One Hell of a Day

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In no time you and Sebastian arrive at Ciel's manor. Sebastian finally lets you down, allowing you to stretch out your legs. You walk in through the front doors start walking towards Ciel's study. 'Wait till I tell him about what Elizabeth did...wait, what did she do again?' You halt mid-step. Ahhhhh shit, you've gone and forgotten what you were going to tell him. God damn your horrible memory. You continue to stand there trying to remember what had just occurred at Elizabeth's manor. Behind you, the servants watched you quietly. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. "ASKDJHFUERG! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Turning around you see Bardroy standing there in shock. "Oh! Hehe, hey there! Sorry bout that you just, ya know, scared the BAJEEBUS out of me, but ya, what chu' want fam?" He continued to stand there speechless. What? You get scared easily. After about 30 seconds he seemed to regain his composure.

"We were wondering if you needed any help miss, you seemed to be lost." You nod.

"Actually, I was just at Elizabeth's mansion when something crazy happened!... I just can't remember what it was." His brow furrows his face gaining a look of concentration.

"What is the last thing you remember?" You think back to the scene.

"Uhhh well, Elizabeth's maid had retrieved me from the kitchens and then I was in Elizabeth's room and then...OH!" Your loud outburst seemed to startle him. "OH, OH , OH! I KNOW! I REMEMBERED! OH THANK YOU SO MUCH!" And with that, you bolt towards the study leaving three dumbfounded servants behind you.


You burst into Ciel's study, out of breath. "CIIIIEEEEEELLLL!" His head snaps up quickly his eyes wide at the sudden intrusion. Once he sees that it's just you, he visibly relaxes. It takes him about 10 seconds to realize that you're not where you're supposed to be.

"What are you doing here! I specifically told you that you would serve for my fiancé, Lady Elizabeth!"

"I know, I know! I'm here for that exact reason! That bitc- *cough* I mean your fiancé Elizabeth tried to kill me!" Ciel stares at you for a good minute his face remaining emotionless.

"I suggest you quit trying to escape your assigned job and stop lying to me." You can feel your anger start to rise up. 'Keep it under control (y/n)'

"Now Ciel, I'm gonna say this one more time, your fiance Elizabeth, tried to kill me." You repeat slowly. With this, he turns away.

"Leave me, I do not have time for this nonsense. I have paperwork to do." Ciel was going to listen to you, and he was going to listen to you right now. BAM! You all his paperwork from his desk.

"You are going to listen to every GOD DAMNED WORD that leaves my mouth. Got it?" you don't even wait for a response, "good. It has only been one day. Uno día. And already I have been targeted to kill twice, got left with a hole the size of a fucking ping pong ball, and asked a bazillion questions. So let me set this straight for you, it has been a long day, if you get what I mean. So let me repeat this for you since you obviously have difficulties processing this. The bitch you call your fiancé, a.k.a Elizabeth tried to kill me." You straighten out your back, standing up straight. "Oh! Oh snap (y/n), you got him!' Thank god for your sass. Ciel manages a nod. He seemed a bit shaken. Wonder why? It's not like you threatened him or anything. You walk out like a boss and head towards your room.

-Time Skip to ya fab room-

When you arrive at your room you plop down immediately onto your bed. 'Uhhhhh. Need. Phone. Now' You eventually find it and decide to check if there was even any internet connection. Nope, but...I can still make phone calls? What? Eh, whatever at least you got that option. You decided to check your Instagram because even though you had no internet you could still see recent posts of before your internet was cut off. 'Oh look it's (b/f/n) [best friend name]! I miss him/her. Oooh, it's (crush/n) *blush* I miss him/her too. I wonder if he/she ever thinks of m- HOLD UP! HOLD UP! IS THAT (CRUSH/N) WITH JENNIFER! NOOOOOOO!' You and Jennifer had always been enemies. For as long as you could remember. How could she take (crush/n) away from you! "IMA KILL THAT BITCH!"

"And who may I ask is the unfortunate soul that you are to kill?" You look behind you. Sebastian stands there with an outfit.

"No one you would know just this girl that I HATE! but ya. I just saw a picture of her with my boyfriend/girlfriend soooo...I'm going to kill her when I see her again." The look on Sebastian's face is priceless. "You okay fam? You need some milk?" He shakes his head at your weird statements and continues whatever he was trying to do before.

"Anyways miss (y/n), I am here to deliver your uniform."

"NOOOOO DON'T TELL ME I"M GOING BACK TO HELL A.K.A SCHOOL!" You scream dramatically. Sebastian starts to chuckle.

"You? A girl? Go to school? I assure you not. This is your uniform as a Phantomhive maid." I knew it!

"Finally! I get to live the fanfiction life I've always imagined!" In your excitement, you end up hugging Sebastian, who stiffens under your arms. "Oh, you do not know how happy you have made me Sebastian! I could kiss you!" You instantly regret saying those words. Soon you both in an awkward situation. One which it is pin drop silent and you are still kind of hugging Sebastian. You quickly let go. You look up at his face to apologize only to stop. Was Sebastian, blushing? No, it couldn't be. Something was probably off with the lighting. "Weeeellllll, um, anyways I should probably get changed umm...." You awkwardly trail off.

"Of course, If you are need of assistance of anything call Mey-rin." and with that Sebastian was gone. 'Yeah, um I think I'm gonna get dressed now' Now to try to get this thing on.

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