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12k reads !!!! im crying, seriously, THANKS I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH !! <33

You had never really thought about Undertaker having an office due to the fact that the anime never showed one to begin with, but one thing was for sure, you had definitely never expected it to be this... neat. You meant no offence towards Undertaker of course, it was just with his personality you had never expected him to actually be organized.

"Wow", you gape at the sight before you, "You're way neater than me, but to be honest, I'm pretty sure everyone is neater than me." You state, still slightly shocked at the organization around you.

A small chuckle breaks you from your trance-like state.

"Feel free to do whatever you need, dearie." Undertaker grins, before scurrying out of the room.

You look around at the tools that surround you, time to make some kick ass curry. Quickly, you set up the ingredients and grab what you believe will help you create this curry. Testing tubes, pipettes, knives, a cutting board, some graduated cylinders, and the normal pots and pans.

6 hours and 30 minutes later, you had finally created the perfect curry.

"Undertaker! I did it!" you scream happily. A few minutes pass and you're slightly confused to why Undertaker hadn't come to taste your curry. Either way, he was going to try it whether he wanted to or not.

After waiting a couple of minutes, you decide to fill a graduated cylinder with some curry and bring it to him. It isn't until you reach the front of the shop you realize why Undertaker hadn't gone to the back.

Ciel and Sebastian were there.

Turning around, you quickly try to make your escape.

"(y/n)?" the curious voice of Sebastian reaches your ears. Shit.

Slowly you turn back around to face the pair.

"Master, Sebastian! Oh my, what a pleasant surprise." You laugh out dryly. You could already see your plans of entering the curry contest going down the drain.

"We could say the same." The cold voice from Ciel causes the hairs on the back of your neck to stand. But one look at his not really intimidating face causes your confidence to return. Sorry Ciel, but you aren't really the intimidating type (you just can have a really scary voice) The reason for you leaving the lab returns to you as you turn towards Undertaker, then back to Ciel.

"Please excuse Undertaker and I for a moment, I have some salient matters I would like to discuss with him." your voice comes out hard and cold, surprising not only Ciel but Sebastian as well. You waste no time grabbing Undertaker's arm and dragging him out of the room. Once you both had fully exited the room, you hand Undertaker your curry.

"Could you eat this and tell me how it tastes, please." He smiles down at the concoction before chugging the thing down.

Well god damn, that thing had potatoes and shit, god knows how he chugged it down and didn't choke. His grin slowly fades as he absorbs the taste in his mouth. Did he enjoy it?


It was finally the day of the festival, and you weren't ready. How were you going to make the curry with no ingredients? You had previously used up all of your supplies practicing, not paying attention to the decrease of ingredients.

You smile and shrug your shoulders, allowing a small giggle to escape you. Guess you just had to hope for the best.

You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you walked down the cobblestone road alongside Undertaker. You were in a unexplainably good mood this sunny morning. Soon a fit of laughter fell over you, and it definitely wasn't going away anytime soon.

You were left clutching onto the arm of Undertaker as you tried your hardest to catch your breath. Undertaker was watching you in amusement, a small grin of his own making its way to his face.

"And what, may I ask, is causing you to laugh?" Undertaker questions, amusement lacing his voice. You smile up largely at him, (e/c) shining with unshed tears of laughter.

"That, my friend, is what I've been trying to figure out this entire time."


You arrive to the place of the festival to find it brimming with onlookers.

Turning to Undertaker, you give him a small grin.

"I'm going to find my place within the competition, ok?" Undertaker kindly returns the smile before nodding his head in acknowledgment.

You manage to squeeze your way through the crowd, making it to the front of the platform safely. Unfortunately, you were met with a quite familiar face.

"Oh my!" said male exclaims, his eyes gleaming under the sunlight, "What a beautiful maiden that stands before me, no beauty can match yours, not even my sweet robin compares to you, an elegant swan."

What a fuck boy, you think to yourself, rolling your eyes in irritation.

"Yeah, well thanks for that Viscount Druitt, but could you please tell me where the contestants of the curry competition have to go?"

"You, a woman, a competitor in the curry festival?" Druitt laughs hearitly, "I see how that makes sense, considering women were practically born for the kitchen, well and taking care of the children." He continue laughing while you stand there, fuming. You swore, if this fucker said one more thing, shit was going to go down.

"Are you going to answer the question or what?" His laughter is cut short at your tone of voice. But before he can answer, he is cut off by another.

"(y/n)?" Was it seriously going to be this hard to find where you were supposed to go? At this rate, you were never going to be able to compete in the competition. You turn sharply, ready to cut a bitch, when you stop suddenly. There in front of you was none other than your master, Ciel Phantomhive. "What are you doing here, I thought you were with Undertaker?"

You smile meekly at the teen before you.

"Actually, I, um, I'm..." The rest of your sentence was lost as a deafening screech was emitted from a woman to your right. You look over to see another woman standing in front of her. The woman was beautiful nonetheless, her long raven locks gleamed under the afternoon sun, her creamy brown skin shone with youth.

She was also emitting purple light around her body as her eyes shone deep crimson.


What the fuck?  


so um hi there. So I had originally updated this story a couple days ago, but the thing is, I updated it on Quotev and not Wattpad. WhOOPsiES. Anyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed this update !! Also I just want to say that I am so sorry for not replying to some of the comments !! I see them but there are just so many that it's hard to reply to all. Also I don't want to offend anyone by replying to some but not all soooo ya. But all of the comments on here seriously crack me up, you guys are hilarious. Love you all !!! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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