Wait...I Have to Clean? NOOOO!

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You stare at your reflection in the mirror. Dayum I actually look pretty good in this outfit! You finish tying your boot laces and walk out of your room. You decide to head to the kitchen, maybe Sebastian would be there and if not at least you would get some free food. You pass a window to see it is already dark outside. The day is almost over. Finally! You would get some sleep soon! You make it to the kitchen eventually and inside you find Sebastian preparing tonight's dinner. He was dusting some sugar over a cake when the smell of cooked beef interrupted him. He brushes the sugar from his hands and turns to attend to the cooking beef. This was your chance. As he was turned away from the cake you snuck up to it. You were just going to take a small taste. Slowly your hand hovers over the cake. I'll just take a small little piece, yeah that's right, just a small piece (y/n) You are just about to wipe off some frosting when you stop. Fuck it, might as well. And in a flash, you had grabbed the cake and ran as fast as you could out of the kitchen. You make it to your room quickly and slam the door behind you. Where would you hide this? Suddenly it struck you, hide it in the shower! You quickly run in and place the cake in the shower. There, perfect. You suddenly realized that Sebastian was probably waiting for you. With that, you head back towards the kitchens.

You arrive at the kitchens to see everything ready and prepared. "I'm here Sebastian!" You say with an excited smile. He looks over at you, then glances at his pocket watch.

"You are quite late (y/n), next time I suggest being on time." You nod your head quickly. Wait, how has he not noticed the cake missing? You got a bad feeling in your gut. "If you would please follow me (y/n), I will lead you to the dining room. You nod and follow him.

Arriving at the Dining Room, you spot Ciel sitting at the head of the table. "DINNER TIME!" You yell. Everyone, including Finny and Mey-rin, stare at you confused. Sebastian just shakes his head and starts naming what dinner was. After about 5 minutes of Sebastian naming what Ciel would be eating, Bardroy wheels in the food in platters. Mmmmm, it smelled soooo gooood! Sebastian careful places the food in front of Ciel and uncovers the food. He takes a bite of the food and chews slowly.

"It's acceptable I guess." You shake your head in disproval.

"Ciel, you should be more grateful for the food you are given every night. If you will not eat your food I will gladly eat it for you." Ciel looks at me shocked and angered.

"Excuse me! You will not eat my food! I will it what I like when I want it!" You cross your arms and look at him sternly. Time for mama (y/n) to teach Ciel a lesson.

"Ciel, there are many hungry kids your age out there on the streets of London who would trade an arm and a leg to eat what you're eating currently. So you will either eat your food gratefully or go to bed without any dessert." Ciel quickly stands up from his seat. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Sebastian smirking.

"It is not my fault that they are peasants, if they are so hungry why don't they work any harder! And you are not my mother you respect me as your master. You do not command me!" You cluck your tongue and shake your head.

"Okay then 'master', 1) those poor kids work the butts off to make money for their family, they work all day, every day just to supply a loaf of bread for their family and 2) those kids living in poverty did not choose to be poor, they were born into it. Just like you were born into a rich family. If you were born to a poor family you would understand." At this Ciel's face gets a slight red hue. You just sigh, you were tired and just wanted to go to bed. "Just, please eat your food gratefully." You can feel many pairs of eyes burning into your back. Ciel must sense your change of attitude because he sits without arguing and continues to eat with no complaint. When it comes to dessert your curiosity spikes. Sebastian picks up one last platter. You swear that he smirks at you before presenting the dessert. You gasp. It was the same cake you had stolen. NO! DAMMIT! You were looking forward to eating that later. You sit there and pout as Ciel finishes eating the cake. You could feel Sebastian watching you once again, amused.

You stomp up the stairs to your room, still upset about your loss of cake. You enter your room, only to see Sebastian and Ciel sitting on your bed. "What the hell is you doin' in my room?" You ask slightly annoyed at the invasion of privacy. Sebastian turns to answer you, but before he can answer you attack. "WHAT ARE YE DOIN' WITH MY PHONE YOU MOFO, YO BETTER HAVE NOT MESSED WITH MY SHIT!" Ciel had been looking around your phone. You jump on top of him and snatch the phone out of his hand. "How did you even get into my phone, did Sebastian figure out the password, like what?" As you were ranting you failed to notice the you were in with Ciel. A small cough from behind you brings your attention back to the present. You look down to see Ciel blushing. Wonder what was with him. You slide off him and tuck your phone into your bra. You look up to see both boys blushing from your actions and gazing at your boobs. You snap your fingers in their faces. "Listen I know I got some fantastic boobies, but I asked you a question I would like you to answer. What were you doing in my room on my phone?" They snap out of it, blushing even harder. "Um, w-well, we were c-curious about you, so we decided to investigate further." Ciel answers, unable to meet your eye. You nod your head.

"Okay well this is a phone and it is much better than that huge monstrous chunky 'thing' you call a phone."

"Where can we get one?" Oh no! (y/n) you idiot, how were you going to lie now? Okay you got this, you were an amazing liar, just make something up!

"You can't" Oh God! No, no it's okay. It was just a small slip up, you can still pull this off (y/n)!

"And why on earth not?"

"Because it's from the future." Okay seriously, you needed to work on your lying skills. You were probably the worst fucking liar in the world.

"What do you mean it's from the future?" This time it's Sebastian who asks the question. You sigh. Might as well just tell them.

"I might be from the future and also from another universe, solo yeah!" You say as cheerily as you can. They stand there dumbfounded. Ciel starts to open his mouth when you shush him with a finger. "We will discuss this later, right now I sleep." With that, you turn around. "I suggest you leave now, unless you want to see me undress." That sends them out quickly. You undress and slip into your nightgown. You fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.

A Trip Back in Time (Black Butler X Modern!reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora