I Need a Nap

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Ciel stares at the ground in front of you, mouth agape, eyes wide with horror.

"(Y/n)! Please!" Alois begs, tears in his eyes. "All of this just because we won't tell you what we were talking about?!" You shake your head at his statement, smirking.

"I don't think you guys full get it." You say, continuing your 'torture', "Not only have you irritated me beyond belief by screaming at each other, then not telling me what about. You have also given me extra chores, which I must complete by the end of the day along with my other chores. And I. Hate. Chores." You say the last part ripping the rest of one of many booty shorts.

You had already poured all of Ciel's limited edition earl grey tea, made by the queen herself as a gift, all over the rug.

"Fine, we'll tell you what we were talking about!" You turn towards Ciel. Stopping mid-rip, you laugh deviously. 

Hands on your hips, you stand over him. "Hmmmm, finally gonna tell me, are you?" You say teasingly, "But that's not enough. I will stop destroying this stuff if you agree to clean up the mess created in this room, no demons."

Alois crawls on his knees in front of you. "Consider it done." You see Ciel's face twitch in annoyance at being helpless.

"Ciel?" You call out in a sickly sweet voice. He sighs, clearly annoyed.

He reluctantly faces you. "If that is what must be done." You clap and smile, your previous behavior disappearing almost instantly.

"Good, good! Now what was being discussed earlier here?"


Your eyes widen, taken aback but his sudden answer. You turn to Sebastian slightly confused. "Excuse me?"

"We were talking about you." You look closely at the boys around you, all looking slightly uncomfortable. The fact that they were having some huge heated argument over you gave you a strange tickling sensation at the bottom of your stomach. Other than that, you didn't really see the the reason they were so scared to tell you that they were talking about you. (Oh oblivious you) 

"Um, ok?..." Your statement came out in the form of a question. "I don't see why you guys were so adamant on keeping that a secret from me." You shrug your shoulders. "Eh, whatever have fun cleaning up this mess." And with that you exited the room.

~Ciel's POV~ (Ooooh Ciel's POV. Sorry if this sucks I'm not used to switching POV's with the characters so bear with me)
Ciel would never admit it but he had started feeling strange around the new maid (Y/N). The way she handled everything with confidence and superiority, as if she were queen and he and the others her pawns. Though he knew that maids were not supposed to behave in the manner she did, something about her made it okay. Something about her... Sebastian had told him that she was special. Extremely special. Sebastian had refused to tell him why but something told him he would find out later in time. When Alois had shown up demanding he take (Y/N), Ciel had felt an unexplainable amount of rage boil up. The amount of control (Y/N) had over him annoyed and shocked him. He had thought of firing her for a time being, but when the time came he realized something. He did not want her to leave him.

~(Y/N)'s POV~
It took those boys almost 2 hours to clean that room. Humph, serves them right. You were sweeping the carpets, when Alois and Claude pass you on their way out. 'Please don't see me, please don't see me' Your prayers went unheard for Alois crouched down in front of you. This boy better back the fuck up. Alois swiftly grabs your face in his hands, his own face shadowed by an unknown emotion.

"I will make you mine, dear (Y/N)." You immediately slap his hands away, shocking him. Apparently he thought that you would be too shocked to move or something. Bitch, try me.

"Touch me again Alois Trancy, and I will personally break every ten fingers." You stand up quickly and poke Alois in the chest with the broom. "Now leave." Not waiting for his response, you walk away. Ugh, you needed a nap. Before you could even take a step towards your room, you hear Ciel call for you. You tiredly make your wan into his office where all the other servants are. Ciel sits in front of you guys next to a camera, instantly sparking your interest. This was going to be fun. Ciel gestures to said object.

"I need you all to take a picture of Sebastian for me." Definitely fun.

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