Meeting Undertaker

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Hey guys, so sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoy!


Come see me already my dear (y/n)
~ Undertaker

Weeks had passed, and still, nothing new had occurred. Besides this note, you had just been cleaning the manor like every other day. It had become a normal routine by now. Wake up, clean, eat, clean, sleep, repeat.
You had thought about talking to Ciel once in awhile, but that would only upset him. So when you got this note from Undertaker, you were more than just a little excited. Finally, something interesting was going to happen!
You quickly finish your cleaning task at hand, sloppily wiping away dirt from the windows. You run as fast as you can back to your room to freshen up, before leaving.
You walk out of the manor without a second thought, a slight bounce in your step. Today was the day you finally met Undertaker.
Once you arrive to Undertaker's shop, you walk in without knocking. In all of your hurried excitement, you had forgotten to knock. Bad idea.
You are surprised to see Ciel and Sebastian inside with him. Wasn't Ciel supposed to be in his office working? You stare at the pair, slightly confused. Why would they be at Undertaker's? The only times they had gone to Undertaker's in the anime was to gather information on the-
"YOU WERE SOLVING A CASE WITHOUT ME?" you shout, startling everyone except Undertaker.
"Who is this Ciel?" A male voice carries out from next to Sebastian. The voice had a slight Indian accent, which could only mean one thing. Prince Soma and Agni were here.
"(y/n)? What are you doing here?" Ciel questions. You continue to glare at him. How many cases had gone by? And how had you not noticed when Prince Soma was staying in the manor?
"I could say the exact same thing, Ciel." You reply. Before he can say anything, Prince Soma interrupts.
"We were stopping by to make sure-um-Undertaker was doing okay." He replies meekly. He was terrible liar. You cross your arms, and jut one hip out.
"So you finished the case. Are you know participating in the Curry Festival, or have you already done that too?" All the guys, including Undertaker this time, stare at you, slightly dumbfounded.
"May I ask how you know this information (y/n)?" Ciel asks in a slightly irritated and surprised tone. You sigh irritably and continue to glare at Ciel.
"How many times have I told you this Ciel, I know almost everything about everyone." You drop your arms from your chest, and walk over to Undertaker, ignoring the multiple stares following you.
"Nice to finally meet you Undertaker, I'm (y/n) (l/n), as you already know." You stick your hand out in front of you for him to shake. He grabs your hand warmly, and shakes back, the smile on his face widening.
"The pleasure is all mine, my dear." You return the large smile, before slowly turning around to look at the other gentlemen. You walk over to Ciel and attempt to look him straight in the eyes. This action was quite difficult, considering he was a full head taller than you.
"I will forgive you Master on one condition." You state as seriously as you can. He simply raises an eyebrow, a sign you took as permission to continue. "You must allow me to accompany you during the Curry Festival competition." He remains silent for the first couple of seconds. Sighing, he drags a hand down his face tiredly. Looking closer at his face, you can see how tired he really was. A jolt of guilt shocks you. You're about to take back what you said, but he beats you to it.
"Sure." He replies curtly. Ignoring his tone, you stare at him dumbfounded. He was really letting you go? Your body moves on its own, closing in on Ciel. You wrap your arms tightly around him and place your face on his chest. His body tenses under your touch, but he makes no attempts to shake you off.
"Thank you Ciel." Three simple words, yet they seem to hold so much emotion. The statement, added on to the body contact, caused a rush of heat to rise onto to Ciel's cheeks. But you took no notice, slowly unwrapping your arms from around him.
You take a step back from the group and turn to Undertaker.
"Thank you for bringing me here Undertaker, I enjoyed my visit, 'till we meet again." And with that you exited the shop.
You awoke the next day, with the most amazing idea ever. What if you participated in the Curry Contest? Only problem was that there was nowhere you could make your curry (and you kind of didn't know how to make curry) Well there was one place you could go...
You arrive at Undertaker's shop 5 minutes later, slightly out of breath. Why Ciel had to live in the middle of nowhere? The world may never know...
This time you remember to knock, lightly rapping on the black door. You stand there for about 1 minute (and 30 seconds) before getting impatient. Opening the door slowly, you look around cautiously, before entering. Stepping into the building, you inspect each coffin along the walls. Undertaker was in one of them; it was just which one...
