The "Hound"

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It had finally reached nighttime and you were pooped. You start towards Ciel's room only to see that Angela had beat you to it. Damn angel. You walk to the doorway and knock on the wall, notifying them of your presence. You put on your best fake smile as they turn to you. "Hello Master, is there anything you need at the moment?" You could even here the venom seeping into your words. Ciel just smirks at your jealousy.

Sebastian smiles at you with mixed emotions. Irritation and amusement. "The young master is quite alright thank you Angela, and (y/n). He was just about to retire for the night." He was trying to push your buttons. And he was doing a damn good job.

You curtsy. "Of course." And with that you left the room.
It was the middle of night when someone was shaking you awake. "WHA-" you stop mid sentence once you see Finny in front of you, his face twisted with worry. "Whats wrong?"

"It's the demon hound (y/n)!" You quickly jump out of bed and grab your shawl . He grabs your hand and starts pulling you out the room. "C'mon!"

You reach the front of the manor with Finny out of breath from running. "What happened?" You ask, even though you know quite well what happened.

Ciel turns to you only to quickly avert his eyes, a small blush on his face. It's then you seem to remember that your night gown was see-through. You feel your own cheeks heat up as you pull your shawl tighter around you. Even Sebastian seemed to have a pink tint on his cheeks. Why was Sebastian always acting so weird with you. It perplexed you how easily you could control him and his emotions. Weird... Your thoughts were interrupted by Bard, who was ranting about how this was supposed to be a "vacation." Even though you knew that this was going to happen, you too had hoped for a little break. "Wait!" You stop Ciel and Sebastian just before they left. "Can we come with?" Ciel looks behind you at the other servants.

You guys arrive to find a large crowd surrounding the dead boy. You stare down at the bite marks and bruises on his lifeless body. The longer you stared at him the hungrier you got. 'Why the fuck am I hungry right now. I don't think that becoming hungry staring at a dead person is very normal. But then again all the shit that's happened to me so far would also be considered not normal.' Suddenly everything around you seems to become fuzzy. The people singing and talking around you seem to become muffled. Something had just floated out of the dead boy's chest and was hovering midair in front of you. It stayed there, even after they had taken his body away. Something about the glowing white wisp of smoke in front of you was appealing. You reach your hand out, attempting to grab it. The mysterious object disappears just as your finger makes contact with it. Everything around you comes rushing back. You notice that everyone is staring at you. Embarrassed, you try to cover up your goof with sass. "Why don't you take a picture!," you snap at the ogling onlookers, "It'll last longer!" With that you turn dramatically on your heel, and walk away.

'I'm spying on someone.' It was my husband to be specific. I was watching him cheat on me. I was trying my hardest to suppress my anger and betrayal. I press the angel knife closer to my body, these affairs would end tonight. Even if at the beginning of my marriage I had had no feelings for my husband, I had eventually grown to love him. Watching him make love to my sister every night, month after month, was painful. But it was the love that I saw in my sister's eyes that killed me. My sister and I had always been close, so seeing her betray you like this hurt. You watch her lay there in your bed with your husband. That bitch. It was time. I run at her with inhuman speed. Not missing a beat I plunge the knife down directly into her heart. I watch as blood gushes from her chest and mouth. She looks at me, eyes wide. But I had no love left in my heart for her. I watch as she takes her last breaths, face emotionless. I then turn to my husband who was watching me, a slight smirk on his face. "Couldn't expect anything less of the queen of Hell." I continue to stare at him.

I turn and start wiping the knife off on my dress, staining it with the blood of my sister. "I think it would be best if you leave this palace. Unless you want to die." It was rumoured that I was stronger and more powerful than my husband. Too bad this rumor was true. He silently gets up and leaves the room. That was the last I had ever saw of my husband.

You wake up, the face of your dead "sister" still lingering at the back of your brain. These dreams were occurring regularly now. You quickly change into a casual outfit and head out to where the other servants were.

Hey guys! I just want to thank all the people who have stuck with me and have continued reading this story, I really appreciate it! Anyways I hoped you guys you enjoyed this chapter. I just want to let you all know, my updates are probably going to start slowing down soon due to school, which starts very soon. Also if you have any questions or requests about the story or anything feel free to ask/say them in the comments or message me. Love y'all! Until next time...  

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