

After I did most of my packing, with Ethan's help to locate every single clothing item that was unintentionally hidden all around the apartment. Even Grayson had to help me find my favourite top, it was like I lived here. And I loved it. The twins mum facetimed them once I was done.

They talked for a while, it was cute to listen to them explain everything exciting to her.

"Where's Bella and Sophie?" She asked.

"Sophie isn't here right now but Bella is." Grayson grinned. I poked my head into shot.

"Hi Lisa." I smile at her and wave.

"Hi Bella!" She waved back. "I hear you're leaving tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yeah I am. I'll miss it here." I sigh.

"Well I'm sure you'll be back. Maybe next time I could meet you in person." She hinted.

Will I be back? Me and Ethan didn't even know if we would keep this relationship going. We haven't talked about it. Maybe it will just be a holiday romance, the pit of my stomach tingled as I thought about this.

I've grown to care for Ethan so much, I've gotten to know his strengths and weaknesses and what makes him happy, what makes him angry, even what makes him sad. It would be so hard to forget all the memories we've shared together.

After talking to his mum, we all got dressed and got ready for the rest of the day. Ethan went to shower while I got ready. I put on a grey crop top and some black high waisted skinny jeans. I tied my hair half up and half down and applied my daily makeup.

Holiday Romance | Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now