Got You Henry Barrymore

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        "So it was Lord Barrymore the entire time?"
"Wow, I can't believe someone would do something like that." The voice of Mey-rin drifts from the side of the mansion. You walk up, knowing precisely what they were talking about.
Finny detaches himself from the conversation and turns to you with a smile. "Mornin' (y/n)!" This seems to alert the others of your presence. They too follow up with quick 'good mornings'. You smile at the crew. You had always loved the servants of the Phantomhive manor because they were always positive and outgoing. Your thoughts were interrupted by Bard who was grumbling about the events that had occurred last night. The other's moods went down drastically at the mention of last night. Before you can console your fellow servants, Sebastian appears carrying a basket and a bathing suit.
"What's all this moping for? This is a vacation after all." You giggle, leave it to Sebastian to make things better.
       You and Mey-rin stare at each other's bathing suits. "Oh Mey-rin, your bathing suit is so sexy on you!" She blushes and smiles shyly at the comment. "Now get out there and have fun!"
She nods and turns towards the curtains, fidgeting. Chuckling to yourself, you watch as Mey-rin stands before the entrance, embarrassed. "Go on girl, show them what you got!" She turns to you and gives you a curt nod. And with that, the curtains were flung open, revealing Mey-rin to the boys. 'Yasss, work it girl!' You smile deviously. You were totally going to transform Mey-rin into a sass queen. "Hehehehehehe..." Your evil moment was soon interrupted by Sebastian.
"You might want to try putting your suit on, Young Master is getting suspicious." Oh. Right. You sigh.
"Yeah I know, I know. I'll be out in a sec." Once Sebastian leaves you quickly change into your swim suit  and walk out to join the festivities. "TIME TO PARTAY!!!"
Time Skip (basically everything happened and now you were with pluto)
       Ever since arriving back at the Phantomhive manor, Pluto seemed to have taken a liking to you. You had somehow magically been able to finish your chores, allowing you to play with pluto in the garden. You were having the time of your life, your (h/l) (h/c) locks seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. You were chasing Pluto who kept tripping over his own feet. Your laughter rang out across the garden. Unbeknownst to you, three pairs of eyes were watching you with interest.

So sorry! I know this chapter is short but ya know school and that fun stuff -_- Anyways I hoped you enjoyed! And who was watching the gorgeous reader hmmmm...? ;) The image isn't really a hint but it kinda is... you'll see. Till' next time my lovelies...  

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