Elizabeth's Maid

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"Okay before I start (S/N) = state name, and (C/N) = country name. Also I might have forgotten to tell you beautiful readers that Ciel and Alois and basically everyone 13 is now 16 (sorry to my youngster readers, you can pretend that either your sixteen or whatever ya want!) Annnnd one more thing, you and Elizabeth are enemies in this story. Enjoy!

"Why else do you think I came here?" He states in a bored tone.
"Oh I don't know, maybe because your crazy bitch ass servants attacked me and shot a hole in my arm!" Ciel simply sighs.
"Let's just get this over with."


"What is your name, and answer honestly."
"(Y/N) (L/N)"
"Where are you from?"
"(S/N) (C/N)."
"How did you get here?" Oh, shoot how were you to answer this? Okay (Y/N) just lie, It's not like he's going to believe that-
"I fell through a tree." Oh god, you were just so nervous you couldn't help but blurt it out! Uuuhhhhh, great fucking job (Y/N). You could see Ciel was starting to lose his patience. Before he could yell at me or whatever, Sebastian cuts him off.
"Actually, she is not lying young master." Ciel's eyes widen.
"What do you mean she's not lying! Who falls through a bloody tree!" You just shrug your shoulders.
"Who are you really?" You give Ciel the .
"OMFG DUDE! YOU'VE ASKED ME THE SAME FUCKING QUESTION LIKE 15 TIMES! SERIOUSLY?!" Ciel looks a little taken aback before he just puts a hand to his face and .
"Sebastian get her ready and send her to my study once she's all cleaned up."
"Yes my lord."

Right now you were stuck in the most uncomfortable and hideous ever (sorry if you actually like the dress). Sebastian smirks at you as you waddle next to him.
"What are you lookin' at asshole." You snarl. He simply chuckles.
"I was looking at how that dress compliments your hair." You roll your eyes in annoyance.
"Shutup, I look like a frickin cupcake that's been puked on by a unicorn." You state angrily. This was the only dress Ciel had that fit you. Of course, it belonged to Elizabeth, I mean who in their right mind would own this ugly ass dress. We make it to Ciel's study. I barge into the room before Sebastian can knock.
"YO YO YO, IMA HERE BRO!" Your loud outburst startles Ciel, causing paperwork to go flying everywhere. Oopsie. You start to try helping pick them up, but end up slipping on a piece of paper instead, causing an even bigger mess.
"Just sit down," Ciel says in a tired/irritated voice. I feel like he's always irritated at me. I wonder why?...
"I have made arrangements for you to work as a maid" YASSSSS! OMFG! IT'S GONNA BE JUST LIKE THE FANFICTION STORIES WHERE I WORK AS A MAID FOR CIEL AND THEN ALL THE BOYS ARE GOING TO BE FIGHTING FOR MY LOVE! EEEEEE! Due to your internal fangirling, you almost missed what Ciel said next. Almost.
"You are to serve as a maid for my fiancé, Elizabeth Midford." He better not have just said what I think he did.
"Boy what chu just say?!"
"I said you are to work as a maid for my fiancé" Oh hell to the no, no, no. You quickly stand up and start to back away.
"BYE FELICIA!" and with that, you book it out of Ciel's study. You make it about 3 feet away before Sebastian is picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder.
"Miss (L/N) I assure you, you won't go crazy working for Lady Elizabeth." We make it to the front of the mansion where Ciel is waiting with her. Elizabeth fucking Midford. Her face seems to fall once she sees you. She quickly fixes her facial expression and runs towards you. Oh dear God.
"Oh Ciel, thank you so much. She's not as cute as you, but I can fix that." You can try bitch. I barely say anything as Elizabeth grabs me and pulls me to her carriage.

-Another Time Skip-

We finally arrive at Elizabeth's mansion. When we enter I'm greeted by a boy who looks almost exactly like Elizabeth. That means he's-
"Edward! Look at the present Ciel gave me." At this, he turns his nose up.
"Anything given by Ciel must be trash." Excuse me?!
"You listen here and you listen good, I am not trash. Call me trash again and I will kick your ass." You state calmly. Both Edward and Elizabeth stare back at you, mouths agape. Realization dawns on you quickly. "Oh! I-I mean, um I mean that...I never said that" you say doing crazy hand gestures. They continue to stare at you. "Okay, this is getting mildly awkward, I'm just going to go...clean the dishes!...or something. Bye!" and with that, you quickly scuttle off. What was it with you and your horrible first impressions. You were so busy trying to get away from the awkward scene, that you had lost track of your surroundings. Great, I'm lost.
"Lost?" A voice behind you asks. You jump, startled.
"HOLY BAJUEBUS YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME!" You yell. You turn to see Edward. He chuckles slightly before turning.
"I'll show you the way to the kitchens." You nod and start to follow him.
"Where are you from?" I'm done. I'm fucking done. Seriously, how many times am I going to have to answer that fucking question.
"(S/N), (C/N)." You say slightly exasperated.
"Is that why you talk so...differently?" You shrug your shoulders.
"I guess you could say that." You reply. He just tilts his head, intrigued.

Edward's POV
Who was this girl? She was so interesting. I must know more about her and how did Ciel find her? These questions continue to circulate my head as we walk. The rest of the walk is silence. When we finally reach the kitchen, she quickly excuses herself.

The kitchen was so quiet. Where the hell was the cook? Eh, whatever. You start to sing Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds.
"Primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave

Primadonna girl,
Would you do anything for me?
Buy a big diamond ring for me?
Would you get down on your knees for me?
Pop that pretty question right now, baby
Beauty queen on a silver screen
Living life like I'm in a dream
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though..."
Soon you were really into it dancing and all that fun shit, but you were quickly interrupted by someone. Turning around you see Paula.
"Lady Elizabeth requests your presence in her room miss."
"What for?" You ask.
"She wants to get your measurements for your new uniform." Noooooooo!
"Um, okay." You follow Paula to Elizabeth's room. You open the door when suddenly a sword is thrown straight at you. You duck just in time so that the sword just knicks your cheek.
"You are too close to Ciel! I CAN NOT LET YOU CONTINUE TO LIVE!" Elizabeth screams. Okay, this girl need to take a chill pill. Like foreal, she needs to take it down 3 levels. She grabs another sword and tries to stab me with it. You start to run. You quickly reach the front door of the mansion and swing it open, Elizabeth hot on your trail. You continue to run, only to run into something hard and firm.
"Ow, my fucking head man." Looking up you are face to face with Sebastian.
"Yo! Sebby Wazzup fam!" He frowns at the nickname.
"I am here to save you, my lady."
"Well, of course, you are! If you couldn't do that what kind of butler would you be?" His eyes widen at you for a moment, before he smirks.
"You are completely right my lady. Now, shall we head back to my young master's mansion?" You nod your head.
"Yup." Sebastian then picks you up and starts running carrying you bridal style. Oh dear god. I feel like this chapter sucked but anyways the next one should be better! I hoped you guys enjoyed! Until next time...

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