A light tap on the shoulder causes you to jump.
"OH MY LORD!" You scream in shock. Hand clutched to your chest you turn around to face Undertaker. "I highly advise you don't do that again, I have a habit of getting physical when spooked." Undertaker just giggles at your little outburst. You're about to ask if you could work here to practice making curry, when he stops you.
"Joke first my dear." You roll your eyes.
"Wasn't scaring the living daylights out of me amusing enough?" You question moodily.
"I'm afraid I need a little more than that my dearie." You sigh. You should have expected this after all. You scrunch your eyebrows together in concentration; you needed to think of a funny joke, and fast.
This proved to be quite a difficult task considering the time it as taking you to think of something actually funny. Most of your jokes sucked and were only funny because of how stupid they were. Undertaker had decided to go munch on some snacks and stare at you from behind a coffin. It really wasn't helping you think of anything knowing that there was a creepy man obsessed with death and laughing watching you from a coffin.
Finally, you manage to come up with a joke.
"Okay, I have a joke." Undertaker steps out of the coffin, smiling with anticipation. Taking a deep breath, you commence telling the joke. "What did the bartender say to the horse?" Undertaker just shrugs. "Why-", wait, what was it again? "Dammit," you say frustrated, "I forgot the answer." Undertaker's eyes widen, a small grin slowly makes way to his face.
Before you realize what was happening, Undertaker was rolling on the floor, tears streaming down his face. You didn't know what it was exactly that was so funny. Though you soon found yourself laughing along with him. Hoe could anyone now? His laugh was so contagious.
You both finally calm down, small hiccups of laughs escaping here and there.
"What is it you were trying to ask me before dearie?" Undertaker eventually asks. Oh right! You had almost completely forgot about why you had come here in the first place.
"I need a place to practice making curry and I was wondering if I could practice here." You say cheerily.
"Hmmm?" Undertaker stares at you curiously. Which was understandable. He probably didn't get teenage girls coming in to ask if they could practice making curry in his funeral parlor. "I don't see why not." He finally answers.
"Thanks my dude! You really saved me here!" you exclaim in excitement, "Do you think I could start practicing today?" He shrugs.
"I don't see why not. I would like some company once in awhile dearie." You hurriedly gather your stuff and shove the door open.
"Okay I'll be back in a couple of minutes, gotta go get the stuff from the manor." And with that you were gone.
(Time skip)
You hurry down the street, arms full of spices and ingredients. Unfortunately for you, the road was PACKED with pedestrians. Ughhhh, move people!
"Excuse me." You say as politely as you could muster. The people in front of you made no move if letting you pass. Maybe they hadn't heard you? You decided to ask again. "Excuse me Ma'am, Sir, could I just squeeze through you two?" The couple in front of you continued to ignore you. Your patience was wearing thin. "EXCUSE ME." You say slightly, just slightly, louder than the first times. You here the woman scoff, but still, they refuse to make any space for you. Stay calm (y/n), lets deal with this rationally. What was something you could say that would definitely make them move? Hmmm...? Oh!
"MOVE I'VE SHIT MY PANTS OR DRESS, WHATEVER, ANYWAYS IT'S RUNNING DOWN MY LEGS, AND- OH MY GOD IT'S EVERYWHERE! MY SHIT IS EVERYWHERE!" This statement proved successful, for people were definitely moving for you to pass now.

As you reach Undertaker's the realization of what you just did hit you like a brick. You quickly run into the shop, cheeks burning. What I someone you knew was there? What if they saw you!? You just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Unbeknownst to you, Undertaker was right there, watching your little mental breakdown.
"I have to say dear (y/n), your methods of getting through traffic are spectacular." You gape at the man, horrified. He had seen you!? You briskly walk by him, your cheeks turning even redder. Angrily you stomp to the back of the shop, Undertaker's laughter following you.

Hey guys, so since I've been rally busy lately, it took me longer than usual to publish this chapter. That is why I made it so long, I felt bad for abandoning you guys. So I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter (sorry if it sucked), and just to let you guys know, I'm going to try to make a Christmas special chapter (I'm really sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas, please forgive me ;-;) but I can't guarantee anything. I've been super busy lately, so don't get your hopes up to high (I would hate it if I disappointed you guys) Anyways, until next time...

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